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Assignment Tips Don’t assume; document your findings Watch jargon Be specific What sets yours apart Exceed requirements It’s a research paper; content.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment Tips Don’t assume; document your findings Watch jargon Be specific What sets yours apart Exceed requirements It’s a research paper; content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment Tips Don’t assume; document your findings Watch jargon Be specific What sets yours apart Exceed requirements It’s a research paper; content & style – –

2 Meet me at the Fair-- Online Exhibits Barb Knotts St. Louis Public Library

3 Goal Create virtual exhibit of interest to citizens of City of St. Louis –Present inviting, intriguing options –Keep people clicking –Ability to move laterally, not hierarchically

4 Why Uncover rich collections Provide enhanced virtual experience Introduce more people to St. Louis Public Library Create link between the virtual and physical

5 Getting going Staff chosen -- work together Materials selected -- interest, variety, value, condition –photos, stereographs, postcards –maps, brochures, tickets –copyright

6 We move along Materials scanned –Outside vendor -- RFP/contract; going with the materials, quality control Records created -- (For Exhibit this takes the time) –some information about the artifact BUT –importance of interesting stories about subject of the image -- not an archive Themes evolve along with the stories to illustrate & interpret

7 Words meet pictures Design firm hired -- RFP/contract (keep control)--reusability Communicating the vision





12 Finishing touches Revise, revise, revise Dublin Core compliant

13 Spreading the word Tell (and show) the staff Bookmarks and banners Virtually Missouri Search engines Interviews July 4th celebration

14 We go live Celebrating the Louisiana Purchase – http://slpl.org Open House -- invite the right people (and yes, they kept clicking)

15 We get hit First 28 days averaged 45 visits per day More interesting for our goal –459 visits 4-14 minutes (54%) –329 visits 15-60 minutes (39%) – 60 visits over 60 minutes (7%)

16 May we have permission We anticipated, but still are surprised –Local –National –International

17 May we have permission - Local Newspapers (Suburban J & Post-Dispatch) Sauce Magazine & German Cultural Newsletter National Parks Services & Probation Office Teachers & Library Staff Local authors -- books too good to miss Invitation for attorney’s office

18 May we have permission - National ShowMe Missouri (we work a deal) ABC News, NPR, and Iowa AAA Scholarship dinner Authors - University of Nevada- Reno, Textbooks (Texas) Lots of reference questions

19 May we have permission - International Center for the Filipino (Britain) Independent on Sunday (Britain) BBC programs (Britain)

20 Requests in 2008/today PBS TV documentary & home DVD Paris Museum (among many) Philippines TV show seeking to raise cultural awareness Elementary schoolbook in Norway College textbooks/eBooks (US and UK) Brad Pitt??

21 New Discoveries










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