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© 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 1 VLSI Architectures 048878 Lecture 2: Theoretical Aspects (S&F 2.5) Data Flow Structures.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 1 VLSI Architectures 048878 Lecture 2: Theoretical Aspects (S&F 2.5) Data Flow Structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 1 VLSI Architectures 048878 Lecture 2: Theoretical Aspects (S&F 2.5) Data Flow Structures (S&F 3) Performance (S&F Ch. 4)

2 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 2 Classification of Async Circuits Self-timed (ST) –Requires some timing assumptions Speed-independent (SI) –Zero (ideal) wire delay, arbitrary gate delay Delay-insensitive (DI) –Arbitrary delays (gates and wires) Quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI) –DI with the Isochronic Fork assumption –Theoretically equivalent to SI SI and DI are mathematically provable

3 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 3 Speed Independence A gate (Boolean function) is either: –Stable, or –Excited (inputs have changed and the output should also change to satisfy the Boolean function) A gate “fires”  the output is changed An excited gate eventually fires and become stable. SI means: Firing of one gate must never cause another excited gate to become stable without firing.

4 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 4 Data Flow Structures Abstraction similar to sync RTL –Likewise, described by either schematics or HDL Applies to all (3) handshake protocols, but we assume 4- phase –Alternating VALID / EMPTY tokens Assume handshake latches and handshake-ignorant function blocks –Recall token flow rulestoken flow rules

5 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 5 Abstract Pipeline Bubbles Tokens Valid (0 or 1, who cares) and Empty tokens Transparent function blocks (don’t change token flow, only introduce some delays) EVVEE

6 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 6 Abstract Rings 3 stages, 1 bubble: –3 steps for token round –6 steps to cycle VEV VEE VVE EVE token bubble

7 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 7 Abstract Rings 4 stages, 2 bubbles: –How many steps to cycle ? An added latch did not change the function (unlike sync pipe) VEEV VVEE EVVE VVEE

8 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 8 Building Blocks LatchSourceSink ForkJoin (wait for all) Merge (wait for one) MUX 0 1 DEMUX 0 1 Function Block (Join; CL; Fork)

9 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 9 Example

10 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 10 Example: t0 E E E EV E E EE V

11 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 11 Example: t1 V E E EV E E EE V

12 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 12 Example: t2 V V E EV E E EV E

13 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 13 Example: t3 E V V EV E E VV E

14 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 14 Example: t4 E E V EE E E VE

15 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 15 Example: t5 E E V VE V E VE

16 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 16 Example: t6 E E E VE V V VE

17 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 17 Example: t7 E E E VV V V EE V

18 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 18 Example: t8 E E E EV E V EE

19 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 19 Example: t9 E E E EV E E EE

20 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 20 Example: t10 E E E EV E E EE E

21 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 21 Example: t11 E E E EV E E EE

22 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 22 Another Ring: Simple FSM EV F E Next StatePresent State InputOutput

23 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 23 Another Ring: Iterative Computation EE F E InputOutput 0 1 0 1 EE F1F2F3 Arbitrary piping also works:

24 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 24 Latches don’t foul the pipe! Don’t try this with sync circuits!

25 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 25 IF statement if then else 01 TRUE PART FALSE PART 01 COND Combinational logic, or latches may be added

26 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 26 FOR statement for do BODY 01 COUNT 01 E0 One handshake here Results in COUNT handshakes here [1x(COUNT-1) + 0] Warning: Not all latches are shown

27 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 27 WHILE statement while do BODY 01 COND 01 E0

28 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 28 Async GCD input (a, b); while a  b do if a > b then a  a-b ; else b  b-a ; output (a);

29 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 29 Async GCD input (a, b); while a  b do if a > b then a  a-b ; else b  b-a ; output (a); 0 1 B-A A-B 0 1 E A>B E 0 1 0 1 E0 E ABAB 1 1 A,B GCD(A,B) if

30 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 30 Performance Sync performance analysis is simple: –Check all register-to-register paths –Static Timing Analysis –Dynamic simulations only check correctness, not performance Async performance analysis is COMPLEX: –Many cycles –Data dependent delays –Dependency on environment and initialization –Not guaranteed to have a solution We will only consider simple examples… –Qualitative, then quantitative

31 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 31 FIFO Performance: 2N on 2N

32 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 32 FIFO Performance 2N=6 tokens (N Valid, N Empty) 2N=6 latches 2N=6 steps to move all tokens one step to the right But is it the best we can do with 2N latches? Let’s try a fast sink.

33 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 33 E3E2EEE3EE22E3E2E1 1 EE33EE 4 44EE33 FIFO Performance: Fast sink (N on 2N) E3E22E E E33EE2 2 4EE33E 4 E E44EE3 3 EE44EE E E 5

34 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 34 FIFO Performance Fast sink: –Tokens spread out –Bubble every other stage –Only N tokens in 2N stages –One step to move every token to the right Let’s try to add stages (same # of tokens)

35 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 35 FIFO Performance: 2N on 3N 3N=9 stages 2N tokens (N Valid, N Empty) + N bubbles Only 2 steps to move every token one stage to the right

36 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 36 Shift Register + Parallel Load CTL=0 token: –Parallel load –Old values to sink latches –Valid din[0] to output CTL=1 token: –Shift right –Valid token output CTL=Empty token –Shift right –Empty token output Two performance issues: –Too few bubbles –High fanout on CTL Time Large C-element for ACK E d3 0 1 0 1 E d2 0 1 0 1 E d1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do ctl

37 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 37 Shift Register + Parallel Load Buffers added in the CTL path –Solves both issues together E d3 0 1 0 1 E d2 0 1 0 1 E d1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do ctl Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 Ed1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do ctl EEE

38 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 38 E0 0 1 0 1 E0 0 1 0 1 E0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do 0EE ctl 0 E0 0 1 0 1 E0 0 1 0 1 d1 E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do 00E 0 d3E 0 1 0 1 d2E 0 1 0 1 d1E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 din[1]din[2]din[3]din[0] do 000 0 … Parallel Load (CTL=0) Enabled, move not shown

39 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 39 din, CTL Empty (slow consumer) … d3E 0 1 0 1 d2E 0 1 0 1 d1E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE E, do E00 E Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 Ed1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE E, do EEE E

40 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 40 Slow Shift (CTL=1; CTL=E) Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 Ed1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE d1, E,do 1EE 1 … 0E 0 1 0 1 d3E 0 1 0 1 d2E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE d1, E,do 111 1 … E0 0 1 0 1 Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE E,d1, E,do EEE E

41 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 41 Fast Shift (CTL=1;E;1;E…) Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 Ed1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE d1, E,do 1EE 1 Ed3 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE E,d1, E,do E1E E Ed3 0 1 0 1 E 0 1 0 1 Ed2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE d2, E,d1, E,do 1E1 1 0E 0 1 0 1 Ed3 0 1 0 1 E 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 EEEE E,d2, E,d1, E,do E1E E

42 © 2002-2009 Ran GinosarAsynchronous Design and Synchronization 42 Shift Register Behavior Dynamic, depends on relative timing of Consumer and the shifter Every stage has 2 tokens Slow consumer: CTL has bubbles Fast consumer: CTL has tokens Nothing (V,E) moves without a CTL token

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