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Much of the technology in this movie is already here.

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Presentation on theme: "Much of the technology in this movie is already here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Much of the technology in this movie is already here

2 Finger Printing most common biometric Identification

3 A shopper in the UK using her finger to pay

4 To try and stop terrorists and illegal travelers many passports have Biometric Identification

5 Video surveillance

6 Citizens in Australia under surveillance

7 Iris scan

8 Internet shopping What are some of the dangers of internet shopping?

9 Global Satellite observation

10 Will technology control us? Does it control us now?

11 Who are the two men? What are they doing?

12 A picture of God touching Adam According to Christianity and the Bible God created Adam to look just like him

13 How is this picture the same as the other? How is it different?

14 The god of Technology touches man

15 What is this? Where is it from? Have you seen one before?

16 Robots are now becoming more intelligent and human like

17 This is her baby Robot. Is he cute? In the future will robots be equal to humans Why or why not

18 Like the Christian God, we have made our “robots” (our “Adam”) to be like us.

19 Humans and Robots So are we (humans) now like God?

20 Technology and the Future If the world continues to be polluted will we have to become half robot and half man? If we want to live a long life will be have to become part machine?

21 Many of us today are already half machine

22 Robots are now doing operations

23 Will we become like this? Maybe? Possibly?

24 Like this?

25 Do you think we will put extra memory in our brains—just like a computer does

26 In order to live longer to you think we might become part machine?

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