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.NET Framework V3.5+ & RESTful web services Mike Taulty Developer & Platform Group Microsoft Ltd

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1 .NET Framework V3.5+ & RESTful web services Mike Taulty Developer & Platform Group Microsoft Ltd

2 Agenda Windows Communication Foundation V3.5 Released Visual Studio 2008/.NET Framework V3.5 ADO.NET Data Services Preview – framework and tooling Latest is the December CTP, ships H1 2008 Has strong links to ADO.NET Entity Framework –Both are part of ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions PreviewASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview

3 RESTful?

4 Resources Res 1 Res 2 Res 3 Res 4 HTTP Request URL VERB Payload HTTP Response Status GET POST PUT DELETE XMLJSON Payload XMLJSON

5 RESTful? REpresentational State Transfer In a nutshell; Server-side resources identified by a URI Access is over HTTP, verb tied to action –GET to read the value of a resource –POST to create a new resource* –PUT to update an existing resource* –DELETE to delete a resource Returned data is “plain” – XML or JSON

6 RESTful?

7 WCF V3.5

8 WCF V3.5 and REST New capabilities around RESTful services webHttpBinding –HTTP(S) protocol (not new in itself) –URI based dispatch and parameter passing –“Plain” XML/JSON serialisation New RSS/Atom publication capabilities

9 WCF V3.5 REST and Syndication

10 ADO.NET Data Services

11 Data Services Built on top of WCF V3.5 CRUD access to data over a RESTful interface Returns XML (ATOM format) or JSON Built-in URI-based query syntax selection, filtering, paging, sorting Client-side libraries for.NET and AJAX clients Desktop.NET and Silverlight.NET

12 data? what kind of data? Provide a type with public properties which are; IQueryable, IEnumerable Also get write access if your type implements; IUpdatable Works well with generated code from; ADO.NET Entity Framework (ObjectContext) LINQ to SQL (DataContext*)

13 entity framework? who he? Extension to the provider model Conceptual model Inheritance Relationships Composite Entities Abstractions Schema of the store SQL dialact of the store Store.NET Provider V2.0 Conceptual Model.NET Provider (EntitySQL).NET Provider (EntitySQL) ORM & LINQ “V3.0” Mapping

14 ADO.NET Data Services

15 More Data Services Capabilities Service Operations Expose more advanced functionality Query Interceptors Hook into requests for resources and run custom logic Update Interceptors Hook into modifications for resources and run custom logic

16 ADO.NET Data Services II

17 Resources (looking for “3.5 Extensions preview”) (looking for WCF V3.5 screencasts)

18 MSDN in the UK Visit Newsletter Events Screencasts Blogs

19 © 2007 Microsoft Ltd. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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