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Word Recognition By: S. Jay Samuels Michele Farah & Marsha Malone.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Recognition By: S. Jay Samuels Michele Farah & Marsha Malone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Recognition By: S. Jay Samuels Michele Farah & Marsha Malone

2 Word Recognition History Wilhelm Wundt – 1879 J.B.Watson – 1913 and 1925 Breland & Breland - 1961


4 Word Recognition Perceptual Span  Perceptual span refers to the number of letters or words that can be taken in in a single fixation

5 Word Recognition Visual Unit of Word Recognition Letter- process vs. word recognition  Which unit is used to process words?  What is the size of the visual unit?  What is the effect of context/ no context, grade level and reader skill?

6 Word Recognition Context Effects on Word Recognition  Context may either facilitate or impair word recognition accuracy and speed  Use of context increases when text is difficult, the target is degraded or the student is a poor reader

7 Word Recognition Phonological Recoding in Word Recognition Subvocalization refers to inner speech while reading Phonological recoding refers to a theory of how meaning is accessed from print

8 Word Recognition Word Recognition in Nonalphabetic Languages Phonological recoding occurs with all codes Learning to read with different scripts requires different strategies for recall of visual and auditory information Different parts of the brain are used based on the writing system used

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