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Dialogue and Information Retrieval Dialogs on Dialogs March all the way through April 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialogue and Information Retrieval Dialogs on Dialogs March all the way through April 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialogue and Information Retrieval Dialogs on Dialogs March all the way through April 2003

2 Intersections between Dialog Systems and IR Current work Call Routing Question Answering Why so little? What else? Let’s brainstorm!

3 Call Routing Task: given a NL expression of a problem, classify (route) it in one of several categories Examples AT&T: How May I Help You British Telecom Jennifer Chu-Carroll

4 Call Routing (2) It’s a classification problem! Salience (co-ocurrence) based approaches (AT&T) IR-like approaches (J. Chu-Carroll) Treat user requests as “documents” Use VSM and cosine similarity to classify

5 The IR in Call Routing Regard the problem as text classification Do standard IR work: LSA LDA Centroid vs. KNN approaches Results? Classification perf?

6 The Dialog in Call Routing Disambiguation Easy to do based on the VSM IR approach Follow-up dialog HMIHY: frame-based follow-up dialogs Q: Is Call Routing dialog management? Q: Or is it more like understanding? Q: Why typical understanding/DM approaches fail in HMIHY-type domains?

7 Question Answering Task: answer to a question in Natural Language from a database of documents in Natural Language. Examples:

8 IR in Question Answering Everywhere: Document indexing Retrieval … What is different from traditional IR? Some parsing/understanding of questions and documents Some language generation (?)

9 Dialog in QA Refining the question: Clarification dialogue Decide which question to ask Only for very restricted domains  uses fixed frames (Rutgers: HITIQA)

10 Why so little? Different issues: IR = lots of unstructured data, no NLP Dialog = structured data, lots of NLP Main problems: Structural mismatch NLU mismatch

11 But HUGE potential! Voice-only random access to large amounts of information (“Voice IR”): technical manuals of “in-the-field” devices (e.g. NASA) tutorial systems phone-based Google (e.g. legal information…) GUI+ for IR Learn dialog stuff from data (LM, NLG, parsing…)

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