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Ware:Vislab:CCOM Basic Vision+ The process and what stands out CH1 – CH2 + supplimentary.

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Presentation on theme: "Ware:Vislab:CCOM Basic Vision+ The process and what stands out CH1 – CH2 + supplimentary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ware:Vislab:CCOM Basic Vision+ The process and what stands out CH1 – CH2 + supplimentary

2 Ware:Vislab:CCOM 2D Scalar

3 Arctic Sea Ice Volume (1D Scalar) Ware:Vislab:CCOM 17.5K ~3K

4 Ware:Vislab:CCOM Data Classes  Scalar Field 1D 2D 3D  Vector Field 1D 2D 3D  Time Varying All of the above  Discrete 1D K-dimensional  Nominal Overlapping sets of data with multiple nominal attributes  Graph G = {V,E} Tree Directed acyclic Weighted graph Hyper graph What is a map?

5 Human Visual Field

6 Visual Angle

7 1 diopter: a lens that focuses at 1 meter. 45d Cornea ~15d Lens d = 1/f

8 Acuities Vernier super acuity (10 sec) Grating acuity Two Point acuity (0.5 min) What is the ideal resolution

9 CAVE  Resolution problems  Light scattering problems iPhone 960x640 5 cm 1280x1280

10 CAVE  Resolution problems  Light scattering problems iPhone 960x640 5 cm 1280x1280 128 pixels/degree 14 pixels/deg 16,000 pixels/ deg 2 196 pixels/ deg 2

11 Immersion VR  HMD + head tracking  Data glove

12 Human Spatial Acuity

13 Cutoff at 50 cycles/deg.  Receptors: 20 sec of arc  Pooled over larger and larger areas  100 million receptors  1 million fibers to brain  A desktop screen may have 30 pixels/cm – need about 4 times as much.  I phones better.  VR displays have 5 pixels/cm

14 Aliasing and Anti aliasing

15 Temporal Aliasing  Human Flicker fusion 50 Hz  Temporal aliasing occurs with moving targets  Must compute motion blur to fix the problem

16 Acuity Distribution

17 Brain Pixels

18 Ware:Vislab:CCOM



21 Visual search

22 The Process of Visual Thinking Ware:Vislab:CCOM

23 Spotfire product

24 What we can easily find :CH2  Visual search depends on Salience (low level properties) Tuning of low level properties Search skills (knowledge) Ware:Vislab:CCOM

25 V1 processing Ware:Vislab:CCOM


27 Pre-Attentive Processing

28 Color is Pre-Attentive (Pops out)

29 Generic Pre-Attentive Experiment  Number of irrelevant items varies  Pre-attentive 10 msec per item or better.

30 Color


32 Orientation


34 Motion


36 Size


38 Simple shading


40 Conjunction (does not pop out)


42 Semantic Depth of Field

43 Channels = perceptual dimensions Ware:Vislab:CCOM Symbol Coding Color Channel Form Channel Motion Channel Hue Sat Luminance Size Orient Elong Vertical Horizontal Blinking

44 Relevance  Symbol design (nominal coding)  Highlighting, - search guidance.  Glyph design (quantititive symbols) Ware:Vislab:CCOM

45 Mapping data to display variables Data glyphs  Position (2)  Orientation (1)  Size (spatial frequency)  Motion (2)++  Blinking?  Color (3)  Note we have the problem of heterogeneity – There is no good solution Star glyph Method

46 Starplot glyph

47 How many dimensions? Ware:Vislab:CCOM

48 Surplus Data into Art? Ware:Vislab:CCOM

49 Symbols Ware:Vislab:CCOM

50 Redundant coding Outliers on feature dimensions are more easily seen Ware:Vislab:CCOM

51 A symbol set designed for rapid search Ware:Vislab:CCOM

52 Asymmetries in search Ware:Vislab:CCOM Highlighting methods Add something rather than subtract something

53 Motion Highlighting Ware:Vislab:CCOM We are very sensitive to motion in the periphery. (Peterson and Dugas, 1972)

54 How to make a reminder -emergence (Hillstrom and Yanti, 1994) Ware:Vislab:CCOM

55 Search as a process Ware:Vislab:CCOM

56 Search as a process Ware:Vislab:CCOM

57 Heirarchical design aids search Ware:Vislab:CCOM

58 The process (again) Ware:Vislab:CCOM

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