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ractions of the aribbean! EXIT Created By: Mary Dreier.

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Presentation on theme: "ractions of the aribbean! EXIT Created By: Mary Dreier."— Presentation transcript:


2 ractions of the aribbean! EXIT Created By: Mary Dreier

3 ractions of the aribbean! EXIT Click on THE PIER to learn about fractions as you cruise away on the treasure hunt of a lifetime!

4 ractions of the aribbean! EXIT

5 X Click on the ship to start your adventure at THE BEACH! The Beach The Jungle The Sea EXIT

6 What are Fractions? Numerator and Denominator Equal to One Practice Activity Tenths Ninths Eighths Sevenths Sixths Fifths Fourths Thirds Halves Click on the dots to learn about fractions!

7 EXITBACK Part of a whole A way of writing numbers that are not whole A fraction contains a top number (numerator), a fraction bar, and a bottom number (denominator)

8 EXIT NUMERATOR The top number of a fraction. It is the number of parts of the whole. DENOMINATOR The bottom number of a fraction. It is the number of parts the whole is divided into. NEXT


10 Halves with Tiger Cowries EXITBACK 1212 One Half NEXT

11 Halves with Tiger Cowries EXITBACK 2222 Two Halves

12 EXITBACK Thirds with Seashells 1313 One Third NEXT

13 EXITBACK Thirds with Seashells 2323 Two Thirds NEXT

14 EXITBACK Thirds with Seashells 3333 Three Thirds

15 EXITBACK 1414 One Fourth Fourths with Sea Urchins NEXT

16 EXITBACK 2424 Two Fourths NEXT Fourths with Sea Urchins

17 EXITBACK 3434 Three Fourths NEXT Fourths with Sea Urchins

18 EXITBACK 4444 Four Fourths Fourths with Sea Urchins

19 Fifths with Starfish EXITBACK 1515 One Fifth NEXT

20 Fifths with Starfish 2525 Two Fifths EXITBACK NEXT

21 Fifths with Starfish 3535 Three Fifths EXITBACK NEXT

22 Fifths with Starfish 4545 Four Fifths EXITBACK NEXT

23 Fifths with Starfish 5555 Five Fifths EXITBACK

24 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 1616 One Sixth NEXT

25 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 2626 Two Sixths NEXT

26 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 3636 Three Sixths NEXT

27 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 4646 Four Sixths NEXT

28 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 5656 Five Sixths NEXT

29 Sixths with Moon Shells EXITBACK 6666 Six Sixths

30 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 1717 One Seventh NEXT

31 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 2727 Two Sevenths NEXT

32 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 3737 Three Sevenths NEXT

33 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 4747 Four Sevenths NEXT

34 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 5757 Five Sevenths NEXT

35 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 6767 Six Sevenths NEXT

36 EXITBACK Sevenths with Horseshoe Crabs 7777 Seven Sevenths

37 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 1818 One Eighths NEXT

38 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 2828 Two Eighths NEXT

39 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 3838 Three Eighths NEXT

40 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 4848 Four Eighths NEXT

41 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 5858 Five Eighths NEXT

42 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 6868 Six Eighths NEXT

43 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 7878 Seven Eighths NEXT

44 Eighths with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 8888 Eight Eighths

45 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 1919 One Ninth NEXT

46 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 2929 Two Ninths NEXT

47 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 3939 Three Ninths NEXT

48 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 4949 Four Ninths NEXT

49 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 5959 Five Ninths NEXT

50 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 6969 Six Ninths NEXT

51 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 7979 Seven Ninths NEXT

52 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 8989 Eight Ninths NEXT

53 EXIT BACK Ninths with Multi-legged Starfish 9999 Nine Ninths

54 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 1 10 One Tenth NEXT

55 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 2 10 Two Tenths NEXT

56 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 3 10 Three Tenths NEXT

57 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 4 10 Four Tenths NEXT

58 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 5 10 Five Tenths NEXT

59 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 6 10 Six Tenths NEXT

60 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 7 10 Seven Tenths NEXT

61 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 8 10 Eight Tenths NEXT

62 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 9 10 Nine Tenths NEXT

63 Tenths with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 10 Ten Tenths

64 EXITBACK Equal to One with Pearls 1111 One Whole NEXT

65 Equal to One with Tiger Cowries EXITBACK 2222 One Whole NEXT

66 EXITBACK Equal to One with Seashells 3333 One Whole NEXT

67 EXITBACK 4444 One Whole Equal to One with Sea Urchins NEXT

68 Equal to One with Starfish 5555 One Whole EXITBACK NEXT

69 Equal to One with Moon Shells EXITBACK 6666 One Whole NEXT

70 EXITBACK Equal to One with Horseshoe Crabs 7777 One Whole NEXT

71 Equal to One with Seashells EXITBACKEXITBACK 8888 One Whole NEXT

72 EXIT BACK Equal to One with Multi-legged Starfish 9999 One Whole NEXT

73 Equal to One with Sand Dollars EXITBACK 10 One Whole

74 EXITBACK Practice Activity 1) Which picture is equal to 4/6? 2) _______ is equal to which fraction? 3) Which picture is not equal to one whole? 4 ) What number is the numerator in the fraction 3/8? 5) How would you write this fraction ______ in words? 10/37/1010/77/7 83115 Two Fives Five Twos Five Halves Two Fifths

75 EXITBACK Correct! Back to Activity

76 EXITBACK Sorry, Try Again! Back to Activity

77 X Click on the ship to start your adventure at THE JUNGLE! The Beach The Jungle The Sea EXIT

78 Click on the dots to learn about fractions! BEACH

79 What are Equivalent Fractions? EXITBACK

80 View Representations of Equivalents EXIT BACK

81 Practice Activity 1 EXIT BACK

82 Practice Activity 2 EXIT BACK

83 X Click on the ship to start your adventure at THE SEA! The Beach The Jungle The Sea EXIT

84 JUNGLE BEACH Whale Watchers Webquest!



87 Practice Activity 1 EXITBACK

88 Practice Activity 2 EXITBACK

89 X Click on the ship at “X Marks the Spot” to Search for Treasure! The Beach The Jungle The Sea EXIT

90 Cumulative Exam Coming Soon!

91 EXIT Credits! Clip Art and Animations from: Definitions from: Start Treasure Hunt Again!

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