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Advanced VLSI Design Project Verification Bobby Dixon ELEC 7770-001.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced VLSI Design Project Verification Bobby Dixon ELEC 7770-001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced VLSI Design Project Verification Bobby Dixon ELEC 7770-001

2 What is Verification Act of proving or disproving the correctness of a system with respect to strict specifications regarding the system Process used to demonstrate functional correctness of a design

3 Cost of Verification Can vary depending on form and method of verification Also depends on what level of VLSI realization it is conducted Cost of verification [1]

4 Basic Idea Given specifications, does design do what was specified ?

5 Forms of Verification Simulation: verify selected cases of design functionality Formal: exhaustively verifies all behavior of design Used a mix of specification justification and functional demonstration

6 Component Verification During design phase each component drawn up according to specification Specifications verified to meet requirements Components to be exact replication of architecture specification

7 Component Verification Each component separately simulated All input and output exhaustively tested Functions checked and errors corrected

8 Testbench A virtual environment used to verify the correctness of a design Create a circuit that will provide input stimuli for a design and check the output response for proper function CUT TESTBENCH

9 Testbench Consists of four components: –Input: stimuli needed for testbench to function –Job: applies stimuli to model under test –Check: retrieves output and analyzes –Output: takes analysis and acts accordingly Not part of actual design

10 Memory Verification Used testbench to verify memory component Marched through address space writing and reading values to check function Memory TESTBENCH

11 CPU Verification Top level made up of every component plus the needed signals to connect and drive respective components Formal verification at this level not an option

12 CPU Verification Test program to functionally verify all possible CPU operations Each operation’s output was checked for correctness 100100100011 000100111010 111000011111 000000011111 110000011111 111100000000 CPU

13 References 1. Dr. C. Stroud, ELEC 6970 Lecture 1 Auburn University, Fall 2006 2. Dr. V. Agrawal, ELEC 7770 Lecture 6 Auburn University, Spring 2007

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