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Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Trigger Simulation Report Mike Hildreth & Ela Barberis for the Run IIb Trigger Simulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Trigger Simulation Report Mike Hildreth & Ela Barberis for the Run IIb Trigger Simulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Trigger Simulation Report Mike Hildreth & Ela Barberis for the Run IIb Trigger Simulation Group

2 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Simulation Components 1. L1Cal - Completely new capabilities - new architecture 2. L1CTT - “Drop-in” replacement - same architecture 4. AFEII - potentially more powerful (offline) - potentially cleaner trigger thresholds (online) 3. L1CalTrk - completely new

3 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Simulation Status L1CAL: –introductory version of code which runs in Trisgim framework “sliding windows” algorithm implemented for –jets –electrons (includes isolation algorithm, E/H) –hadronic taus? (includes isolation, E/H) produces “object-level” tuple for analysis

4 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Simulation Status L1CTT: –Existing simulation uses “old” L1CTT Equation format and runs in Trigsim framework can only run one p T bin at a time produces “object-level” tuple for analysis –Will be upgraded (soon) to take LVDT equations directly, run all 4 p T bins insertion back into Trigsim will be much easier

5 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Simulation Status L1TrkCal: –code being modified from existing L1Muo tools –architecture/uses completely open at this point –detailed simulations of L1CTT and L1CAL needed to decide what decisions are useful in L1TrkCal

6 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Simulation Status New round of MC events being generated –(last set was p11) –p15, as-built CFT geometry –7.5 poisson average minbias (~2E32@396ns) –QCD samples at varying p T (~200k events) nearly done –Signal samples specified by physics groups done soon These events will allow us to define L1 Trigger Terms over the coming months (First shot by ~summer)

7 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting Run IIb Trigger Studies Plan At this time, we plan to incorporate L1MUO with the Run IIb versions of L1CTT, L1CAL, L1TrkCal in a single framework job (may or may not be Trigsim) –“object” tuples will be produced for each event allows cross-correlation of trigger objects to correctly calculate combined efficiencies/rejections rate estimates from background QCD samples –Performance on Physics Signals will lead to a new set of L1 Trigger Terms that will need to be implemented when the new triggers are installed analyzers from Physics Groups Needed more flexibility in the trigger hardware design than the number of terms in the L1 Trigger Framework! –some winnowing will be necessary…

8 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting AFE II Studies 1. Determination of CFT light yield from Data (~Done) - needed as input to realistically model improvements/effects from: -- radiation damage -- rate-dependence of VLPC gain -- gains from tighter thresholds with AFE II 2. Implementation of realistic light yields, threshold and gain distributions in MC - almost finished now with results of Data studies - will have correct distributions of gains, thresholds, etc., which can be varied to match current and future CFT Preliminary Work:

9 Feb 26, 2004 Mike Hildreth – DØ Collaboration Meeting AFE II Studies 3. Tests of new AFE II capabilities - timing  z measurement (Demonstrated x2 faster code!) - cluster splitting, etc. (not done yet) - demonstration of “Physics case” for baseline b-tagging analysis (not done yet) Comment: hardware issues with current AFE performance at high data rates may be the dominant factor in AFE decision…

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