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Murray Burke Information Exploitation Office DARPA Agent Markup Language November 2001 Enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale.

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Presentation on theme: "Murray Burke Information Exploitation Office DARPA Agent Markup Language November 2001 Enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Murray Burke Information Exploitation Office DARPA Agent Markup Language November 2001 Enabling “agent” communication at a Web-wide scale.

2 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 2 n Global Command Support System n JOPES 2000 n Advanced Course Of Action ACTD n CINC21 n Joint Center for Lessons Learned n Center for Army Lessons Learned n Warrior Knowledge Network n Web Mapping Testbed n Expeditionary Sensor Grid n Task Force Web n Navy Lessons Learned System n Navy Warfare On-Line Library n Joint Battlespace Infosphere n Theater Battle Management Core System n BroadSword n Air Mobility Command GDSS n Air – Ground Combat System n Distance Learning Network n Logistics Bases Inventory Visibility n Items Applications On-Line n Master Header Information On-Line n Intelink n Joint Intelligence Virtual Architecture n Horus n Crypto Analysis Web n NIMA Geospatial Engine Military Systems are Moving to the Web Joint Global Command & Control System Marines Intelligence Community Navy Army Air Force

3 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 3 Web Limitations Doubles in size every six months Average WWW searches examine only about 25% of potentially relevant sites Web searches return a lot of unwanted information Information on web is not suitable for software agents Problems grow worse as Web continues to grow World Wide Web Intelink-S Intelink

4 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 4 The Evolution of the Web l Formatted for humans to read via web browsers l Formatted for machine readability but with very limited semantics World Wide Web n Intelligence Analysis and Production n Military Planning and Operations n Software C4ISR Agents n Sensor Fusion Semantic Web Machine readability with very rich semantics to support agents for: DAML XML HTML DAML is building the language and tools to realize the bold vision of the Semantic Web

5 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 5 HTML 100% 50% 0% XML DAML 2000 2005 2010 Web Migration to New Technology “Fifty percent of the content on the Web will be in XML format by the end of 2003” ……….Gartner Group “In 30 years e-commerce will have become second nature. Lifelike, intelligent virtual assistants will be performing most routine transactions and simple negotiations electronically on our behalf. More technological change will have taken place in that period than during the entire twentieth century, and the curve will continue to steepen exponentially into the foreseeable future.” Ray Kurzweil

6 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 6 “Make preparations to capture Bagram air base.” The Bold Vision – Distributed Agents on the Semantic Web Get Weather Info Determine Force Mix Provide Intelligence Update Coordinate Transportation Select Targets Order Supplies

7 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 7 Query Today The answer may be somewhere in this list of URLs WWW Hotbot What is Al Qaeda?

8 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 8 What is Al Qaeda? q Membership q Locations q Structure q Finances q Tactics q Other terrorist organizations Semantic Query A terrorist organization Would you like additional information on?

9 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 9 What’s Hard? Scale Scope and Lack of Consistency in Global C 2 I Networks n Diversity: Ontologies and Ontology Mapping n Markup Simplicity: l Automatically Derived Markup l Constrained Logic n Enabling Software Agents to Locate and Use Appropriate Services: l Services description language l Infrastructure: Yellow Pages, Brokers, Mediaters n Trust: Logical Proofs

10 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 10 1995.....................1998 2000.................... 2003 Booch Rumbaugh Odell Rational Rose Paradigm Plus Dozens of application design languages Dozens of knowledge representation languages One modeling language Loom KIF KREME KEE RDF Precedents OMG UML One Web KR language DARPA / W3C DAML

11 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 11 Semantic Web l WWW l NIPRNET l INTELINK-S l INTELINK Language to describe information Tools for users and developers Transition activities DAML DAML Foundation

12 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 12 Developing the Language l Formal Logics l Knowledge Representation l Reasoning l Formal Logics l Knowledge Representation l Reasoning US – EU DAML Joint Committee US – EU DAML Joint Committee DAML + OIL WWW Environment Local Environments European OIL Community European OIL Community DARPA DAML AI Community WebOnt WG l HTML l XML l RDF W3C Web Standards Web Standards

13 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 13 Example Ontology These ontologies accessed at remote locations

14 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 14 <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [ ] <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf ="&rdf;" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:daml="" $Id: map-ont.daml,v 1.2 2001/06/16 13:44:29 mdean Exp $ Map Overlay Ontology 1 1 1 rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Terrorist"> DAML Example (Markup)

15 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 15 Implies Agent-Based Inferencing n If x is Bin Laden, he must be a terrorist n If x is a terrorist, then he may or may not be Bin Laden n If x is not a terrorist, then he is not Bin Laden n If x is not Bin Laden, he may or may not be a terrorist

16 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 16 provides presents supports describedBy What the service does How it works How to access it DAML Services Ontology Service Resources Service Profile Service Model Service Grounding

17 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 17 Developing the Tools Semantic Web Developer and User Tools Operational Prototype Tools Import Parser Inference Validation/ Analysis Search/Query Edit Transform Browser APIs Report Generator Get Weather Info Determine Force Mix Provide Intelligence Update Coordinate Transportation Select Targets Order Supplies Visualize/ View

18 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 18 Language & Tools Transition DAML Language Specification W3C WebOnt Standard DAML Prototype Tools Near-term C2I Applications Commercial Tools Longer-term Military & Commercial Applications Feedback Loop Feedback Loop

19 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 19 DAML Language Strategy Ontology Logic Proof Trust W3C Standardization Formal Semantic Underpinnings Model-Based Axiom-Based

20 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 20 Transition Process DAML (Identify Requirements) n Intelink Management Office: Horus n Navy: Expeditionary Sensor Grid n Air Force: Foreign Clearance Guide n Army: Center for Lessons Learned n Army: Warrior Knowledge Network n TRANSCOM: Global Transportation Network n Air Force: Joint Battlespace Infosphere n Navy: Task Force Web DoD Projects DAML Semantic Web for Military Users Conferences Focal Point for Military Early Adopters 60 Attendees at First Conference 100 Expected at 2 nd Conference on 13-14 Nov

21 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 21 Horus IMO paid half in FY 00, FY 01 and FY02 ~ $1.5M each year

22 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 22 Intelink Transition n Intelink has 150K users and expects 400K users by end of 2002 l A controlled testbed, effectively a microcosm of the WWW l A quick military transition of emerging DAML technologies n Quotes from Intelink Management Office (IMO) Conference l “Terrific New Alliance With DARPA” l “IMO Has Linked to DARPA’s DAML Program u Tim Berners-Lee, Ralph Swick etc (The “A” team)” l “Large Opportunity For Web Technologies u Many Models On Internet u Many We Can Develop With DARPA”

23 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 23 DAML LAB @ DARPA TIC Internet PKI n Mail Lists n Web Server n Software Repository n Ontology Library n HotDAML Newsletters n Scientific American Article 18 DAML Research Teams Lots of Interest From the Rest of the World (Almost Two Million Hits) Getting the Word Out

24 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 24 DAML Tools DAML Language DAML Research Team DAML Integrated Demonstration & Experiment Releases in May and September Horus ESG Other Metrics DAML in 2002 Feedback

25 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 25 Internet for demo But could be SIPRNET for real application Semantic Web Planner Ontology Editing Tool(s) Air Force Lessons Learned System Air Force Lessons Learned Markup DAML Air Force Plan Markup.NET.ASP Server & DAML Query & Inference Engine Creates / Accesses DAML ontologies & content Complex querying and inferencing about plan information Agents Military or DoD User Web Browser Unifying Ontology (GEOLOC) Legacy Data Bases Weather Ontology Weather Web Site Weather Web Site Weather Web Site Actual DAML ontologies & content Provides support to military user via his/her Web Browser Acts as proxies for senior military users to do background tasks DAML DEMONSTRATION AND EXPERIMENT CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS DAML Foreign Clearance Guide Markup Joint Battlespace Infosphere (JBI) AT2000 Navy Expeditionary Sensor Grid Transition Programs Rapid Knowledge Formation (translation) DAML CIA Fact Book Markup DAML

26 DAML Review_Nov 2001 p 26 Millions of Nodes Millions of Ontologies Millions of DBs Millions of Agents Millions of Nodes Millions of Ontologies Millions of DBs Millions of Agents Millions of Nodes Millions of Ontologies Millions of DBs Millions of Agents n Millions of Nodes n Millions of Ontologies n Millions of Data Bases n Millions of Agents Active on the Semanic Web Vision 1 Node 1 Ontology 3 Data Base 0 Agents Now 2002 Experiment 3-4 Nodes 4 Ontologies 3-5 Data Bases 1 Agents 6 Months 4-5 Nodes 6-8 Ontologies 5-7 Data Bases 3-5 Agents 12 MonthsMetrics

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