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DTV Infrastructure from Standards to Startups Milton Chen.

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Presentation on theme: "DTV Infrastructure from Standards to Startups Milton Chen."— Presentation transcript:

1 DTV Infrastructure from Standards to Startups Milton Chen

2 Overview Ground rules Your DTV station Your DTV receiver

3 MPEG-2 Transport Stream 188 byte packets 4+ bytes header –sync_byte (0x47) –packet ID (13 bits) 0x11, 21, or 31 are video by convention 0x14, 24, or 34 are the corresponding audio –transport_error_indicator (1 bit) –transport_scrambling_control (2 bits) –priority (1 bit)



6 ATSC 8-VSB Data Rate data rate = 2 * W log ( L ) = 32.286 Mbps –W = 5.381MHz (not 6 because of bandpass filter) –L = 8 levels 32.286 Mbps * 2/3 * 188/(188+20) * 312/313 = 19.4 Mbps (often quoted rate), 2/3 from Trellis Encoding, 20 from parity bytes 19.4 Mbps * 184 / 188 = 19.0 Mbps (maximum data rate) 19.0 Mbps * (65536 – 20 – 8)/65536 = 19.0 Mbps (maximum UDP/IP data rate), 20 byte IP header, 8 byte UDP header

7 Your DTV Station

8 Tiernan Universal Interface $5k SkyStream DBN-26 $50k Teirnan THE-1HDTV Encoder $200k Philips VE98 SDTV Encoder $40k Philips Token MUX $25k Dolby PD- 567 AC-3 Encoder $3k PSI/PSIP Tables Data Input A/D Audio IP Data DVB-ASI Audio PES Video PES DVB-ASI DVB-SPI DVB-ASI SMPTE-310 ASI HD Storage $150k 720/60P HD Camera $300k D5 Tape Deck 288 Mbps $150k IA servers IA File Server SD camcorder UP Converter $1k 8-VSB Modulator $50k DTV File Server KMRL 28 18W KICU 52 DTV Station 250KW Fiber link Microwave link  site  site $4 k $70 k Internet T1

9 KICU Signal Contour

10 Your DTV Receiver Hauppauge/Philips receiver board (Coney/Maui) Intel DTV Driver (K2) Intel Transport API Intel Video API IP Multicast API Intel ATVEF API Linux and Windows Windows

11 DTV Receiver Board Diagram

12 Intel Transport API Channel Tuning –DTVInitFromATSC (channel) –DTVInitFromFile (file,bitrate,loop ) class DTVConn { DTVConn ( pid, raw ); int RetrieveBuffer ( buf, wait ); int ReturnBuffer (buf ) int Flush(); } Utility Tools –VSBM, DTVStat, iDTVtest, DTVRec, Dmon, DTVSim

13 Intel Video API MPEG Processing Library (MPL) –Access to decoded video frames and much more –Highly optimized codec –path to OpenGL video texture –DirectShow wrappers

14 IP Multicast API Standard Winsock programming –Run DTVSock.exe to enable data flow Likely to be supported by all PC DTV cards –Hauppauge/Philips –Creative Labs/Teralogic –Broadlogic Realtime back channel to complete the loop

15 Advanced Televison Enhancement Forum (ATVEF) Framework for interactive TV over ATSC, NTSC, and Internet Based on WEB standards –HTML, JavaScript Use IP to transport all data Uni-direction HTTP –All-or-none –Error correction –Object segmentation Naming scheme for cached data At least 1MB of data cache in receiver

16 ATVEF (2) Announcements –address and port 2670 –describe the enhancement and what IP addresses to listen for triggers and resources Triggers –1 UDP packet Resources –web pages, images, scripts, gzipped data

17 Producing Your Content Capturing Video –camera, camcorder Editing Video –Adobe Premiere, Avid Express ATVEF –WEB tools –Intel Broadcast Plus Tools scripts MPEG2 Transport Stream –Intel’s Dynamux.exe (software mux) Other...

18 What Next Programming session –Next Monday night –Tools and sample codes Most systems at three months before tradeshow stage –Tell me what you need

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