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Velocity & Real Income: More Realism. Rising Real Income  Increases in capital stocks  Increases in population  Increases in other factors of production.

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Presentation on theme: "Velocity & Real Income: More Realism. Rising Real Income  Increases in capital stocks  Increases in population  Increases in other factors of production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Velocity & Real Income: More Realism

2 Rising Real Income  Increases in capital stocks  Increases in population  Increases in other factors of production  Rising productivity

3 More Goods  More goods & services coming into markets  Means more money must be spent to buy them  If V is slow to adapt, M must be expanded  Otherwise?

4 Recessions  Output shrinking => fewer goods and services, or at least a slowing growth rate, coming into markets  Again, if V is slow to adapt, the rate of growth of M can be slowed

5 Monetary Policy in Action  The central bank must be able to predict the cycles of y to adapt the money supply growth rate  M/y is a vital indicator  The task is impossible, but an approximation sometimes works

6 How Constant is V?  Assume inflation is 60%  If V = 6, as before, dollars sit 2 months between uses  At the end of 2 months, the dollars have lost 10% of their purchasing power.  Do dollars really sit for 2 months?

7 Expected Inflation  The operative variable is not inflation as measured, but inflation as expected by the public  Can that be measured?  No, but it can be estimated  It is a powerful operator

8 Expectations  What do you think happens to V if most people believe inflation is coming or getting worse?  OK, but why would so many people suddenly believe that?  This doesn’t “just happen”

9 Source of Inflation?  Remember what causes inflation  People are smart about their money  Professor Inflation  Rational expectations

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