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INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Hybrid Broadband/Wireless Networks Jumpstarting Mobile Computing James Williams TransPAC Executive Investigator Indiana.

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Presentation on theme: "INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Hybrid Broadband/Wireless Networks Jumpstarting Mobile Computing James Williams TransPAC Executive Investigator Indiana."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Hybrid Broadband/Wireless Networks Jumpstarting Mobile Computing James Williams TransPAC Executive Investigator Indiana University

2 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Background This work originated from my involvement with the community networking group (HoosierNet) in Bloomington, Indiana and broader discussions with various City of Bloomington officials. I gratefully acknowledge conversations with HoosierNet staff and members of the City of Bloomington Telecommunications and City Council.

3 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Policy Issues, not Technical Concerns This presentation focuses on the economic, political and policy issues surrounding a widespread, subsidized deployment of a hybrid broadband-wireless network in urban areas of China. The technology for such a deployment is well known. This talk explores other, less completely discussed matters.

4 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Presentation Outline The presentation is divided into five parts. General statement of the issue Brief technical overview Economic drivers Political/Policy issues Selected references

5 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY General Statement Combining inexpensive, easily available 802.11b technology with DSL and cable modem broadband deployment presents an environment for rapid, economical development of mobile computing. Wide spread deployment of mobile computing will accelerate overall IT literacy.

6 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Technology - Broadband DSL and cable modem broadband technologies are well understood and deployable on a wide scale, particularly in urban areas. Industry estimates… 14M DSL and CM connections in the US 10%/yr growth 2M DSL and CM connections China Beijing and Shanghai >40% connections

7 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Technology - Wireless 802.11b is a widespread standard for wireless networking. 802.11b components are inexpensive Laptop prices are decreasing rapidly Industry estimates… 36M computers sold in US per year – 30% laptops (10.8M).10.5M computers sold in China per year;.9M laptops How can we link these technologies together???

8 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY 802.11b Wireless Broadband Gateway Commodity pricing (US$250 Q1) 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum technology 100M+ range unmodified


10 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Proposal: Direct Subsidy of Hybrid Networking As a matter of public policy, each DSL or CM connection be installed with an accompanying 802.11b broadband gateway. Existing connections would be retrofitted, as funding permits. This gateway would be government supplied and no direct cost would be passed on to the broadband subscriber. The gateway would be open and provide access to the broadband to any registered user within its range.

11 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY An enthusiastic embrace of technology The message to citizens is: The government understands the impact of IT on the lives of its citizens. It seeks to develop, within urban areas, a seamless, wireless computing cloud allowing network access from any location within the city. The underlying theory is that a closer integration of technology into people’s lives will result in increased productivity and a higher quality of life overall.

12 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Benefits Immediate increase in wireless connectivity Long-term universal wireless coverage Limited additional costs, if BB infrastructure in place Immediate increase in network access/usage Positioning for a mobile future

13 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Costs No additional costs for broadband installations Limited cost for 802.11b-bb gateway Development and deployment of a registration system Initial “catch-up” problem What economic case can be made?

14 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Implementation Scenario Base assumptions 10% growth in BB access per year 2.0M existing BB access nodes.9M existing mobile users Impact assumptions Year 1 (10%), Year 2,3 (20%) and Year 4,5 (30%) increase in mobile users (multiplier effect) Expense assumptions Year 1 ($100); Decrease by 10% in each following year


16 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Public Policy Issues Direct intervention in the private sector, via legislation. Necessity of an economic understanding with broadband providers. Providers will incur some backbone costs. Lack of control over physical access. Necessity of development of a registration system.

17 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Selected References Residential Broadband – Abe+Buckley Next-Generation Modems: A Professional Guide to DSL and Cable Modems - Held Wireless Communications & Networks - Stallings International Data Corporation - Asia/Pacific Wireless Markets and Technologies Report China Internet Network Information Center – July 2002 survey

18 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Questions, comments and further discussion James Williams

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