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Colour composites Dr Nigel Trodd Coventry University.

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Presentation on theme: "Colour composites Dr Nigel Trodd Coventry University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colour composites Dr Nigel Trodd Coventry University

2 Single band of data l grey levels correspond to digital numbers (DN)

3 Multispectral colour composite l 3 gun monitor l 1 band of data displayed thru’ 1 colour gun

4 Multiband selection


6 Landsat ETM+ spectral regionrole 1 Bluemap shallow water bodies, identify forest type 2 Greendiscriminate vegetation & assess vigour, detect man-made objects 3 Redidentify plant species & phenological status, detect man- made objects 4 Very Near IRIdentify plant species, assess vigour & estimate biomass, delineate water bodies, estimate soil moisture 5 Short Wave IRdelineate water bodies, estimate vegetation & soil moisture, differentiate snow from cloud cover 6 Thermal IRestimate soil moisture, analyse vegetation stress 7 Short Wave IRIdentify rock type & mineralisation, estimate vegetation moisture Panchromaticdetect objects, locate boundaries

7 Mapping coastal waters spectral regionrole 1 Bluemap shallow water bodies, identify forest type 2 Greendiscriminate vegetation & assess vigour, detect man-made objects 3 Redidentify plant species & phenological status, detect man- made objects 4 Very Near IRIdentify plant species, assess vigour & estimate biomass, delineate water bodies, estimate soil moisture 5 Short Wave IRdelineate water bodies, estimate vegetation & soil moisture, differentiate snow from cloud cover 6 Thermal IRestimate soil moisture, analyse vegetation stress 7 Short Wave IRIdentify rock type & mineralisation, estimate vegetation moisture Panchromaticdetect objects, locate boundaries



10 Monitoring crops spectral regionrole 1 Bluemap shallow water bodies, identify forest type 2 Greendiscriminate vegetation & assess vigour, detect man-made objects 3 Redidentify plant species & phenological status, detect man- made objects 4 Very Near IRIdentify plant species, assess vigour & estimate biomass, delineate water bodies, estimate soil moisture 5 Short Wave IRdelineate water bodies, estimate vegetation & soil moisture, differentiate snow from cloud cover 6 Thermal IRestimate soil moisture, analyse vegetation stress 7 Short Wave IRIdentify rock type & mineralisation, estimate vegetation moisture Panchromaticdetect objects, locate boundaries



13 Mapping urban areas spectral regionrole 1 Bluemap shallow water bodies, identify forest type 2 Greendiscriminate vegetation & assess vigour, detect man-made objects 3 Redidentify plant species & phenological status, detect man- made objects 4 Very Near IRIdentify plant species, assess vigour & estimate biomass, delineate water bodies, estimate soil moisture 5 Short Wave IRdelineate water bodies, estimate vegetation & soil moisture, differentiate snow from cloud cover 6 Thermal IRestimate soil moisture, analyse vegetation stress, thermal mapping 7 Short Wave IRIdentify rock type & mineralisation, estimate vegetation moisture Panchromaticdetect objects, locate boundaries



16 Summary: 3 steps 1. Identify individual waveband(s) 2. Combine (upto) 3 bands 3. Allocate one band of data to one colour gun

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