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An introduction to management ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  One definition The creation of conditions that allow the effective use of resources.

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to management ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  One definition The creation of conditions that allow the effective use of resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to management ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  One definition The creation of conditions that allow the effective use of resources (human, financial, material, equipment, technical …) to achieve a specified goal.  A functional definition Planning roleExecutive role ForecastingMotivating PlanningControlling OrganisingCoordinating Communicating After Henri Fayol (1841-1925)

2 The development of modern (western) management ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  A 20 th Century phenomenon The concept of management as a separate discipline Though earlier work e.g. Machiavelli now recognised as “management” theory  Dominance of US & European work on UK practices Though more recently far eastern work from earlier and recent times has had an impact – China and Japan Even non English language work from Europe ignored for many years

3 The development of modern management theory ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  The early aims The search for the “one best way” Universally applicable rules for effective management Manager’s role largely limited to establishing physical conditions and pay levels for efficient production  The current view A “contingency” or “situational” view Particular circumstances will influence what constitutes effective management Manager’s role extended to include social, psychological, organisational and environmental issues

4 Management roles in the construction industry ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  Three basic roles All managers may be called upon to fill – sometimes simultaneously!  Business management Financial, strategic, legal, personnel etc…  Project management Meeting time, cost and quality targets  Personal management Time management, career development, CPD etc…

5 Management roles in the construction industry ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT  Some management roles Architect leading design team, contractor’s MD & site agent, subcontractor’s foreman, window manufacturer’s factory manager for, self-employed jobbing builder etc, …  The contingent variables Who and how many they manage – relative status, “span of control”, stability of workforce, authority/sanction etc… Tasks and functions they manage – technical demands, creative vs routine, strategic vs tactical, location etc… Structures within which they manage – formality of organisation, communication paths, depth of hierarchy, social and group effects etc…

6 Further reading ARBE 121 – INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT General management texts cover the development of theory as applied to various aspects of the manager’s roles e.g. Management, John Naylor and Management, Robert Kreitner For a construction specific view of these issues look at the early chapters of e.g.: The practice of construction management, Barry Fryer and Management for the construction industry, Stephen Lavender

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