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AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Fred Ricchio Week 2: January 25 th, 2007 Propulsion Team Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) Thruster Performance Projections.

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Presentation on theme: "AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Fred Ricchio Week 2: January 25 th, 2007 Propulsion Team Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) Thruster Performance Projections."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Fred Ricchio Week 2: January 25 th, 2007 Propulsion Team Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) Thruster Performance Projections

2 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design MPD Analysis Power Requirement –P = 2.5 MW Specific Impulse –I sp = 6,000 s Power Efficiency –η = 0.7 Specific Mass –α = ~0.275 kg/kW Burn Time –t b = 200 d Propellant Mass –m prop = 17,457 kg Gilland, et al. STAIF 2006

3 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Deliverable Payloads Mission PhaseΔv (km/s)M PL /M o HMO to MS3.10.95 LEO to HEO*6.80.89 HEO to MS10.40.84 HEO to HMO*11.30.83 LEO to MS13.20.80 LEO to HMO18.60.73

4 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Calculations Propellant Mass Payload Ratio

5 AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design References Gilland, James, McGuire, Melissa, Corle, Tyacie, and Clem, Michelle. Mission Performance of High-Power Electromagnetic Thruster Systems. Space Technology and Applications International Forum, American Institute of Physics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 12-16, 2006. Sutton, George P. and Biblarz, Oscar. Rocket Propulsion Elements, Seventh Edition. Wiley Interscience, New York, 2001

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