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SEKE-2007 July 10, 2007 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications Florida International University Miami, Florida,

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1 SEKE-2007 July 10, 2007 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications Florida International University Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Rosa M. Badia and Jorge Ejarque Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona, Spain S. Masoud Sadjadi, Juan Martinez, Tatiana Soldo, Luis Atencio

2 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 2 Outline  Motivation  Background  GRID superscalar  TRAP/J  Case Study: Matmul  Transparent Grid Enablement  Results  Related Work  Conclusions  Future Work

3 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 3 Motivation  High performance computing (HPC) is gaining popularity in solving complex scientific applications.  The current HPC programming standards (e.g., MPI, Open MP, and Grid Computing toolkits) are not targeted for scientists to develop their scientific applications  For example, Weather Research and Forecast is 200,000+ lines of code in FORTRAN 90 that uses MPI and Open MP  This lack of separation of concerns has resulted in scientific applications with rigid code, which entangles non-functional concerns (e.g., the parallel code and the platform-specific code) into functional concerns (i.e., the core business logic).  Effectively, this tangled code hinders the maintenance and evolution of these applications.

4 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 4 Transparent Grid Enablement: Goals  To separates the task of developing the business logic of a scientific application from the task of improving its performance.  To increase the level of modularity of code by separating crosscutting parallel programming related code from the business logic of the scientific application.  To develop an automatic (or semi-automatic) Grid enablement process that requires no manual modifications to the business logic of the scientific application and hence “transparent” to the scientists and their sequential code.  TGE achieves this goal by integrating two existing software tools, namely, TRAP/J and GRID superscalar.

5 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 5 Background: GRID superscalar Inspired by the superscalar processors, GRID superscalar provides an easy programming paradigm for developing parallel programs.  Similar to superscalar processors that provide out-of-order and parallel execution of machine instructions by bookkeeping their dependencies, GRID superscalar provides parallelism to the functions of a program written in a high-level programming language such as Java.  GRID superscalar enables the development of applications for a computational Grid by hiding details of job deployment, scheduling, and dependencies and enables the exploitation of the concurrency of these applications at runtime.  In TGE, actual gridification of the application is obtained through GRID superscalar and the GRID superscalar calls are woven transparently into the scientific application using TRAP/J.

6 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 6 Background: GRID superscalar

7 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 7 Background: TS, TRAP, and TRAP/J Transparent Shaping is a programming model that enables software adaptation through interception and redirection of interactions among different part of a software system without the need to manually modify the code. TRAP (Transparent Reflective Aspect Programming) is an extension of Transparent Shaping for object-oriented programming languages. TRAP/J is a realization of TRAP in Java that enables static and dynamic adaptation in Java programs at startup and runtime, respectively. Other realizations: TRAP/C++, TRAP/BPEL, and TRAP.NET.

8 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 8 Background: TRAP/J Using TRAP/J, we can insert generic hooks/interceptors at important/sensitive points in a Java program. Later, we can use these hooks to intercept and redirect the flow of control to a new code. Flow of Control in the Original Application Invoke Original Task Execute the Original Task Flow of Control in the Adapt-Ready Application Invoke Original Task Execute the Original Task Execute the New Task Adapt? Yes No TRAP/J

9 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 9 Background: TRAP/J TRAP/J allows crosscutting concerns to be separated from the functional logic not only at development time, but also at run time. Before TRAP/J After TRAP/J

10 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 10 Outline  Motivation  Background  GRID superscalar  TRAP/J  Case Study: Matmul  Transparent Grid Enablement  Results  Related Work  Conclusions  Future Work

11 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 11 Case Study: Matmul  Matmul is a simple matrix multiplication program written in Java.  It uses a sequential matrix multiplication algorithm, which computes C = A.B, where A, B, and C are matrices of size NxN.  This typical “row by column” sequential algorithm involves O(N 3 ) operations. A B C X =

12 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 12 Transparent Grid Enablement C00=C00+A00*B00 C00=C00+A01*B10 C01=C01+A00*B01 C01=C01+A01*B11 C10=C10+A10*B00 C10=C10+A11*B10 C11=C11+A10*B01 C11=C11+A11*B11

13 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 13 Transparent Grid Enablement A B C X = Finer-Grain Parallelism: Adaptive code for maximum parallelism of 9. X = Coarser-Grain Parallelism: Adaptive code for maximum parallelism of 4. C B A Scientist HPC Expert Matmul Sequential Application New parallel approach TRAP/JGRID Superscalar Adapt-Ready/Grid-Enabled Application Startup-time adaptation

14 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 14 Transparent Grid Enablement Matmul Application Matmul IDL multiply_acc() MultiplyMatrices delegate GRID superscalar TRAP/J Adapt-ready Matmul Application multiply_acc() multiply_acc() multiply_acc()

15 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 15 Transparent Grid Enablement public static void main(String[] args) {... Multiply_Matrices(size, args[1], args[2], args[3]); } public static void Multiply_Matrices(int size, fileC, fileA, fileB) { Block A = new Block(fileA, size); Block B = new Block(fileB, size); Block C = new Block(size); C.Multiply(A,B); C.blockToDisk(fileC); } Sequential matrix multiplication interface MATMUL { void multiply_acc(inout File f3, in File f1, in File f2, in int size); }; Matmul IDL

16 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 16 Transparent Grid Enablement public class Matmul_Del implements DelegateInterface { public static void Multiply_Matrices(int size, fileC, fileA, fileB) { GSMaster.On(); for(int i=0;i<num_of_pieces;i++) { for(int j=0; j<num_of_pieces;j++) { for(int k=0; k<num_of_pieces;k++) { //Method sent to each node in grid Matmul.multiply_acc(C[i][j], A[i][k],B[k][j],…); } GSMaster.Off(); MergeFiles(); //Merge files after computation … Multiply Matrices delegate class

17 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 17 Outline  Motivation  Background  GRID superscalar  TRAP/J  Case Study: Matmul  Transparent Grid Enablement  Results  Related Work  Conclusions  Future Work

18 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 18 Results Matrix Size (N) Sequential (ms) Parallel with 4 blocks (ms) Speedup (S/P) 144674615120.010957212 2882031660960.030728032 5769527693650.137345924 1152622691727870.360380121 Initially we got:

19 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 19 Results Matrix Size (N) Seq. (ms) Par. w/ 4 blocks and 2 workers (ms) Par. w/ 4 blocks and 4 workers (ms) Par. w/ 9 blocks and 6 workers (ms) 14455767922157656145331 288149348625962013146744 5764475510810778096148240 115219318176464133058176464 230479837643925441891474215 More disappointment!

20 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 20 Results Initially we got:

21 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 21 Results: Optimization  Problem in GS: GS_Off()  freeing resources and deleting temporary files after finishing the calls to the grid methods.  Since all the data is distributed along the nodes, there will be the need for cleanup that wastes extra time.  Solution: Avoiding the cleanup! ;)  Optimizing the use of GridFTP  TCP has a slow start  You can instruct GridFTP to open more TCP connections with bigger starting window to compensate for the slow start of TCP.

22 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 22 Results: Optimization Using Network File System <project isSimple="yes" masterBandwidth="100000" masterBuildScript="" masterInstallDir="/home/lion-e/globus2/matmul_java_master" masterName="" masterSourceDir="/a/" name="Matmul" workerBuildScript="" workerSourceDir="/a/ r"> <worker Arch="" GFlops="1.0" LimitOfJobs="1" Mem="16" NCPUs="1" NetKbps="100000" OpSys="" Queue="none" Quota="0" deploymentStatus="deployed" installDir="/home/lion-e/globus2/matmul_java_worker" name="la-blade-"> <directory disk="_WorkingDisk_la-blade" isWorkingPath="yes" path="/home/lion-e/globus2/matmul_java_worker"/> <directory path="shared_path" disk="_SharedDisk_la-blade" isWorkingPath="no"/>

23 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 23 Sequenti al Parallelism (4) - 2 workers Parallelism (4) - 4 workers Parallelism (9) - 6 workers 10.0703853780.096711530.038367588 10.173129760.2408204730.101769067 10.4139879930.5730767260.301909066 11.0947502041.4518781281.094750204 After the optimizations we got: Results

24 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 24 In the Speedup graph shown below, we see that our approach performs almost twice better than the sequential one. Results

25 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 25 Outline  Motivation  Background  GRID superscalar  TRAP/J  Case Study: Matmul  Transparent Grid Enablement  Results  Related Work  Conclusions  Future Work

26 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 26 Related Work  Satin  is a Java based programming model for the Grid which allows explicit expression of divide-and-conquer parallelism.  Satin uses marker interfaces to indicate that certain invocation methods need to be considered for potentially parallel (spawned) execution.  Synchronization is also explicitly marked whenever it is required to wait for the results of parallel method invocations.  Higher-Order Components (HOCs)  is a component-oriented approach based on a master-worker schema.  HOCs express recurring patterns of parallelism that are provided to the user as program building blocks, pre-packaged with distributed implementations.

27 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 27 Related Work  ASSIST  is a programming environment aimed at providing parallel programmers with user-friendly, efficient, portable, fast ways of implementing parallel applications.  It includes a skeleton based parallel programming language (ASSISTcl, cl stands for coordination language) and a set of compiling tools and run time libraries.  The ensemble allows parallel programs written using ASSISTcl to be seamlessly run on top of workstation networks supporting POSIX and ACE (the Adaptive Communication Environment, which is an extern, open source library used within the ASSISTcl run time support).

28 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 28  ProActive  is a Java GRID middleware library for parallel, distributed and multi-threaded computing.  With a reduced set of simple primitives, ProActive provides a comprehensive API to simplify the programming of Grid Computing applications: distributed on Local Area Network (LAN), on clusters of workstations, or on Internet GRIDs.  ProActive is only made of standard Java classes, and requires no changes to the Java Virtual Machine, no preprocessing or compiler modification, leaving programmers to write standard Java code.  Architected with interception and reflection, the library is itself extensible, making the system open for adaptations and optimizations.  Current implementation is focusing of the CoreGRID NoE specification of the Grid Component Model (GCM).

29 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 29 Related Work  None of the above mentioned approaches provide an explicit separation of concerns identifying separate tasks for scientist developers and HPC expert developers.  TGE can be extended to use these works instead or in complement to GRID superscalar and can be used as an enabler for supporting interoperation among the above mentioned approaches.

30 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 30 Outline  Motivation  Background  GRID superscalar  TRAP/J  Case Study: Matmul  Transparent Grid Enablement  Results  Related Work  Conclusions  Future Work

31 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 31 Conclusions  In this work, we have presented an innovative approach to transparent grid-enablement of scientific applications.  We achieved this goal by combining two of our previously developed toolkits, namely, GRID superscalar and TRAP/J.  Although this work is still in its preliminary stage, we were able to show its effectiveness through a simple case study.  We acknowledge that it may not be easy (and even may be impossible) in some applications to separate the code parallelism from the business logic of the application; however, there are many existing applications that can benefit from TGE.

32 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 32 Future Work We are applying TGE to a real case study, namely, hurricane mitigaiton simulation and visualization applications. Currently, TGE support static adaptation at startup time. We plan to extend it to support dynamic adaptation. Currently, TGE supports self-configuration and self-optimization. We plan to extend TGE to support other autonomic behavior including self-healing and self-protection. We plan to extend the self-optimization of self-configuration of TGE so that it can take advantage of more worker nodes becoming available during runtime.

33 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 33 Acknowledgements  This work was supported in part by IBM (SUR and Student Support awards), the National Science Foundation (grants OCI-0636031, REU-0552555, and HRD-0317692), the Spanish CICYT (contract TIN2004-07739-CO2-01), and the BSC-IBM Master R&D Collaboration agreement. This work is part of the Latin American Grid (LA Grid) project.

34 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 34 References  [1] S. Masoud Sadjadi, J. Martinez, T. Soldo, L. Atencio, R. M. Badia, and J. Ejarque. Improving separation of concerns in the development of scientific applications. In Proceedings of The Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007), Boston, USA, July 2007.  [2] S. Masoud Sadjadi, Philip K. McKinley, and Betty H.C. Cheng. Transparent shaping of existing software to support pervasive and autonomic computing. In Proceedings of the first Workshop on the Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application Software 2005 (DEAS'05), in conjunction with ICSE 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, May 2005.  [3] S. Masoud Sadjadi. Transparent Shaping of Existing Software to Support Pervasive and Autonomic Computing. A Dissertation submitted to Michigan State University, 2004.  [4] S. Masoud Sadjadi, Philip K. McKinley, Betty H.C. Cheng, and R.E. Kurt Stirewalt. TRAP/J: Transparent generation of adaptable Java programs. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'04), Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 2004.  [5] Rosa M. Badia, Raül Sirvent, Jesus Labarta, and Josep M. Perez. Programming the GRID: An Imperative Language Based Approach. book chapter in Engineering the Grid, Section 4, Chapter 12, January 2006.  [6] Philip K. McKinley, S. Masoud Sadjadi, Eric P. Kasten and Betty H.C. Chen. Composing Adaptive Software. Computer. July 2004, pages 56-64.

35 Improving Separation of Concerns in the Development of Scientific Applications, by Masoud Sadjadi et al., SEKE 2007. 35 Questions/Comments  Contact Information: S. Masoud Sadjadi ( Autonomic Computing Research Lab. (ACRL) School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) Florida International University (FIU)  TGE, TRAP/J, TRAP.NET, TRAP/BPEL, ACT/J, and other Transparent Shaping tools can be downloaded from

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