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1 An Architecture for Action, Emotion, and Social Behavior Joseph Bates, A. Bryan Loyall and W. Scott Reilly Federico Trilnik - ISISTAN.

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Architecture for Action, Emotion, and Social Behavior Joseph Bates, A. Bryan Loyall and W. Scott Reilly Federico Trilnik - ISISTAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Architecture for Action, Emotion, and Social Behavior Joseph Bates, A. Bryan Loyall and W. Scott Reilly Federico Trilnik - ISISTAN

2 2 Oz Project Developing technology for artistically interesting simulated worlds suspend disbelief Oz world –Simulated physical environment –Set of automated agents –User interface –Planer

3 3 Oz Agents Perception Reactivity Goal-directed behavior Emotion Social behavior Natural language analysis Natural language generation

4 4 Tok Architecture Perception Reactivity and goal- directed behavior Emotion and social relationships Language analysis and generation Sensory Routines and the Integrated Sense Model Hap Em Gump and Glinda

5 5 Tok Architecture Sensory Routines and Integrated Sense Model The World sense language queries sense language queries actions goal successes, failures & creation behavior features and raw emotions sensing Em architectureHap architecture standards attitudes emotions goals behaviors

6 6 Tok and Lyotard The simulated world –Interactive fiction physical world Object-oriented simulation –Actions = methods Modify the world, propagate sense data, and succeed or fail –Objects connected via topological relations –Agents sense via sense data objects

7 7 Perception Sensory Routines –Raw sense data –Objects relationships  topological graph –Time notion Have I seen food in the kitchen in the last ten minutes? Tok agents three steps: sense, think, act

8 8 Perception (II) Integrated Sense Model –best guest about the world –merge sensed data different modalities (sound and sight) new and past perceptions –inference which of the visible objects are within reach longer term, approximate model

9 9 Action - Hap goal-directed, reactive action engine –based on perception, current goals, emotional state, behavioral features,... –set of actions  plans (testable preconditions) –unchanging plan memory goto => goto_floor of the current room, goto_room of the room containing, goto_object_in_room. goal possible plan

10 10 Hap – Active Plan Tree current execution state alternating layers of active goals and plans reactivity and management of multiple top- level goals –context conditions and success tests Hap modify APT based on changes in the world

11 11 Em - Emotions and Social Relationship models emotional and social aspects goals, actions, objects (attitudes) –generate emotions HapEm Events create goal goal succeed goal fail Emotions happiness sadness Example:

12 12 Emotions happiness and sadness pride, shame, reproach, and admiration love and hate goals succeed or fail degree depends on importance action is approved or disapproved moral beliefs and personal standards of performance positive or negative attitude attitude to model social relationship

13 13 Behavioral Features Behavioral features modulate the activity of Hap Adjusted by –Em to express emotional influences on behavior –Hap to force a style of action Act friendly to get what it wants Influence Create new top-level goals, affect preconditions, success tests, context conditions, style of an action perform How Hap chooses to achieve its goals

14 14 Original Lyotard Task EmotionsBehaviors hopefearwanting to be pet or brushed happysadcleaning self prideshamewanting to go out/in admirationreproacheating gratificationremorsewanting to eat gratitudeangergetting object (using human or other tool) lovehatesearching for something Featurescarrying mouse curiouscontentplaying with ball aggressiveignoringhiding (anger/fear) friendlyproudbite energetic...

15 15 Conclusion Tok, an architecture that integrates mechanisms for perception, reactivity, goals, emotion, and some social knowledge. Lyotard exhibits an interesting behavior Suspension of disbelief is the criteria for success  broad, shallow agents may be possible

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