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Working with small and mid-sized enterprises to improve profits by fully embracing sustainable business practices. …the sustainability advantage True Market.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with small and mid-sized enterprises to improve profits by fully embracing sustainable business practices. …the sustainability advantage True Market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with small and mid-sized enterprises to improve profits by fully embracing sustainable business practices. …the sustainability advantage True Market Solutions, Inc.

2 Reduces Costs, Improves Profit and Cash Flow Increases Revenues Boosts Brand Integrity Energizes Employee Productivity Reduces Risk Bolsters Stakeholder Relationships Sustainability The Business Case

3 What is Sustainability? ? ? ? ? ? ?

4 Sustainability—client definitions “Operating efficiently so that we will minimize the use of natural resources while maximizing profit” —Alameda County Industries, waste —Alameda County Industries, waste “Sustainability is a business value: managing our business so that our customers, employees, suppliers, the community, our future shareholders and the larger environment will endure and prosper” —Scandic Springs, manufacturer —Scandic Springs, manufacturer “To protect and strengthen human, natural, and financial capital to ensure that these vital resources thrive and are available for future generations” —City of Pleasanton

5 “To meet the needs of future generations without compromising the ability of the present to meet its own needs.” Sustainability

6 The Big Story A Time of Great Complexity & Change

7  Economic & political instability  Global power shift — Chindia  Volatile energy prices  Resource wars — water, food  Failing eco system services  Carbon constrained world  Technology & social media revolution Paul Cumes 2001

8 What does it mean to us?? What the world needs now…  Flexibility, resilience, adaptability  Innovation & creativity  Collaboration, co-opetition  Local reliance — reinvesting in…  Strong, healthy communities  Local economic gardening  New sources of funding

9 What does it mean to us?  Risk mitigation and adaptation  Increased requirements and regulations your customers, employees & stakeholders are demanding it!  Market pressures — your customers, employees & stakeholders are demanding it! Sustainability is becoming a requirement!

10 Small Business Represents:  1/2 of the non-farm economy in the United States  Over 95% of the non-governmental employers

11 A new consciousness Looking for Leadership

12 John Deere Credit in Des Moines, Iowa, incorporated lighting controls, daylighting, and more efficient heating and cooling equipment into their new building......saving 35% of energy use annually

13 A RE/MAX office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was being remolded. The facility's manager made sure that all exterior windows and doors were sealed and caulked. All the buildings ductwork was replaced with tighter sealed ducts The measures are saving $7,900 annually

14 Photos by MICHAEL NEMETH/WONDERFUL MACHINE Taylor Furniture Manufacturing, Ohio Currently recycle 90% Set goal of zero waste Average Annual Savings –$4,000 –sold 75,000 lbs sawdust for horse bedding –$5,800 –sold 800 lbs leather scraps to wallet mfg –$4,100 -patched air hoses, ran compressor at 100 psi –6,900 lbs of cardboard recycled Average Annual Savings –$4,000 –sold 75,000 lbs sawdust for horse bedding –$5,800 –sold 800 lbs leather scraps to wallet mfg –$4,100 -patched air hoses, ran compressor at 100 psi –6,900 lbs of cardboard recycled

15 Goals GHGs from global operations are down 80% Global energy use 9% below 1990 levels On track with renewables Cut greenhouse gas emissions 65% by 2010 Raise revenues 6% per year 2000–10 with no increase in energy use By 2010, 10% of energy & 25% of feed stocks from renewables Results

16 Eco-Efficiency = $2.2 Billion saved each year Average Net Income (2003-2007) $2.2 Billion Annual Savings $1.8 Billion $0.4 Billion Commitment Waste reduction Held energy use flat Commitment Waste reduction Held energy use flat

17 Sustainability Goals: 100% renewable energy Zero waste Carbon neutral Sell only sustainable products Become the world’s leading organic retailer Master Change Agent

18 When will it affect your business? (Walmart is no longer alone)

19 The Opportunity… Become part of the Solution!

20 Meet current and future customer/vendor demands & requirements Why they came…

21 Build customer respect and brand loyalty Why they came…

22 Open the Sustainability Lens to new ways of seeing opportunities for your business Why they came…

23 Build collaborative business communities for mutual advantage:  Learn together & from each other  Gain new biz ideas & opportunities Peer circle advantage…

24 Engage and motivate employees!Engage and motivate employees! Attract values-driven new talent!Attract values-driven new talent! Ninety-six percent of Gen Y’ers surveyed said they want an "environmentally aware or friendly workplace” (Johnson Controls Study 2010)

25  Eight local companies  Create your own action plan  World-class coaches  Meet 6 days, over 6 months  Monthly action plan check-ins True Market Sustainability Circles High Touch, Peer Community Approach

26 True Market Sustainability Circles Sessions Include:  Practical information in six technical areas  Exercises and guidance in six other business areas  Collaborative problem solving / idea generation  Presentations by content area experts

27 True Market Solutions True Market Solutions helps you build your customized action plan for your business. Your Action Plan  Specific measures to implement  Detailed action items and time frames  Investments and returns

28 True Market Solutions Core Curriculum Operational Environment Business Case Green Strategy Green Products & Services Green Purchasing Green Supply Chain Branding & Marketing Social Environment Action Plan Green Teams Organizational Culture Employee Engagement Employee Health Stakeholder Engagement Built Environment Lighting HVAC IT & Equipment Waste Envelope Renewable Energy Natural Environment Carbon Footprint Closed Loop Systems Environmental Health Green Product & Service Design Water Land Use

29 Sponsor/CEO Team Leader Sustainability Team All employees True Market Solutions Helps You Get There Roles

30 Commitment at the Management Level True Market Solutions Helps You Get There Change Commitment at the Employee Level

31 Mi Rancho Sustainability Action Plan

32 “”“” To continuously pursue reductions in our Company’s carbon footprint while enhancing profitability as a way to ensure sustainability. —Mi Rancho’s Sustainability Team Mi Rancho Commitment Statement “

33 Emissions: 2,417 Mt CO2e or … 5,324,461 lbs. CO2e Carbon Footprint Baseline Source: Energy Star Portfolio Manager calculations

34  Armando C.  Tony C.  Julio S.  Yanoxis C. Sustainability Team The Green Team! The objective for the team is to focus on streamlining sustainability initiatives that will accomplish both a reduction of CO2 emissions and ROI. Members  Carlos O.  Betty N.  Marlon B.  Joe S.

35 The tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says that when you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.

36 Business, however, has developed a whole range of far more advanced strategies to deal with the dead horse… Business as Usual

37 Buy a stronger whip Change riders Threaten the horse with termination Appoint a committee to study the horse

38 Get a new horse! Sustainability

39 Working with small and mid- sized enterprises to improve profits by fully embracing sustainable business practices. …the sustainability advantage True Market Solutions, Inc.

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