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TOURISM POLICY PROFILES Problems, designs and actors 1. Tourism policy  A basic model  Key dimensions 2. Organising tourism policy 3. Analysing policy.

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Presentation on theme: "TOURISM POLICY PROFILES Problems, designs and actors 1. Tourism policy  A basic model  Key dimensions 2. Organising tourism policy 3. Analysing policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOURISM POLICY PROFILES Problems, designs and actors 1. Tourism policy  A basic model  Key dimensions 2. Organising tourism policy 3. Analysing policy discourse  The case of Denmark  The case of Siberia?

2 TOURISM POLICY A basic model Source: Inspired by inter alia Ham & Hill, Jenkins, Sabatier, Parsons, Winter – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3. Political environment Public actors Private actors Discursive terrain Implementing organisation Political sponsor Organisation Policy design Economic & socio-cultural environment Public actors Private actors Cultural patterns Discursive terrain Policy target Firms Organisations Public authorities Tourists PROBLEM DEFINITION POLICY OUTCOME

3 Analysing public policy in practice KEY DIMENSIONS Topographical  inside/outside  up/down Temporal  past/future  cause/consequence Strategic  subject/object  assistant/opponent Source: Inspired by inter alia Koselleck and Åkerstrøm Andersen – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3.

4 Topographical  inside/outside  up/down Temporal  past/future  cause/consequence Strategic  subject/object  assistant/opponent Source: Inspired by inter alia Koselleck and Åkerstrøm Andersen – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3. Social geography  a problem where?  a problem for whom? Policy design  in what sense a problem?  ways of addressing problem? Policy process  who is active/passive?  who helps/gets in the way? Analysing public policy in practice KEY DIMENSIONS

5 National tourism policy as POLICY DOMAIN Private firms Tourists Sub-national organisations National organisations

6 National tourism policy as POLICY DOMAIN Private firms Tourists Sub-national organisations National organisations Promotion Standards Research Safety

7 National tourism policy as POLICY DOMAIN Private firms Tourists Sub-national organisations National organisations Promotion Standards Research Safety Product development Expansion Spatial planning Fair play Partnership

8 National tourism policy as POLICY DOMAIN Private firms Tourists Sub-national organisations National organisations Promotion Standards Research Safety Product development Expansion Spatial planning Fair play Partnership Encouragement Sponsorship Regulation Coordination Partnership

9 National tourism policy as POLICY DOMAIN Private firms Tourists Sub-national organisations National organisations Promotion Standards Research Safety Product development Expansion Spatial planning Fair play Partnership Encouragement Sponsorship Regulation Coordination Partnership Three underlying assumptions: market positioning public-private relations territorial relations

10 International tourism policies THE ULTIMATE TOP-DOWN? Private firms Tourists National organisations International organisations Research Safety Fair play Safety Regulation? Coordination

11 85 95 07 02 Danish Tourist Board Local associations DANISH TOURISM POLICY Actors and policies in transition

12 85 95 07 02 Danish Tourist Board Local associations Destination partnerships Tourism export groups Regional Tourism Boards DANISH TOURISM POLICY Actors and policies in transition

13 85 95 07 02 Danish Tourist Board Local associations Destination partnerships Tourism export groups Regional Tourism Boards Product partnerships Regional partnerships DANISH TOURISM POLICY Actors and policies in transition

14 85 95 07 02 Danish Tourist Board Local associations Destination partnerships Tourism export groups Regional Tourism Boards Product partnerships Regional partnerships Social geography  national/local problem, then also regional  private firms, public promoters? Policy design  too few tourist, then also inadequate product  promotion, firm-level projects and networks Policy process  central/local levels inform, regional/partnerships develop?  competitors, risk-averse firms, internal competition? DANISH TOURISM POLICY Actors and policy discourse in transition

15 Social geography  a problem where?  a problem for whom? Policy design  in what sense a problem?  ways of addressing problem? Policy process  who is active/passive?  who helps/gets in the way? SIBERIAN TOURISM POLICY Actors and policies in transition

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