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Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections Alice Bellasich Gale Cengage Learning February 2011 An invaluable electronic resource that offers complete student.

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Presentation on theme: "Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections Alice Bellasich Gale Cengage Learning February 2011 An invaluable electronic resource that offers complete student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections Alice Bellasich Gale Cengage Learning February 2011 An invaluable electronic resource that offers complete student access to core academic textbooks

2 2 Why the Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections? o Every year, a large part of academic library budget is spent on short loan collections o Textbooks, course materials, articles in high demand o Loans permitted for short durations, usually a few hours o Issues: Students dissatisfied with availability, no access out of hours, no support for distance learners, vandalism

3 Further Research JISC Observatory Project o37 e-textbooks, 127 universities o46,000 visits oStudy of user behaviour oReport on key findings and recommendations

4 JISC Observatory Findings oDespite the increase in amount of course eBooks available, there remains a lack of critical mass available oIn addition, librarians often see latest editions only available in print oThe availability of all course textbooks online coupled with intuitive search platforms will encourage high levels of use and increase the adoption of course textbooks oIt is important that teaching staff, who are central in the use of course text, liaise with their library to recommend materials for purchase

5 What are the Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections? oElectronic collection of core adopted textbooks oSelection based on Cengage Learning bestsellers omulti-disciplinary oSite license model oAccess 24/7 & remote oLearner oriented features & functionality oMARC records available: free of charge

6 The Collections Available oCore collection: 23 bestselling Cengage Learning titles oPsychology collection: 10 of our most popular psychology textbooks oMarketing collection: 10 titles covering all areas of marketing oCommunication & Media collection: 10 communication and media titles oGovernment & Politics collection: 10 titles on world politics up to 2009 oArts & Music collection: 10 of our bestselling arts and music titles oStudy Skills collection: 10 of our bestselling study skills titles oPick-and-mix collection: select either 10 or 20 textbooks from our complete list of over 110 titles

7 Benefits of Cengage Learning e-Textbook Collections For Libraries: oResolve the problem of student access to key textbooks at all times o24/7 access from anywhere oAccess guaranteed, even at peak exam/revision times oOne-off investment, easy to budget oSave shelf space and reduce burden of short loan lending oAccess in perpetuity oChoice: 2 pick & mix options OR set collections, to suit all needs For Students: oPortability with Internet based access oSavings! Access to key textbooks is free via the library oBreadth - by cross searching the books, students get a wider perspective on their subjects For Lecturers: oall students have access to the chosen title oChoice: with subject packages, lecturers can offer alternative approaches to the subject matter

8 A well-known, trusted platform MyiLibrary platform features: oComplete searching: full-text searching across the entire platform oUse anywhere, anytime: accommodates both on-site and remote users oMultiple access levels: secure and controlled access/authentication methods oHelp when you need it: customer support and technical assistance available for both MAC and PC

9 The Value of the Collections oWith our e-Textbook Collections we are responding to genuine market needs oStudents frustrated by poor access to textbooks via libraries oLibraries want to support the student population but cannot afford per-student model oUniversities under pressure to justify increasing tuitions and differentiate their offerings oLibraries can now play a more key role oCengage Learning are leading the market oWe are not holding back our best selling titles or current editions

10 CL e-Textbook Collections: Selected highlights oAtkinson & Hilgard's: Introduction to Psychology oSerway/Jewett: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics oDibb: Marketing, European Edition oThompson: Strategic Management oDaft: New Era of Management oVerderber: Communicate! oWooldridge: Introductory Econometrics

11 Question & Answers oHow will access work? oCollections are available online on site license in perpetuity for customers who have purchased them - all students can access all textbooks at anytime and from anywhere oWill students be able to print/highlight/annotate? oStudents can highlight and annotate, cross-search among books in this collection as well as browsing the book. There will also be limited print functionality oIs MyLibrary Athens/UK Federation Management authenticated? oYes, customers can authenticate via Athens and Shibboleth oCan libraries integrate these collections into their catalogue (OPAC)? oYes, MyiLibrary will provide MARC Records when the order is processed

12 Further Information Email: Visit:

13 Newspaper Archives Cross-search your historical newspaper collections with



16 Gromyko smashes a Dream (Greece And Cyprus) The Economist 30th January 1965 Mr Gromyko has severely shaken the Greek’s belief that they would eventually be able to secure “enosis” – union with Greece – as a solution for Cyprus…


18 The Times 16 th February 1974

19 The Times 17 th July 1974

20 Financial Times 19 th July 1974

21 Half a cheer (Turkey and Cyprus) The Economist 25th October 1975 First the good news. Turkey is now ready to talk about possible withdrawals by its army in Cyprus. The Foreign Minister, Mr Caglayangil, gave the undertaking in a statement on Tuesday…

22 The Financial Times 12 th February 1977

23 Illustrated London 2 November 1968

24 Newspaper Archives Cross-search your historical newspaper collections with GALE NEWSVAULT


26 Questions?

27 Academic OneFile Chris Houghton February 28 th 2011

28 Content that Students Need, No Restrictions  Fewer than 400 titles with an embargo.  Full-text of major newspapers, with 24 years of the New York Times, updated multiple times per day.  Abstracts for full Elsevier Collection.  Linking to Google Scholar, ISI Web of Science, JSTOR.

29 InfoTrac Growth 2009  More than 4M articles added to InfoTrac  Manually indexed more than 1M articles  Signed more than 1,400 new titles  Academic OneFile continues to sign full-text titles from all of the major bibliographic indices

30 Title Comparison Q1 2011

31 Why Avoid Embargos? In 2009 95% of the retrieved and used content in products was published less than 8 months ago. So what good is content with a one year embargo?

32 Promoting your Resources

33 Marketing To help the library increase and maintain their usage and promote their databases, Cengage can offer the following Materials: Posters Bookmarks Factsheets Flyers


35 Training Cengage is committed to providing you with the resources to train users to access relevant material effectively and efficiently: Tip Sheets Navigation Guides Sample Searches

36 Agenda

37 Guided Tours Cengage are developing a suite of Guided Tours for each of their products. These will be: Created in Flash; therefore low in bandwidth and quick to load Aimed at Users with little or no experience of products Approximately 10 minutes long A comprehensive walk through of the product Available for the library to link to from their webpage/VLE

38 Agenda


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