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Gudrun Nachtschatt & Peter Oberbichler Indicators - calculation How to calculate the indicators for the benchmarking procedure Vienna 24. 03. 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Gudrun Nachtschatt & Peter Oberbichler Indicators - calculation How to calculate the indicators for the benchmarking procedure Vienna 24. 03. 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gudrun Nachtschatt & Peter Oberbichler Indicators - calculation How to calculate the indicators for the benchmarking procedure Vienna 24. 03. 2010

2 2 Currently the benchmarking procedure is based on 7 indicators  Transition from unemployment to employment  Transition from unemployment to employment < 6 months  Transition from training to employment  Access to vacancies through PES information systems  Filling vacancies  Jobseekers satisfaction  Employers satisfaction

3 3 Calculation of Indicators The indicators are result of relations of process data e.g.  % of unemployed going back into work within 6 month of unemployment  % of participants of training measures going back into work within 6 month out of all participants of training measures Starting point for the calculation of the indicators are defined process data concerning jobseeker (Population – POPs) and employers (Vacancies – VACs)

4 4 From process data to comparable indicators (Population - POP) POP 0: Entrance into unemployment POP 1: Jobseekers POP 2: Participating in training POP 3: Deregistration of jobseekers POP 4: Deregistration < 6 months POP 5: Terminating training POP 6: Deregistration and transition to employment POP 7: Transition to employment < 6 months POP 8: Employment after training

5 5 From process data to comparable indicators (Vacancies - VAC) VAC 1: Economic wide vacancies VAC 2: PES posted vacancies VAC 3: Accessible vacancies VAC 4: Posted vacancies filled VAC 5: Posted vacancies filled within 4 weeks VAC 6: Posted vacancies filled with PES-candidate VAC 7: Posted vacancies filled with PES-candidate within four weeks

6 6 Definition of POPs POP 1: On the PES register as unemployed job seekers 1Count the individuals 2who are on a PES register 3(at least some time) during the month Mi and 4who are unemployed (and) 5who are job seeking. 6This number is denoted by (POP1)i.

7 7 Definition of POPs - Options POP 1 Number of individuals registered as unemployed job seekers  Option 1: Number of individuals at the end of month Mi-1 (or number of individuals at the beginning of month Mi) plus inflow during month Mi  Option 2: Number of individuals at the end (or at the beginning) of month Mi  Option 3: Average monthly stock of month Mi

8 8 Definition of POPs - additional description Additional each PES describes the concrete methods of measuring the process data in the “Measurement Procedure of Performance Indicators Q1 – Q7”.

9 9 Definition of POPs POP 2: Participation in training measures 7Count the individuals 8who are participating in training measures 9for which the PES is accountable 10(at least some time) during the month Mi. 11This number is denoted by POP2.

10 10 Definition of POPs - Options POP 2 Number of individuals participating in training measures  Option 1: Number of individuals in training measures at the end of month Mi-1 (or number of individuals in training measures at the beginning of month Mi) plus inflow during month Mi  Option 2: Number of individuals in training measures at the end (or at the beginning) of month Mi  Option 3: Average monthly stock of individuals in training measures in month Mi  Please apply the EUROSTAT explanation of TRAINING measures in: Labour Market Policy Database Methodology. Revision of June 2006. page 14 ff §§ 52-64  Training measures include: Institutional training, workplace training, alternate training and special support for apprenticeship

11 11 Definition of POPs POP 3: Deregistration of unemployed job seekers 12Count the individuals 13who are on a PES register 2(at least some time) during the month Mi and 3who are unemployed (and) 4who are job seeking. 5who had been deregistered 15during month Mi. 16This number is denoted by POP3.

12 12 Definition of POPs - Options POP 3 Number of individuals deregistering  Number of job seekers registered as unemployed in the month(s) preceding month Mi who are leaving the register during month Mi (to make a transition either to employment or out of labour force)  Please note: In some PES people do not get deregistered as unemployed, if they hold a (part time) job; thus these people are not "deregistered"

13 13 Definition of POPs POP 4: Deregistration of unemployed job seekers with a spell duration of less than six months 17Count the individuals 13who are on a PES register 2(at least some time) during the month Mi and 3who are unemployed (and) 4who are job seeking. 5who had been deregistered 15during month Mi. 19who had been registered for less than six months (spell duration). 20This number is denoted by POP4.

14 14 Definition of POPs - Options POP 4: Number of individuals deregistering with a spell duration of less than six months  Number of job seekers registered as unemployed in the month(s) preceding month Mi who are leaving the register during month Mi with a spell duration of less than six months (to make a transition either to employment or out of labour force)  Please note: In some PES people do not get deregistered as unemployed, if they hold a (part time) job; thus these people are not "deregistered"

15 15 Definition of POPs POP 5: Terminating training measures 21Count the individuals 8who are participating in training measures 9for which the PES is accountable 10(at least some time) during the month Mi. 23who had terminated the participation in training measures 24during month Mi. 25This number is denoted by POP5.

16 16 Definition of POPs - Options POP 5 Number of individuals terminating training measures  Number of people who are leaving training measures in month Mi (which does not imply that they leave the unemployment register) in case they are registered while participating in measures

17 17 Definition of POPs POP 6: Deregistration and transition to employment 26Count the individuals 13who are on a PES register 2(at least some time) during the month Mi and 3who are unemployed (and) 4who are job seeking. 5who had been deregistered 15during month Mi. 28 who made a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration). 29This number is denoted by POP6.

18 18 Definition of POPs - Options POP 6 Deregistration and transition to employment  Number of job seekers registered as unemployed in the month(s) preceding month Mi who are leaving the register during month Mi to make a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration)  Please note: Different PES have different notions of "employment". It is the specific notion that should serve as criterion. Indicate whether "employment" includes the following –subsidized employment –self employment –mini jobs –part time jobs  Some PES cannot "observe" the transition to employment. If this is the case, estimates have to be provided (from secondary statistical sources, like surveys)

19 19 Definition of POPs POP 7: Deregistration of unemployed job seeker before the six months mark and transition to employment 30Count the individuals 13who are on a PES register 2(at least some time) during the month Mi and 3who are unemployed (and) 4who are job seeking 5who had been deregistered 15during month Mi. 19who had been registered for less than six months (spell duration). 28 who made a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration). 33This number is denoted by POP7.

20 20 Definition of POPs - Options POP 7 Deregistration before the six months mark and transition to employment  Number of job seekers registered as unemployed in the month(s) preceding month Mi who are leaving the register during month Mi with a spell duration of less than six months to make a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration)  Please note: Different PES have different notions of "employment". It is the specific notion that should serve as criterion. Indicate whether "employment" includes the following –subsidized employment –self employment –mini jobs –part time jobs  Some PES cannot "observe" the transition to employment. If this is the case, estimates have to be provided (from secondary statistical sources, like surveys)

21 21 Definition of POPs POP 8: Terminating training measures and transition to employment 34Count the individuals 8who are participating in training measures 9for which the PES is accountable 10(at least some time) during the month Mi. 23who had terminated the participation in training measures 24during month Mi. 28 who made a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration). 37This number is denoted by POP8.

22 22 Definition of POPs - Options POP 8 Terminating training measures and transition to employment  Number of people who are leaving training measures and the register in month Mi to make a transition to employment (within six months after deregistration)  Please note: Different PES have different notions of "employment". It is the specific notion that should serve as criterion. Indicate whether "employment" includes the following –subsidized employment –self employment –mini jobs –part time jobs  Some PES cannot "observe" the transition to employment. If this is the case, estimates have to be provided (from secondary statistical sources, like surveys)

23 23 Calculation of Indicators Q1 Transition from unemployment to employment numeratordenominatormonthly Q1Q1 POP6POP1 Year 2000Jän.0035.556341.3000,10417814 Feb.0039.416330.8110,11914961 Mär.0068.764315.9070,21767166 Apr.0055.119277.3040,19876742 Mai.0044.347250.7110,17688494 Jun.0035.575216.7110,16415872 Jul.0026.036205.0510,12697329 Aug.0020.099195.5120,10280187 Sep.0030.527214.4000,1423834 Okt.0024.097221.0970,10898836 Nov.0023.017241.0940,09546899 Dez.0033.937269.5720,125892150,140

24 24 Calculation of Indicators Q2 Transition from unemployment to employment < 6 months numeratordenominatormonthly Q2Q2 POP7POP4 Year 2000Jän.0033.522,0057.077,000,58731188 Feb.0037.515,0061.948,000,60558856 Mär.0066.420,0090.212,000,73626569 Apr.0052.484,0073.700,000,71213026 Mai.0041.144,0066.177,000,62172658 Jun.0032.881,0053.650,000,61287978 Jul.0023.589,0046.444,000,50790199 Aug.0018.141,0036.263,000,50026198 Sep.0028.024,0054.653,000,51276234 Okt.0022.073,0044.924,000,49134093 Nov.0021.385,0045.091,000,47426316 Dez.0032.669,0051.079,000,639577910,58350092

25 25 Calculation of Indicators Q3 Transition from training to employment Year 2004Jän.045.802,0010.361,000,55998456 Feb.049.781,0015.766,000,62038564 Mär.0410.103,0016.664,000,606277 Apr.049.637,0016.865,000,5714201 Mai.049.943,0017.612,000,56455826 Jun.048.671,0016.422,000,5280112 Jul.048.058,0015.873,000,50765451 Aug.047.303,0013.818,000,52851353 Sep.047.229,0014.576,000,49595225 Okt.0410.133,0019.007,000,53311938 Nov.0411.705,0021.010,000,55711566 Dez.0411.471,0021.679,000,529129570,55017681

26 26 Definition of VACs VAC1: Economic wide vacancies 1Estimate the vacancies 2offered by all employers (in the economy) 3during a month Mi. 4This number is denoted by VAC1.

27 27 Definition of VACs - options VAC 1 Economic wide vacancies  Option 1: Relying on the data of a "vacancy survey"  Option 2: The annual number of new employment-contracts

28 28 Definition of VACs VAC2: PES posted vacancies 5Count the vacancies 6posted with the PES 7during a month Mi. 8This number is denoted by VAC2.

29 29 Definition of VACs - options VAC 2 PES posted vacancies  Option 1: Number of posted vacancies at the end of month M1-1 (or number of posted vacancies at the beginning of month Mi) plus inflow of posted vacancies in month Mi  Option 2: Number of posted vacancies at the end (or at the beginning) of month Mi  Option 3: Average monthly stock of posted vacancies

30 30 Definition of VACs VAC3: Accessible vacancies 9Count the vacancies 10 accessible through PES media (electronic or physical billboards) 11for every job searching person 12during a month Mi. 13This number is denoted by VAC3.

31 31 Definition of VACs - options VAC 3 Accessible vacancies  Option 1: Number of posted vacancies accessible through PES media at the end of month M1-1 (or number of posted vacancies accessible through PES media at the beginning of month Mi) plus inflow of posted vacancies accessible through PES media in month Mi  Option 2: Number of posted vacancies accessible through PES media at the end (or at the beginning) of month Mi  Option 3: Average monthly stock of posted vacancies accessible through PES media

32 32 Definition of VACs VAC 4: Posted vacancies filled 14Count the vacancies 6posted with the PES 16which are filled during month Mi. 17This number is denoted by VAC4.

33 33 Definition of VACs - options VAC 4 Posted vacancies filled  Outflow of posted vacancies during month Mi (irrespective whether the vacancy was filled with a job seeking person or not) or when the vacancy was posted

34 34 Definition of VACs VAC 5: Posted vacancies filled within 4 weeks 18Count the vacancies 6posted with the PES 16which are filled during month Mi. 20within 4 weeks following its PES posting. 21This number is denoted by VAC5.

35 35 Definition of VACs - options VAC 5 Posted vacancies filled within 4 weeks  Outflow of posted vacancies during month Mi within 4 weeks since posting (irrespective whether the vacancy was filled with a job seeking person or not)

36 36 Definition of VACs VAC 6: Posted vacancies filled with PES-candidate 22Count the vacancies 6posted with the PES 16which are filled during month Mi. 24 for which a candidate presented by the PES has been chosen. 25This number is denoted by VAC6.

37 37 Definition of VACs - options VAC 6 Posted vacancies filled with PES candidates  Outflow of posted vacancies during month Mi which are filled by means of the PES with a candidate presented by the PES

38 38 Definition of VACs VAC 7: Posted vacancies filled with PES-candidate within four weeks 26Count the vacancies 6posted with the PES 16which are filled during month Mi. 20within 4 weeks following its PES posting. 24for which a candidate presented by the PES has been chosen. 29This number is denoted by VAC7.

39 39 Definition of VACs - options VAC 7 Posted vacancies filled with PES candidates within four weeks  Outflow of posted vacancies during month Mi within 4 weeks since posting which are filled by means of the PES with a candidate presented by the PES

40 40 Calculation of indicator Q4 numeratordenominatormonthly Q4Q4 VAC3VAC1 Year 2000Jän.0057.161,96190.816,000,29956586 Feb.0063.199,74152.948,000,41321063 Mär.0061.643,33190.760,000,32314599 Apr.0061.934,21173.626,000,35671046 Mai.0070.821,20174.694,000,40540144 Jun.0065.214,69167.588,000,38913699 Jul.0063.252,26238.008,000,26575687 Aug.0063.766,35189.865,000,335851 Sep.0069.644,55204.040,000,34132793 Okt.0063.365,38153.455,000,41292483 Nov.0057.298,31144.030,000,39782205 Dez.0048.664,83128.927,000,377460350,35985953

41 41 Calculation of Indicator Q 5 numeratordenominatormonthly Q5Q5 VAC4VAC2 Variant 1 Year 2000Jän.0018.399,0056.596,000,32509365 Feb.0020.191,0062.574,000,32267395 Mär.0022.858,0061.033,000,3745187 Apr.0023.119,0061.321,000,37701603 Mai.0030.477,0070.120,000,43464062 Jun.0024.492,0064.569,000,37931515 Jul.0022.304,0062.626,000,35614601 Aug.0020.025,0063.135,000,31717748 Sep.0026.059,0068.955,000,37791313 Okt.0022.053,0062.738,000,35150945 Nov.0023.030,0056.731,000,40595089 Dez.0020.974,0048.183,000,435298760,37143782

42 42 “Lost” indicators during the time (after a decision of Head of PES to reduce the complexity of work)  Transition from employment to employment (prevention of unemployment)  Time between getting unemployed and successful placing  Use of modern information technologies  Establishment of a service oriented organisational structure  Provision of sufficient resources for service activities

43 43 Calculation of Indicator Q 6 and Q7  General customer satisfaction of jobseekers  General customer satisfaction of companies

44 44 Background and Context  5 context variables unemployment rate persistence of unemployment relationship: work load – clients Relationship: work load – labour force budget for spending on ALMP  Background paper with main tasks of the PES

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