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Inpatient conference call: Can Joslin improve inpatient quality in your hospital? July 26, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Inpatient conference call: Can Joslin improve inpatient quality in your hospital? July 26, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inpatient conference call: Can Joslin improve inpatient quality in your hospital? July 26, 2006


3 What is the prevalence in your hospital?


5 Results of Affiliate survey in October 2005 17 Affiliates completed survey 12 identify inpatients with DM diagnosis 10 track some data 4 hospital’s ICU targets meet AACE recommendations Most have some protocols

6 Results of Affiliate survey in October 2005 14 provide staff education 9 provide medical consultation 10 provide education consults 11 don’t currently have resources to increase inpatient involvement




10 JCAHO JCAHO has collaborated with ADA to identify critical attributes of successful inpatient diabetes programs Can your hospital receive Joint Commission’s Inpatient Diabetes Certification? ms/Inpatient+Diabetes/ m

11 JCAHO/ADA Critical Attributes Specific staff education requirements Written blood glucose monitoring protocols Plans for treatment of hypo & hyperglycemia Data collection of incidences of hypoglycemia Patient education Program champion or champion team

12 How can the Joslin Inpatient Care manual help?

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