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Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 1 Status of Data Taking Arnd Meyer, RWTH Aachen D Ø Collaboration Meeting February 25 th, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 1 Status of Data Taking Arnd Meyer, RWTH Aachen D Ø Collaboration Meeting February 25 th, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 1 Status of Data Taking Arnd Meyer, RWTH Aachen D Ø Collaboration Meeting February 25 th, 2004

2 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 2 Run II Status Tevatron Performance D Ø Data Taking ~280pb -1 on tape with complete detector

3 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 3 Tevatron Performance

4 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 4 The Plan ≃ 3 months turn-on after shutdown pessimistic ∫L dt ≃ 233pb -1 design ∫L dt ≃ 328pb -1 25% “Recycler pbar tax” included Six week shutdown late Summer

5 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 5 Post-Shutdown Startup ● November 17 – 10 week shutdown ends on schedule November 23 – First store after shutdown December 1-3 – Abort problems - frequent quenches! ● December 5 – 16 house quench Instigated by CDF roman pots Highlighted flaws in abort system ● December 5-14 – Tevatron repairs Collimators, D49 vacuum, C14 spool piece, B0 low beta quad moves ● December 15 – Tevatron start-up December 17 – first store December 20 – record store (4.99  10 31 cm -2 s -1 ) ● December 20 – 6 house quench B1 vacuum problems D49 collimator target

6 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 6 Post-Shutdown Startup cont. ● December 20 – 28 – B1 vacuum repairs ● December 22 – 28 – Linac klystron problems ● December 28 – Tevatron startup ● December 31 – First store after startup ● January 10 th – Tevatron studies/orbit smoothing ● January 11-16 th – Recovery from above Not a single day without delivered luminosity since January 10 th – this is the longest stretch in Run II so far 60  barn-1/s

7 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 7 FY 04 Integrated Luminosity 2 weeks ahead1 week shutdown planned for March 15 th of schedule(install debuncher momentum cooling notch filters, CDF wire plane extraction)

8 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 8 ∫L dt & Store Hours! Integrated luminosity follows number of store hours Keeping stores longer Very few “lost” stores 15 hrs 30 hrs 140 hrs 85 hrs (plan avg.)

9 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 9 Peak Luminosity & Pbar Efficiency Pbar efficiency now regularly >80% (mid-60's pre-shutdown) Helps mitigate the impact of the “Recycler tax” Unstacked pbars comparable to pre-shutdown – no improvements (yet) in stacking rates 80% 65% 160mA 100mA

10 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 10 Peak Luminosity Limitation Peak Luminosity vs. Unstacked Pbars Peak Luminosity vs. Charge at Low Beta 60  barn-1/s

11 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 11 “Recycler” Status ● Making real progress – on track for integration in FY 2005 ● Pbar lifetime 150 – 800 hours ● Transfer efficiency from accumulator to recycler >90% ● First store from the Recycler on Jan 23 rd – luminosity of 1.2  10 31 cm -2 s -1 from ≃ 85E10 in the ring. Overall about 30% efficiency – “proof of principle” ● Second store from the Recycler last Friday – luminosity of 1.8  10 31 cm -2 s -1 from about the same amount of pbars (N.B.:It's still called “Recycler” - but it's “only” planned for pbar cooling)

12 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 12 Long Term Plan Integrated luminosity at end of each FY ≃ no recycler, no e-cooling, no stacktail upgrade J. Spalding at DOE Review Monday Design

13 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 13 D Ø Data Taking

14 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 14 Week-by-Week Status Last 2 weeks: 90% 88% 10.5 11.2pb -1 9.4 9.8pb -1 137 132 hrs 131 126 hrs 18.1 18.0  10 6 Keeping offline busy!

15 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 15 Data Taking Efficiency

16 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 16 How's the Competition Doing?

17 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 17 Data Taking Efficiency cont. ● Current upper limit is ≃ 94% 3-6% global front end busy 1%begin and end store transitions <1%run transitions ● There has been no improvement in the front end busy (5% at 1.3kHz L1A) Effectively the guideline of <5% FEB is already violated at highest luminosities Fitting our physics program into the available L1 bandwidth is increasingly difficult Reducing the FEB (= keeping up with luminosity increases) requires more manpower!! ● Commissioning activities add another 1-3% inefficiency (STT, FPD,...) ● Two major downtimes with a big impact on January and February numbers SMT power supplies Taking the “Enhanced Bias” run and hard- and software problems afterwards cost us more than half of the luminosity delivered on the best day at the time –Bad idea to do this on a Saturday at 2am! ● Recently data taking efficiency has been close to 90% Tracking crates readout balance L1A rate vs. FEB fairly optimized, continuous effort to keep this low

18 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 18 SMT & Water ● Effectively knocked out for 2½ days (Jan 29 th - 31 st ) ● Beginning on Thursday evening, frequent trips of the Silicon power supplies on the East side (water drip detection) Continued to take data without half of the Silicon detectors ● Access next morning – expected one shift to complete work (cathedral) ● Trips were the result of a malfunction of the water drip detection system (loose connections) ● After repairs, one of the power supplies on the West side failed Discovered a real water leak after opening Had to collect data in open configuration for one store ● Will improve water drip detection in the Summer shutdown Connectors not fully seated

19 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 19 Run II Records Best stores history (peak luminosity) Store # BeginLum [cm -2 s -1 ]Duration 2887Aug 10 16:42 4.55E31 7.4 hrs 3103Dec 18 15:07 4.84E3124.9 hrs 3108Dec 20 4:18 4.99E31 1.9 hrs 3214Feb 2 11:28 5.25E3133.7 hrs 3217Feb 4 4:16 5.27E3127.8 hrs 3219Feb 5 15:56 5.60E3128.4 hrs 3245Feb 18 22:06 5.95E3134.9 hrs Best days history (recorded luminosity) DayLum Del [/nb]Lum Rec [/nb]EfficiencyEvents May 4 th 1877168588.9%3186k Jan 1 st 2057174885.0%2931k Feb 1 st 2106183887.3%3038k Feb 19 th 2301210291.4%3239k

20 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 20 A “Typical” Store Initial Lum. 5.9 ⋅ 10 31 cm -2 s -1 6-3% L1 Busy Present max. rate guidelines: Level 11.4 kHzFEB < 5%(5-10% headroom to account Level 2800 HzMuon r/o for rate fluctuations) Level 3 50 HzOffline(30% room)

21 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 21 More Records Best weeks history (Mon-Mon recorded luminosity) DateDeliveredRecordedEfficiencyIn-storeEvents May 12 th - 18 th 8.49pb -1 7.77pb -1 91.5% 98.6 hrs13.5M Feb 2 nd - 8 th 11.39pb -1 8.80pb -1 77.2%136.2 hrs16.8M Feb 9 th - 15 th 10.51pb -1 9.40pb -1 89.5%136.9 hrs18.1M Feb 16 th - 22 nd 11.21pb -1 9.81pb -1 87.5%133.3 hrs18.0M Best months history (recorded luminosity) DateDeliveredRecordedEfficiencyIn-storeEvents May 200325.5pb -1 22.7pb -1 89.0%327 hrs42.8M Jan 200433.0pb -1 26.6pb -1 80.5%467 hrs55.8M Feb 200436.7pb -1 31.1pb -1 84.7%448 hrs58.4M (... and counting!)

22 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 22 Control Room Shifts ● 24/7 shifters are CAP, DAQ, CALMUO, CFT, SMT, and GM (plus on-call experts) ● Suggested shift load is 9 shifts / 6 months / person on the masthead Average for the first / second half of 2003 was 6.0 / 5.3 shifts Long shutdown in September to November (many shifts cancelled) Merged CAL/MUON in June 2003, but added STT (& GM earlier) IB Meeting will discuss shift requirements ● Managed to fill all shifts with the exception of GM But at the cost of countless hours spent by detector group leaders Brazilian groups have agreed to cover all GM day shifts in the future ● Next natural choice for merging is SMT / CFT – will require initiative from (thin) detector groups Timescale: Summer (needs completed STT commissioning & merging of STT and SMT shifts, consolidated and simplified examines and other procedures,...) (N.B.:Need new DAQ shifters – about 10 by the end of the year) The fact that we are collecting data with high efficiency is to a large part due to the presence of 5 – 6 well trained people in the control room

23 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 23 Global Monitoring ● Useful tools, but much more potential ● Physics and Trigger Examines provide a limited set of (mostly) “high level” plots Hard to correlate problems with detector examines Cannot “drill down” to find the source of a problem Some problems missed by global distributions ● Need more feedback from offline DQ / analyses! How is a decision in the control room going to affect an analysis downstream? ● LmTrigger Non-functional for a month after changes in luminosity format Elizabeth Gallas & Len Christofek working on improvements (and fixed it)

24 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 24 Not-so-random Detector News

25 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 25 CDF Drift Chamber Aging ● CDF has observed decrease in the central drift chamber amplitudes Attributed to radiation “aging” and reduction in gas amplification Not expected based on “pre Run II tests” ● As CDF is concerned about health of the central drift chamber Turned OFF two inner superlayers of the chamber and reduced gain on next 3 – Total number of superlayers is 8 – Major impact on physics – Number of W’s in reco (no optimization) is reduced by ~20%, number of B’s by ~30% 5 days access to remove wireplane for inspection ● Running without Silicon for the last couple of stores (suspect Si cooling)

26 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 26 Detector Aging ● Lessons for us Radiation aging is very dangerous – it can kill your detector forever There are unexpected issues with detectors aging which are very difficult (impossible?) to test before real data taking We have to constantly monitor for signs of “aging” and act well in advance before problems become severe ● After 3 years of data taking and ~10% of expected Run II luminosity delivered it is time to evaluate situation with radiation aging ● Dmitri is putting together a brief document outlining radiation aging status and prospect for all D0 sub-detectors ● Major items to cover What is currently total integrated dose for the “hottest” part of the detector? What are doses when detector performance expected to start to deteriorate Do we actually observe any changes in detectors performance – critical! – For example number of phe per mip in the case of CFT

27 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 27 Detector Aging Summary (DD, work in progress)

28 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 28 Central Fiber Tracker ● Dramatic increase in the number of non operational readout channels observed after the shutdown ≃ 1.5% of CFT and CPS dead (x20 increase) Originally believed to be SVX chip /AFE board problem (groups of 64 channels); swapped AFE boards – problems stays Appeared after last power outage with warm up of cryostat (mid-October) Possible explanation (water contamination) and fix (dry out) recently verified with test cassette ● Minor impact on offline tracking – but Level 3 tracking and track trigger! 480 CFT axial dead channels Masked most of the dead channels “On” for track trigger Modified Level 3 – efficiency unchanged, 20% increase in processing time ● Good news: dead channel count constant, potentially recoverabe

29 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 29 Luminosity & Luminous Region ● New luminosity constant online since January 19 th ( Fri) New world average for inelastic cross section is used (60.7 ± 2.4 mb) Better estimate of acceptance and efficiency Luminosity-dependent halo corrections Uncertainty reduced to 6.5% Juan Estrada ● D0 luminosity continues to be lower than CDF's number (by 4-11%) ● Effort to understand (and optimize) beam optics in the interaction region Beam width at D0 not optimized ● A 10% increase in luminosity corresponds to about a month of running per year ● Mike Martens is our contact person in Accelerator Division

30 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 30 Other News ● See plenary and parallel sessions for detector status reports I left out all the good news! ● We are regularly inserting all 18 Roman Pots since January ( Fri) ● We got some good press on new liquid Nitrogen recovery system in Fermilab Today – saving $3500 / month after payback for equipment cost ● MDT leak fixes and gas analyzer system improvement saves another $10000/year

31 Arnd Meyer (RWTH Aachen) Feb 25, 2004Page 31 Conclusions ● Accelerators perform better than ever before The 8 best stores ever occurred in February Very reliable – none of them terminated early On track for 0.5fb -1 before the end of the year ● Detector is running well Reasonable start-up after the long shutdown Accumulating more and better data then ever before with 80-93% daily efficiency ● Feedback from offline data quality efforts into the control room needs to be improved ● All detectors groups need additional manpower! Level 1 Front-End Busy is beginning to hurt the physics program Unknown what causes SMT HDI's to fail Calorimeter data quality (checker board etc.) Number of CFT dead channels could have been 20% instead of 1.5% PDT aging

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