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Plasma Quest Limited Magnetic Data Storage Materials Plasma Quest Perspective Barry Holton Managing Director January 16 th 2006 Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail:
Objectives : To tell you who we are! To present what PQL sees as the challenges for deposition technologies To indicate where PQL is directing its materials deposition developments To indicate where PQL sees the potential To listen
Introduction PQL is a small R&D company with 7 years experience of developing, using - and promoting - Remote Plasma Sputtering as a solution to a wide range of materials and applications, providing unique solutions and benefits in most cases. - high rate, low temperature deposition of low stress thin film coatings with near ideal physical properties -significantly increased process scope – ‘enabling technology’ - deposition of metals, alloys, insulators and ferromagnetics* - stable reactive sputter deposition for dielectric thin films - deposition of high quality transparent conducting oxides (TCO) - deposition of DLC with high optical transmission - deposition of polycrystalline silicon for electronic devices - new waveguide materials and system options for opto-electronics [*remote plasma allows thick (6mm+) target use]
Hard Disc Developments Already well established with large companies and their R&D operations investing heavily. PQL will not look DIRECTLY at developing in this area, but it will look to promote its technologies where appropriate Currently working with Universities of York and Manchester in a LINK ISD programme to: “demonstrate the potential of HiTUS technology for the production of thin films of magnetic materials and other films suitable for application in the field of magnetic information storage” (a number of papers have been generated from this project)
PQL seeks to concentrate on “specialist” activities, where the key characteristics of its technology offer new opportunities, for example: High target utilisation Sputtering from thick ferromagnetic targets Thin film properties close to bulk Ability readily to control grain size PLUS Readily controllable stress High rate deposition at low temperature Stoichiometric deposition from compound targets Very smooth films High rate, stable reactive sputtering What will PQL develop?
Plasma Density Amplification through Magnetic Confinement Gnd Diode Sputtering (no magnetic field) Low ionisation efficiency = low sputter rates, high pressure Target current density 0.1 – 2.0 mA/cm 2 Target : -ve bias
Plasma Density Amplification through Magnetic Confinement Gnd Diode Sputtering (no magnetic field) Low ionisation efficiency = low sputter rates, high pressure Target current density 0.1 – 2.0 mA/cm 2 Target : -ve bias Gnd ‘Magnetron’ - confinement at target High local ionisation efficiency = high local sputter rates (‘racetrack’) Target current density up to 100 mA/cm 2 locally Target : -ve bias
Plasma Density Amplification through Magnetic Confinement Gnd Diode Sputtering (no magnetic field) Low ionisation efficiency = low sputter rates, high pressure Target current density 0.1 – 2.0 mA/cm 2 Target : -ve bias Gnd ‘Magnetron’ - confinement at target High local ionisation efficiency = high local sputter rates (‘racetrack’) Target current density up to 100 mA/cm 2 locally Target : -ve bias Gnd Remote Plasma High remote ionisation efficiency = high sputter rates over full target Target current density up to 100 mA/cm 2 over full target Target : -ve bias
Standard System Schematic
External RF antenna (13.56, 40MHz) produces initial low density plasma. Combined RF and DC electromagnetic fields accelerate electrons; magnetic field constrains electron paths and increases average path length. A significant proportion of electrons are accelerated to c. 50eV (probe measurements) – optimum for ionisation of argon gas. Combination of long path and high ionisation efficiency results in plasma density amplification towards plasma source exit – visible by OES. Plasma densities in excess of 10 13 cm -3 may be achieved at source exit, limited by ambient gas pressure (90% ionised by OES). Measurements show high ion densities, but low ion bias (tens of V) – no sputtering of unbiassed components. Electrodeless system, highly robust and tolerant of reactive gases. Plasma Source Basics
DC magnetic field produced by the Source and Target electromagnets continues to constrain electron paths, essentially ‘directing’ the plasma to the target – a ‘cascade’ generation process. Despite magnetic field variations (30-300G range) and increasing distance from the source, high ionisation efficiencies are maintained – producing a high density plasma in front of the target surface. In the absence of target bias no sputtering occurs. Increasing (negative) target bias up to ~100V draws increasing ion current from the plasma. Sputtering begins during this time for most materials. Above -100V bias, the ion current ‘limits’ at a value dependent on process conditions (Source Power, magnetic field strength, gas pressure). Sputter rate therefore depends on bias voltage from hereon (approx. linearly to 2kV) The plasma itself is unaffected by target bias – giving an inherently stable basis for the sputtering process. Independent Source and Target operation allows stable coating over 5 orders of magnitude of deposition rate. Remote Plasma Sputtering Basics
Some Indicative Deposition Rates Reactive Al 2 O 3 240nm/min200mm Ø target Reactive Ta 2 O 5 125nm/min100mm Ø target Reactive SiO 2 100nm/min100mm Ø target Reactive TiO 2 100nm/min100mm Ø target Fe/Co 120nm/min 6mm x 100mm Ø target
High Density Plasma Launch System (Some Benefits) Plasma Densities 10 10 to 10 13 cm -3 Plasma Assisted High Rate Reactive Deposition High Target Utilisation Control of Grain Size Sputter from thick ferromagnetic targets Exceptional Film Properties eg Low Stress Films Refractive Index near bulk Low absorption Very Smooth Stoichiometry of compound targets maintained Control of Properties System retrofittable to existing vacuum processes Deposition onto Organic Substrates Plasma Clean Facility AN ENABLING TECHNOLOGY Plasma Quest’s Base Technology
Some Magnetic Materials Information Bias Voltage (-V) 200 400 600 800 1000 (nm) 80 60 40 20 100 CoFe 20nm films University of York - 2005 Origins of the filmsSample referenceRoughness Ra (nm) PQLMTA-1000.5 nm PQLMTA-101 (A)0.5 nm PQLMTA-1041.6 nm Coey et al.Janko-Si-12.4 nm Coey et al.Janko-Si-22.5 nm Trinity College Dublin - 2001 PQL/UoY 2005 120nm Fe deposited onto 25µm Kapton
Si /Cr /FeCo-2.5nm Cr with different voltage levels for seed Sample BP BiasVolume Ms Ms Ms Hc mbar -V (cm 3 ) EMU EMU/cm 3 kG Oe 290505015.0e-62002.2x10 -5 4.1x10 -2 1865 23.4 21 290505021.6e-62502.1x10 -5 3.68x10 -2 1754 22 41 030505017.5e-63002.0x10 -5 3.71x10 -2 1858 23.3 11 040505011.0e-64002.2x10 -5 3.7x10 -2 1685 21.2 33 040505028.5e-65001.5x10 -5 2.63x10 -2 1744 21.9 60 040505038.0e-66002.0x10 -5 3.481x10 -2 1744 21.9 64 Cr seed shows good M S AND lower H C ~ 11 Oe
The ‘standard’ HiTUS technology requires a source of similar diameter to the target diameter to be used. Typically 7.5cm to 20cm diameter targets are used in our systems (application dependent) We have successfully demonstrated Plasma Source operation to 20cm diameter – potentially allowing use with 30cm targets. The Plasma Source requires an RF supply of similar rating to the target supply – a cost disadvantage. Substrate size and deposition rate trade off = bigger targets or multiple targets are required for large throughput applications. Remote Plasma systems are disadvantaged due to multiple plasma source cost implications. Production Systems ‘Scale Up’ Issues
Trials passing the plasma ‘beam’ along a rectangular target show improved area coating as expected, but ………….. ………….we also discovered that a cylindrical target can be placed within the plasma beam without compromising the beam in any way. Substantial in-house R&D over the last year has shown that this configuration has many benefits: More efficient use of plasma source – one tenth the power required Eliminates need to scale source with target Greatly increased coating area Greatly increased coating rates Retains all HiTUS advantages – improves reactive stability. Scale Up Development – ‘Linear’ System
Cylindrical Target Substrate Carrier Or Web Feed (1) Launch Electromagnet Target Electromagnet Plasma Source Linear System Schematic Substrate Carrier Or Web Feed (2) (Note: system shown rotated 90 degrees for clarity)
Critical understanding: the plasma beam from our Plasma Source essentially comprises two regions: A tubular cross section ‘generation’ region A more extensive ‘cylindrical’ cross section plasma region The former is the main ‘glow discharge’ that visually defines the apparent plasma ‘beam’ – this must not be obstructed. The latter (may be invisible) can be obstructed. Thus a target may be placed within the plasma generation tube and thereby surrounded by plasma without detriment to the plasma itself. In addition, the generation tube appears to act as a ‘conduit’ for the RF energy – plasma generation efficiency is maintained, providing a uniform plasma density for sputtering from the whole target surface. Fundamentals of Linear Source Operation
Linear System - Target Size Comparison 20cm 10cm Linear Source 35cm
50cm x 7.5cm dia. Linear Target System
A wide range of thin films, from metals to dielectrics, have been successfully deposited onto 50µm Kapton and 25µm PET Films are low stress, controllable from tensile through to compressive Film properties are near ideal and unchanged from those achieved on e.g. glass, and silicon wafers Examples of thin film depositions onto plastics (35cm linear target): Stainless steel – 80 nm/min at 30cm separation Titanium – 100 nm/min at 26cm separation Iron – 45 nm/min at 30cm separation Aluminium – 100 nm/min at 22cm separation Alumina – 115 nm/min at 22cm separation System limited – extrapolated potential rates are 2-3 times this. Target wall thickness ~ 1.5cm for all targets – including magnetics. Linear System - High Rate Deposition onto Thin Plastic Sheet for Flexible Electronics
Stress control 800nm Permalloy (NiFe) on 25µm Kapton sheet
15mm wall thickness low purity iron (mild steel) 35cm linear target Target - substrate separation 30cm Substrate : 25µm Kapton sheet Deposition rate : 45nm/min; Total film thickness : 120nm; Deposition area : 0.2m 2 Zero stress film Linear System - High Rate Deposition of Ferromagnetic Materials onto thin plastic film – M-H Loop Data
Linear System uses the same ‘reactive sputtering’ technique as standard HiTUS – inherently stable process without feedback control Uses metallic sputtering target, e.g. Al for alumina, Si for silica. This allows high rate sputtering – and cheaper DC supplies for metallics. Introduce appropriate flow (and distribution) of reactive gas during the sputter process, e.g. O 2 for oxides, N 2 for nitrides – or appropriate mixture for oxy-nitrides. High density plasma assists reaction (gas phase or surface) resulting in deposition of high quality, densified dielectrics at room temperature. Fully reacted coatings for optimised process – no free metal inclusion. Coatings are generally amorphous (low light scatter). Linear System - High Rate Dielectric Deposition
Reactive deposition from aluminium 35cm linear target Target - substrate separation 22cm Substrate : 25µm PET sheet Deposition rate : 115nm/min; Total film thickness : 1000nm; Deposition area : 0.2m 2 Very low stress film. RI = 1.7 Linear System - High Rate Deposition of Alumina onto thin plastic film – Transmission Data
Preliminary Results - tbc Prototype system in test, driven by 15cm diameter Plasma Source. Target diameter is 7cm – this has proven undersize for the Plasma Source as expected. Estimated maximum is 12cm. System power limited at present (60kW target supply requirement). (RF requirement is 5kW). Achieving full utilisation of target length – i.e. plasma propagates over 0.5m. Scaling data according to prior target dependencies indicates that target rates of 400nm/min will be exceeded – potentially 900nm/min. Data shows expected scaling of rate with target size increase – a 10cm target could therefore further raise this rate to 1400nm/min or more. (Separation = 25cm) Linear System – 50cm Target Development
Concept In-Line Linear Source Coating System Schematic Dynamic Deposition Rate > 1000nm m/min (Continuous feed, Web or carrier plates (Batch and multi-component target systems also in development) Plasma Sources Carrier Plate 9 off 4” dia substrates Load Lock Deposition Chambers Load Lock
Contacts : Professor Michael Thwaites (CEO) Tel: +44 (0) 1256 740682 e-mail: Barry Holton (MD) Tel: +44 (0) 1256 740680 e-mail: Website: Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail:
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: LINK Programme Materials Rigid Disc Materials Cr, CoPt, FePt Soft Magnetic Films and Interlayers CoFe Antiferromagnetic Materials FeMn, IrMn, PtMn Tunnel Junctions Al 2 O 3, MgO
The Hardware
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: No Racetrack Copper 6mm Cobalt Racetrack Full surface erosion >90% UTILISATION Magnetron HiTUS
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: “Driving” the HiTUS Applied target voltage (V) Target current (A) Target current/voltage relationship
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: Range of the HiTUS Magnetron + HiTUS Minimum magnetron plasma striking voltage and current (Not applicable to HiTUS) HiTUS Only HiTUS + Magnetron HiTUS Only 0 0 BUT: HiTUS INDEPENDENT of gas pressure !!
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: Comparison of theoretical and actual transmittance vs wavelength for a 14-layer diagnostic filter TheoreticalActual
Tel: +44(0) 1256 740680 e-mail: Waveguide action in Ta 2 O 5
Optical Emission Spectra for Remote Plasma Source Optical emission at antenna Optical emission at source exit 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 415.0416.5418.0419.5421.0422.5424.0 425.5 426.9 428.4429.9 431.4432.9434.4435.8437.3 438.8 420.0 nm Ar 434.8 nm Ar + n i ~ 10 13 cm -3 Emission Intensity (arb units) Wavelength (nm)
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