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Unclassified Information Brief Officer Evaluation System CG PSC-opm-3 Officer Accessions, Evaluations and Promotions Manual, COMDTINST M1000.3 (Series),

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Presentation on theme: "Unclassified Information Brief Officer Evaluation System CG PSC-opm-3 Officer Accessions, Evaluations and Promotions Manual, COMDTINST M1000.3 (Series),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unclassified Information Brief Officer Evaluation System CG PSC-opm-3 Officer Accessions, Evaluations and Promotions Manual, COMDTINST M1000.3 (Series), Chapter 5

2 Unclassified Information Brief OPM-3 Staff / Responsibilities OES / OER Review Writing Hints Special and Derogatory OERs Reported-On Officer Options Board Feedback / Tips Resources Overview

3 Unclassified Information Brief Officer Evaluations Branch (opm-3) CAPT Kevin Gavin Branch Chief LT Charles Bennett Quality Reviewer LT Osvaldo Vera Quality Reviewer CWO3 Otto Argibay Quality Reviewer YN2 Devon McEwan Admin Reviewer Ms. Lubertha Moore Direct Access Mr. Leon Nedd Quality Reviewer

4 Unclassified Information Brief Responsibilities OES training OER consultation (e.g., Special OERs) Review/process active duty OERs –expedite for Selection Boards & Adv Education Panel candidates Respond to OER related: –Boards for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) –Personnel Records Review Boards

5 Unclassified Information Brief Officer Evaluation System Commanding Officers: ensure accurate, fair and objective evaluations are provided to all officers under their command. Individual officers: responsible for managing their own performance understand job expectations; obtain sufficient performance feedback; use guidance to meet or exceed standards. No specific form/forum is prescribed for performance feedback.

6 Unclassified Information Brief Purpose of OES Provides info for personnel management decisions –Promotions / Assignments / Career Development / Retention Sets performance/character standards –Above Standard (5, 6, & 7) –Standard (4) “High level of performance expected of all CG Officers” –Below Standard (3, 2, & 1) Prescribes organizational Core Values to follow Provides means of performance feedback Note: Marks deviating from a “4” must be supported w/ thorough comments.

7 Unclassified Information Brief Rating Chain Reported-on Officer (ROO) subject of the OER; Supervisor Normally individual giving majority of direction to ROO; Reporting Officer (RO) Normally the supervisor’s supervisor; Reviewer Normally the RO’s supervisor.

8 Unclassified Information Brief ROO Responsibilities Seek performance expectations from Supervisor; Manage own performance / seek feedback; Prepare Sections 1 and 13 of OER; Provide list of accomplishments/awards to Supervisor (at least 21 days prior to end of period of report). Ensures OER coverage for every day of active duty.

9 Unclassified Information Brief Supervisor Responsibilities Provides direction throughout evaluation period; Monitors performance & execution of duties; Provides performance counseling/feedback; Prepares Sections 2 through 6 of OER; Forwards to RO within 10 days after end of period of report; Can be civilian or military personnel

10 Unclassified Information Brief Reporting Officer Responsibilities Evaluates on direct observations & info/input from Supervisor; Ensures Supervisor fulfilled OER responsibilities; (cannot direct changes to marks or comments) Completes Sections 7 through 11; Marks Comparison Scale & addresses Potential ; Forwards to Reviewer within 30 days after end of period of report. Can be civilian or military personnel

11 Unclassified Information Brief Reviewer Responsibilities Ensures OER reflects reasonably consistent picture of performance; Determines if Supervisor and RO fulfilled their OER responsibilities -returns if inconsistencies are found; (cannot direct changes to marks or comments) Signs/dates Section 12; May address additional performance/potential not previously mentioned on OER (Reviewer Comments form). Ensures OER arrives at OPM-3 within 45 days of end of period. Must be a CG Officer, CG SES or PHS Flag

12 Unclassified Information Brief Good leadership and timely OERs “Timely and accurate performance feedback is a core leadership responsibility that must remain a unit priority..…Reported-on Officers should not be surprised with the content of their OER…” (CG-1)

13 Timeliness of OERs 2010 58.6% 2009 60.8%

14 Unclassified Information Brief Submission Schedule 31Jan & 31Jul – LTJG* 31Mar – CDR 30Apr – CAPT, LCDR, CWO4 31May– LT 30Jun – CWO2 31Jul – CWO3 31Mar & 30Sep – ENS * LTJG’s in-zone for next Selection Board shall use 30Jun vice 31Jul

15 Unclassified Information Brief Occasion of Report Annual/Semi-Annual Detachment of ROO (Transfer) Detachment or Change of RO Promotion (to O6 or CWO to LT) Concurrent (60+ days of TDY) Special (Removal from duty or Disciplinary) Continuity Purposes Only (used for retirement purposes) Duty Under Instruction (Grad School, Flight Training, etc) Note: Promotion OERs are rare for O5 and below; contact OPM-3 if needed. Regular OERs Exception OERs

16 Unclassified Information Brief Forms OER CG-5310A (W2 – O2) CG-5310B (O3 – O4) CG-5310C (O5) CG-5310D (O6) Reviewer Comments CG-5315A (W2 – O2) CG-5315B (O3 – O4) CG-5315C (O5) CG-5315D (O6) Authorized versions of forms (Rev. 02/09)

17 Unclassified Information Brief Writing the OER (Section 1 and 2) -No wording in full CAPITAL LETTERS - Scope of primary/collateral duties, special projects, key processes, customer base, mgmt of resources (equipment, money, personnel, etc.) - Describe in manner that will be understandable to a reader unfamiliar with officer’s job! As listed in Direct Access, PAL or PCS Orders None N/A Reservists - “IDT drills scheduled/attended: 48/40; ADT 12 days; ADSW 00 days”

18 Unclassified Information Brief Description of Duties (Sample)

19 Unclassified Information Brief Attachments Punitive letters of censure –performance which lead to non-punitive censure may be discussed within OER Court Memorandum Personal awards are no longer authorized attachments to OERs – See ALCGPSC 088/11 for guidance on I-PDR entries

20 Unclassified Information Brief Sample OER Comment Extremely vigilant bridge watch-stander; detected small, intermittent radar contact maneuvered ship to intercept posn prior to sunset; resulted in interdiction of 60 migrants onboard wooden sailboat & prevented potential of loss of life due to deteriorating weather conditions. How well it’s done / Concise accomplishment/ Demonstrated Impact

21 Unclassified Information Brief Sample Comment (Cont’d) How well it’s done/ Concise accomplishment/ Demonstrated Impact Meticulously planned for Tailored Annual Cutter Trng (TACT) drills; led training team in achieving rating of “Excellent” while executing three flawless GUNEXs; played integral part in unit earning CG “E” ribbon in navigation/seamanship for first time in 4+ yrs.

22 Unclassified Information Brief Excessive Abbreviations: “Spb plg/prp res 4 mtg all op msn reqmts; thrly plnd 2 FL sts, 1 WWP, 1 GANTSEC, & 1 JIATF-S ptl.” Confuses the reader. “Community-Specific Acronyms: “SCC, WWM, PSC, CFVS” – Will the Board members know what you’re trying to say? Restricted Comments: Ongoing investigative proceedings; non- selection by Boards/Panels; PRRB/BCMR applications; medical or psychological conditions; religion; gender; color; race; ethnicity; first name; marital or family status; refer by first name; performance outside OER period; classified info. OER will be returned for corrections. Use of Personal Pronouns: He, she,...- Places unnecessary emphasis on gender. As a rule of thumb no more then 4-5 within entire OER. Repetitive use or paraphrasing of OER performance dimensions: Self-explanatory Avoid the following...

23 Unclassified Information Brief Comparison Scales Note: This is a relative ranking; not necessarily a trend of performance.

24 Unclassified Information Brief Potential (Section 10 ) Mandatory Comments Ability to assume greater leadership roles and responsibilities Optional Comments (Highly Encouraged) Promotion recommendation Assignments qualified for Senior Service Schools candidate Special skills Completed by RO

25 2010 OER Corrections Error Rates 2010: 36.4% 2009: 17.98% 2008 : 8.1% 2007 : 16.3% 2006 : 16.0% 2005 : 15.7% Common admin errors - Date Reported: 22% - Not Observed/Other: 10% - Missing attachments: 8% - Period of Rpt: 7%

26 Unclassified Information Brief Special OERs COMDTINST 1000.3 (Series), 5.A.3.c  Counts for Continuity  Does Not Count for Continuity Performance of 6+ months for Officers considered for Selection Boards/Panels, extensions or continuation Performance Notably Different NJP, Court-Martial, or Criminal Conviction Performance significantly different or previously unknown When Specifically Directed (i.e., Relief for Cause)  Counts for Continuity  Does Not Count for Continuity Contact OPM-3 before drafting

27 Unclassified Information Brief Derogatory OERs COMDTINST 1000.3 (Series), 5.A.4.h Defined As: –“1” in any Performance Dimension, or –“UNSAT” Comparison Scale Mark, or –Removal from Primary Duty Addendum Process –Supervisor/RO sign OER; provides copy to ROO –ROO has 14 days to prepare addendum (i.e., statement) –Supervisor/RO endorse addendum; forward entire package to Reviewer for signature/processing.

28 Unclassified Information Brief ROO Options Prepare a “Reply”* Express view of performance which differs from rating chain; comments are performance–oriented only; restricted comments policy remains in effect; submit to Supervisor within 21 days of receipt of validated OER; (See COMDTINST 1000.3 (Series), 5.A.4.g) Correct errors or dispute facts/circumstances Submit “Application for Correction of Military Records” (DD-149) (See COMDTINST 1070.1(series)) * A “Reply” is appended to applicable OER but does not constitute correction.

29 Unclassified Information Brief Performance Professionalism Leadership Education Commandant’s Guidance Board Precept OER CG-4082 w/ Official Transcripts Promotion Year CG PSC Memo to Board President What Boards/Panels Consider

30 Unclassified Information Brief Selection Board/ Panel Feedback Comprehensive description of duties is critical Watch acronym use and clichés (“Hit the deck running.”) Don’t write “Concur with Supervisor” & fill in bubble Review COMDT’s Guidance prior to drafting an OER Reviewer Comments –Optional/Mandatory comments provide value and validity when documenting observed performance and/or conduct.

31 Unclassified Information Brief Follow through with projects and PG programs Do not be vague with recommendation “Comparison Scale” not consistent with “Potential” Emphasize attainment of qualifications and licences Specifics are better than superlatives Selection Board / Panel Feedback

32 Unclassified Information Brief OER Status in CG Portal Check Individual OER Status Goto “Business Intelligence ”

33 Unclassified Information Brief Check Personal OER Status  Click on “Personal View” Tab OER Status in CG Portal

34 Unclassified Information Brief OER Status in CG Portal Look under “compliance tab” OER Status (shows which OER is due)

35 Unclassified Information Brief Resources Officer Accessions, Evaluations, and Promotions COMDT’S Guidance to Boards & Panels Boards/Panels Schedule Correcting Military Records  COMDTINST M1000.3 (series)   PSCINST 1401.5  COMDTINST 1070.1

36 Unclassified Information Brief Important Tips Maintain a personal OER file Update Record of Professional Development (CG-4082) often. Don’t delay submission of OER. Verify validated OERs in Direct Access: Home> Self Service> Employee> View > My Employee Review Review or request copy of permanent record:

37 Unclassified Information Brief OPM-3 Contact Info Website: Email OER Questions: ARL-PF-CGPSC-OPM@USCG.MIL Email OERs (as PDF file): ARL-PF-CGPSC-OPMOER@USCG.MIL (202) 493-1652 / 1653 / 1654 / 1655/ 1621

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