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Apprentice Brief. Introduction Apprentice Frameworks IIE/SEMTA Department Induction Management of the Apprentice.

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Presentation on theme: "Apprentice Brief. Introduction Apprentice Frameworks IIE/SEMTA Department Induction Management of the Apprentice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apprentice Brief

2 Introduction Apprentice Frameworks IIE/SEMTA Department Induction Management of the Apprentice

3 Type of Apprenticeship Frameworks Student Level 1 Foundation Level 2 Advanced Level 3 Graduate Level 4

4 Apprentice Frameworks Each Framework Consists of: - Vocational Award (NVQ) Key Skills Award Further Education Award Personal Development

5 What are Vocational Awards Up to 1990, traditionally, in most skill areas qualifications have been awarded on the basis of examination success The Government realised that for Britain to compete effectively in world markets, it had to provide a more practical qualification, accessible to almost all the working population This was based on Engineering and Construction Vocational Awards Programmes TR21, TR22 and TR23 The new vocational awards for all sectors would be called NVQs

6 How do NVQs Work? - Who awards NVQs? The Government’s NCVQ (National Council for Vocational Qualifications) has provided the model which NVQs must follow Each industry must have a Lead Body who job is to set the national standards for its industry The Lead Body and Awarding Body for the engineering industry is SEMTA

7 How can NVQs benefit? NVQs are proof that a person can work to industry standards, and is recognised by employers and trade unions throughout the country NVQs are designed to keep to pace with the world of work. New units are developed to reflect changes in the industry, e.g. technological advances, etc Personal satisfaction of having a recognised qualification. When the time for promotion, or job change arrives, you will be well prepared with an NVQ under your belt

8 How do NVQs work? - The Levels Level 1 - Operators Competence in a range of work activities, mostly routine and predictable Competence in a variety of work activities, some complex and non-routine, in differing situations with ability to take some individual responsibility or work in calibration with others Level 2 - Operators with higher skills Level 3 - Technicians and craft employees Competence in a broad range of work activities, mainly complex and non-routine in a wide variety of situations, often involving the guidance or supervision of others Competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities in a wide variety of situations often with responsibility for others and allocation of resources Level 4 - Technician engineers Level 5 - Professional engineers, scientists and technologists Competence in the application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques in a wide and often unpredictable variety of work situations. Substantial autonomy and responsibility for the work of others, allocation of resources, analysis, diagnosis, planning and evaluation

9 How do NVQs Work? - The Structure NVQ Unit 1 Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Element 1Element 2Element 3 E.g. Conduct testing of engineering products/assets under complex conditions E.g. complex testing of products/systems ENR/102 E.g. testing telemetry equipment under complex conditions ENR/158 E.g. operating calibrated test facilities under complex conditions ENR/335

10 How to progress with NVQs? Two great advantages of NVQs are that they are flexible and transferable Employers needs two types of people: those who are highly competent in a particular skill, and those who are versatile. NVQs designed to cope with both. You can use common elements / units from other quite different engineering areas towards more than one qualification You can use elements / units from relevant NVQs towards another NVQ

11 Summary NVQ is a recognised alternative to exam-based qualifications NVQs are achieved by building up elements, which result in units, which collectively make up an NVQ There are 5 levels with increasing levels of competence NVQs are flexible and transferable. The matrix structure allows the employee to acquire the necessary qualifications to keep to pace with the changing business needs

12 Key Skills What are Key Skills? Key Skills are the essential skills that everyone needs to succeed in education and training, in work and in life in general. The Key Skills Qualification provide apprentices with the opportunity to extend their learning in: - 1. Communication 2. Application of number 3. Information technology 4. Working with others 5. Problem solving 6. Improving own learning

13 Further Education All young people complete further education at Oakland’s College Years One and Two ONC Years Three and FourHNC Year FiveHND ONC and HNC Six core units each and four optional HND Six units extra units from HNC

14 Personal Development Interaction week Life Skills one and Two Working in local schools (Average ten days per year) Managing work experience placements One off projects Learning journals and reviewing Skills competitions Placement objectives and reviews Knowledge Point

15 IIE/SEMTA IIE MBDA is one of 33 employers/training providers whose scheme is recognised by the IIE On completion of the level 3 framework apprentices Qualify for Eng Tec Status SEMTA Industry lead body (Sector Skills Council) and MBDA are fully accredited by them

16 Department Induction Key Points Remember the apprentice will be joining you Have an area prepared Introduce him/her to everyone Have his/her placement plan ready Local procedures Break times Lunch Start times Fire exits Any health and safety issues

17 Management of the Apprentice Open Options Holidays Objectives and Reviews Sickness American Express Cards Hire Cars Wage Slips Funding Time of section for knowledge point, schools etc.

18 Thank you for listening - Any Questions?

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