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Remote Visualization Explorations of Ajax & Web Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Remote Visualization Explorations of Ajax & Web Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remote Visualization Explorations of Ajax & Web Services

2 Overview  Yahoo Pipes AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) Dynamic Workflow Visualization  Charge Density Visualization Client  Image Generating Servlet  Portlet Interface  JavaScript 3D  Introduction to Visualization (China 2007)

3 Yahoo Pipes Review  Dynamic workflow generation focus of VLab requires an intuitive interface  Allow user to observe, modify, and create workflows  Yahoo Pipes offers an attractive workflow generation interface 

4 Pipes Review  Initial Reaction  Slow, Slow, Slow  Recently, yahoo has improved the performance of the object connector animations.

5 Light Weight Pipes Remake  Prototyped light weight version  wiki/index.php?title=AJAX_Scientfic_Workflo w_Application:Developer_Guide wiki/index.php?title=AJAX_Scientfic_Workflo w_Application:Developer_Guide wiki/index.php?title=AJAX_Scientfic_Workflo w_Application:Developer_Guide  Built on and Prototype JavaScript libraries.  Famously integrated into Ruby on Rails

6 Charge Density Visualization Client (CDC)  VLab Portal using Gridsphere 2.1  Visualization Services automatically generated by WATT (Web Automation Translation Toolkit) Compiler  Web Service accessed via Servlet  Servlet Accessed via JSR-168 Portlet

7 Charge Density Servlet  Technologies: Maven2, WSDL2Java, Java Servlet Library, Java Reflection Libraries  Three Outputs  text/HTML  img/png  500 Internal Server Error w/ Msg  Access using query string 

8 Charge Density Portlet Custom JavaScript object interacts with the CDC Servlet Features Quick Views Custom Views Atoms, Volume, Contours, Cut Plane, & Bounding Box On/Off switches

9 JavaScript 3D  Motivation : Charge Density Client  Need an intuitive way to do custom rotations of visualization  Limitations  JavaScripts inherently poor performance  Limited information about the visualized data  Poor cross-browser compatibility

10 JavaScript 3D Implementation  Started with pre-built 2D vector graphics library written by Walter Zorn.   Implemented basic 3D geometry projections  Implemented basic 3D geometry point rotations  Used point project and rotation to create cube and sphere objects  Integrated vector graphics library to draw lines to each projected 2D point

11 JavaScript 3D Next Step  Future work will deal with integrating event listeners to perform trackball style rotations based on user mouse interactions with 3D canvas.  Performance Optimizations to make this application viable on today's browsers and computers

12 Introduction to Visualization  Spent month in china working with various students and professors  Gave presentation on visualization  Importance of Visualization  Common Tools  Tool Demos  Common Techniques  Get materials online 

13 Conclusion  Yahoo Pipes Review  Charge Density Client Interface  JavaScript 3D  Introduction to Visualization Presentation

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