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Pastoralist and Development Eritrean Map. Background and Context Analysis, 1/3 of the Eritrea populations are estimated to be pastoralists. The Eastern.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoralist and Development Eritrean Map. Background and Context Analysis, 1/3 of the Eritrea populations are estimated to be pastoralists. The Eastern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoralist and Development Eritrean Map

2 Background and Context Analysis, 1/3 of the Eritrea populations are estimated to be pastoralists. The Eastern and Western arid and semi arid Lowlands are highly dominated by pastoralists. Pastoralists adapted itself to the fragile and drought prone ecosystems. The Italian and British colonies did none either on serving or on ruling the pastoralists and their lands. During the Eritrean struggle for independence (1961-1991) the pastoralist were highly affected by war detergence. The Recent Ethio-Eritrean border war cause:- more pastoralist displacement, makes cross boards herding impossible, left over 1,000,000 mines in grazing lands Created flow of deportees to fertile lands.

3 Pastoralists in Action





8 The Development and rehabilitation programs, Eritrea on rehabilitation and development process The development programs focus on education, health, infrastructure and food security Rehabilitation was mainly on Communities Developments as:- Army demobilizations, Returnee's resettlement, Pastoralists, resettlement to fixed villages Developments agencies defused resources on the programs. These enable the government to expand programs. As a result the education services growth by 215% and the health services grow in almost similar rate. Mechanization introduced in the farming system Demobilization and resettlement process accelerated.

9 Development and Rehabilitation




13 Development and Rehabilitation approaches The development approaches. 1.Supporting ( E.g. food aid,). 2.Guiding ( pre-request for support. E.g. Re- structural adjustment) 3.Ruling/ Ordering (E.g. pastoralist resettlements). 4.Following (supporting on going activities.) 5.Enabling ( responding to community needs) 6.Stimuli (provoking community to act positively as a result of consciousness raising

14 Participation, Participation categories, 1.Physical participation (attending meetings, listing to orders) 2.Beneficiary participation ( Eg, food aid, food for work,) 3.Technical participation ( gaining skills, Eg. Vocational training, 4.Behavioral participation is a meaning full participation by heart, head and feet's. This could be attained by :- Provoking the community/ individual to stimuli/respond Integrate in the community cultural practices believes and altitudes. Teaching real skills as vocational skills, information technology. Attracting the community to adapt your skill

15 Impact of the programs and reaction Farming expansions and Resettlement created a huge computation on resources sharing. These cause loose of:- Grazing land, Forest trees, Pasture Water Wield life Herding skills

16 Reflection The palm tree lives serve people and livestock. However the orange fruits are only for rich people… ( Mussa Ali )

17 Reflection Trees are against development. We are spending huge money on clearing land Co,farmers group)

18 Reflection Farmers need the land for three months only but we need it for ever.“

19 Reflection “we are loosing the most useful animal food and land protection due to land clearing.”

20 Reflection Cutting trees and bush will lead us to poverty.“

21 Reflection We loose our source of income and shades in addition to livestock production.

22 Reflection Development could only happen if people come together and settle for getting smooth services.

23 The challenge 1.How should states address the challenges of resource sharing ?

24 Development stories Organizations for developments A forum for pastoral development & advocacy ( enabling approach) A group for farming & livelihood support. (stimuli approach)

25 Differences and similarity Expect guidance and funds, Government consider them beneficiaries. Action need consultation support and take time. Expect benefits from their own effort. Government appreciates and supports them. Take action when every they feel it important

26 Differences and similarity Ask for support and feel as stockholders. Communication needs arrangements and takes time. Clarity of role needs some work and discussions. Feel full ownership and responsibility. Ready to make any possible decision. Communication is fast, smooth and to the level of the people. Clear roles

27 Differences and similarity e Focus on capacity building. Collaborate and suggested plans/ activities Needs management cost. Reluctant to invest Focus on production. Administer all plans/ activities Very limit management cost Committed to Investment

28 What would be the future of pastoralist? Should they change? Adopt? Or reject Development programs?

29 Could Development programs adjusted to Pastoralists life? Capacity building without the existing traditional institutions foundation is like directionless swimming.

30 Do pastoralists own foundation for development? Building approaches based on the traditional practies & production system could ensure adaptability, duplication and sustainability. Eg the Tigre Reb'at.

31 Integrating pastoral life and Development Behavioral participation could only be created by internal reflection/ filling, belong ness and relating things to real life. And these should come to pastoralist from their own practices.

32 Development is open to all. We could have verities of development possibilities in different cultural context. But when we are asked to live our style and adjust to new style, it could be difficult.

33 Please come and enjoy fresh swimming in the read sea. Thank you for your attention,

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