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Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma11 ECAL perfomance: lessons learned and future plans P. Meridiani & C. Seez Physics Days 17/01/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma11 ECAL perfomance: lessons learned and future plans P. Meridiani & C. Seez Physics Days 17/01/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma11 ECAL perfomance: lessons learned and future plans P. Meridiani & C. Seez Physics Days 17/01/2007

2 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma12 Lessons/achievements of PTDR [1] Test beam 2004 results show that ECAL “intrinsic performance” is as expected

3 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma13 Lessons/achievements of PTDR [2] Important lesson from 2004 TB: Amplitude reconstruction from digitized time samples Only a single set of weights required for all channels Only asynchronous (test beam) running requires finely tuned weights Event by event pedestal subtraction, using “presamples” is important and useful Using more than one weight on the signal gives only very small (5%) reduction of energy equivalent noise

4 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma14 Lessons/achievements of PTDR [3] Performance in CMS dominated by: Tracker material Calibration issues The big issue for ECAL is calibration 27/52 pages in ECAL chapter were on this topic Understanding of the tracker material effects is one the biggest challenge for the in-situ calibration Includes also the correction for radiation induced transparency changes using the laser system

5 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma15 Since PTDR 2006: “integration” of the various components which will be used for the final CMS setup DAQ Offline software DQM Many objectives have been achieved: Transition to CMSSW of the ECAL Local Reconstruction code & simulation CMSSW DQM version Cosmic intercalibration campagn Test Beam campaign Ecal test beam in H4 ECAL + HCAL test beam in H2 MTCC

6 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma16 Local Reconstruction code Simplification of the data tiers profiting from the EVD restructuring Implementation used methods demonstrated in the 2004 test beam Local reconstruction integrated with the condition DB Whole procedure (reconstruction code + condition evaluations) fully validated using the test beam data At the moment the code is rather stable and no big changes are foreseen for the future

7 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma17 Simulation Hits No big development w.r.t. to OSCAR. Mostly a porting of the existing code Major ECAL development was the support of the test beam setups, previously not included in OSCAR. More work is needed to include also the beam line components Current work mostly concentrated in the comparisons between Geant 4.8/4.7 versions together with comparison with the test beam data Digitization Completely rewritten w.r.t. to ORCA Moved to MGPA electronics Simplified the code in many areas to make it more mantainable Work is still needed in the trigger primitives emulation EE electronics mapping is still lacking. Some action is needed here

8 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma18 DQM [1] In the 2006 the ECAL DQM moved from the standalone version used in the cosmic setup to the CMSSW DQM architecture It has been used in all the 2006 tests (H4,H2, cosmic, MTCC, DAQ integration center) Proved to be in good shape for detector specific monitoring, under real-life stress-test conditions Heavily used for debugging purposes in the test beams Simple access to all high-level products used in analysis, thanks to the re-use of standard CMS framework/code Costantly under development and continuous update/ upgrade/ improvements Ready to be moved to the final CMS setup version

9 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma19 DQM [2] ECAL DQM - web static pages

10 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma110 Cosmic Intercalibration Every integrated SM is/will be tested for around one week using a specific cosmic setup 10° inclined SM APD HV raised to have gain 200 About 5 million triggers are collected for each SM So far 22 SMs have exposed to cosmic rays Useful for two main reasons Initial commissioning of the integrated SM Preliminary intercalibration coefficient can be computed at a precision of around 2% for all channels Systematics w.r.t to beam intercalibration are under detail study

11 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma111 TB06 campaign [1] Two setups, both have been a great success H4 ECAL only, 10 SMs have been tested. 1 SM has been tested twice H2 ECAL + HCAL, lots of data with different beams (e,     on target) and E (1  300GeV) First real integration tests DAQ + DQM + Offline CMSSW software H2 ECAL + HCAL DAQ have worked together

12 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma112 TB06 campaign [2] Analysis is still going on for both TB data Different intercalibration techniques have been tested on the real data both in H4 & H2 Reproducibility below 0.3% The 10 beam intercalibrated SMs will play an important role at the beginning of the LHC operations in order to understand calibration systematics of the in-situ method Full validation/tuning of the simulation is going on. This will be the starting point for the CMS simulation H2 is fundamental to make the ECAL+HCAL system to be used as a single combined calorimeter

13 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma113 Clustering workshop (November 2006) Excellent performance and extensive understanding of details of cluster and supercluster reconstruction in PTDR Time now for simplification, unification, systematization of knowledge/algorithms/code This stage was begun in “Clustering Workshop” in October 2006 Need for agreed definition of Calibrated RecHits –And Monte Carlo data should correspond to ‘calibrated real data’ if the definition differs Clear and clean separation of “Calibration” and “Corrections” Appropriate clustering for all energies Follows natural and logical progression: Obtain best performance using any means to hand Building up understanding of the details and issues Go back and simplify, consolidate, unify, without sacrificing the performance

14 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma114 PiZero Calibration Important progress on π 0 intercalibration Work done with OSCAR/ORCA system: approval will be sought for AN soon Internal notes from Rome, CalTech, UCSD and Minnesota are being amalgamated Demonstration of the ability to select pi zero events online and create a special stream for calibration is still lacking First resonance seen in CMS :-D H2 Data

15 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma115 Ecal Geometry Old xml “hardcoded” Ecal Geometry needs to be changed Not updated for non-crystal support, cooling, readout Not mantainable Not usable for alignment purposes Primary d.o.f. is the supermodule alignment First implementation is delivered for the barrel (B. Heltsey) Also effort on endcap and preshower is towards completion

16 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma116 What should be done this year We have a solid base to start from but refinement/completion work is needed in many areas Primary goal: deliver a full coherent picture for calibration/corrections Integration/use of the different calibration methods Integration with the laser monitoring Estimation of corrections using the data Make it robust against real data problems (dead-channels...) Detailed definition of the workflow from raw data to calibrations propagated to the condition DB Other important tasks Procedure to measure the tracker material budget. Whose job? Does it need a joint task force ECAL + Tracker?

17 Paolo Meridiani - INFN Roma117 Immediate Tasks Deliver a complete task list and identify where there is lack of manpower Complete the parameterized geometry Put in the EE electronics mapping Define/choose a selective readout algorithm for low luminosities Speed optimized Raw to Digi unpacking and Digi to Raw code Implement a standard dead channel ‘energy estimate’ for RecHits Complete the development of the infrastructure needed for the laser corrections MC truth tools

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