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Information Resources Management April 3, 2001. Agenda n Administrivia n Physical Database Design n Database Integrity n Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Resources Management April 3, 2001. Agenda n Administrivia n Physical Database Design n Database Integrity n Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Resources Management April 3, 2001

2 Agenda n Administrivia n Physical Database Design n Database Integrity n Performance

3 Administrivia n Exam 2

4 Regrade Requests Exam SQL n Create Database n Enter query(s) as submitted n Submit to me n Database (electronic) n Graded homework (paper) n Reserve the right to change test data and reexecute query

5 Foreign Keys n Inserts require all FK values be the value of a primary key in the reference table n Update and delete constraints are also possible



8 Example - PCAccess Table

9 Example #1 INSERT INTO PCAccess (PC#) VALUES (4)

10 Example #2 INSERT INTO PCAccess (PC#, EmpID) VALUES (4,5)

11 Example #3 UPDATE Employee SET EmpID = 10 WHERE EmpID = 1

12 Example #4 UPDATE PCAccess SET EmpID = 10 WHERE EmpID = 1

13 Example #5 DELETE FROM Employee WHERE EmpID = 2

14 Example #6 DELETE FROM PCAccess WHERE EmpID = 2

15 Example #7 DELETE FROM PC WHERE PC# = 3

16 Cascading n Chain followed until the end n Especially for deletes n If mix of CASCADE, RESTRICT, SET NULL n Will get all or nothing


18 Constraints T1T2 Want to update the value of X1 to be X11. What has to happen?

19 Performance n Requires Knowledge of n DBMS n Applications n Data n Users & Expectations n Environment

20 Performance Classes n OLTP n On-Line Transaction Processing n OLAP n On-Line Analytic Processing n Mix of OLTP and OLAP

21 OLTP n Throughput Driven n Throughput - number of transactions per unit of time n Lots of Transactions n Mix of Update and Query n High Concurrency

22 OLAP n Response Time Driven n Response Time - single transaction n Very Large, Possibly Complex, Transactions n Query Evaluation and Optimization

23 Performance Tuning n Consider the Mix of OLTP & OLAP n Interference Between Types Example: Single daily large analytic transaction, rest simple transactions, locking could prevent others from running.

24 Tuning Levels n DBMS n Hardware n Design n Interactions Between Levels

25 DBMS Parameter Tuning n Specific to DBMS n Buffers - Buffer Pool n Logging - Checkpoints n Lock Management n Space Allocation - Log, Data, Freespace n Thread Management n Operating System Tuning

26 Hardware Tuning n Memory n CPU n Disk n RAID n Number of Drives n Partitioning n Architecture -- Parallel Systems?

27 RAID n Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks n Appears as single disk n Physical storage difference - no database differences n Increase performance n Provide recovery from disk failure

28 Negative Effect of RAID n MTBF (mean time between failures) n Increase by factor = # of drives used

29 How RAID Works Striping - dividing equally across all disks 1234 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12 Stripe 1 Stripe 2 Stripe 3 Stripe n

30 RAID Levels n RAID-0 n RAID-1 n RAID-2 n RAID-3 n RAID-4 n RAID-5 n RAID-6

31 RAID-0 n All disks store unique data n Very fast n No fault tolerance or recovery 1234 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12

32 RAID-1 n Fully Redundant n Faster Reads/Slower Writes n High fault tolerance -- easy recovery 1234 1 3 5 2 4 6 1 3 5 2 4 6

33 RAID-2 n Each record spans all drives n Some disks store ECC (error correction codes) n Parity checks allow error detection and correction 1234 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b 3b ECC

34 RAID-3 n Each record spans all drives n One disk stores ECC n Single-User 1234 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b 3b 1c 2c 3c ECC

35 RAID-4 n Each record stored on a single disk n One drive for ECC n Multi-user reads; Single-User writes 1234 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 ECC

36 RAID-5 (Rotating Parity Array) n Drive has both data and ECC n ECCs rotate to different drive n Multi-user reads and writes 1234 1 ECC 2 4 3 5 6 678 11109 121314

37 RAID-6 P+Q Redundancy n P - “parity” n Q - “extra parity” n 2 bits of ECC per 4 bits of data n Handles multiple disk failures n Reed-Solomon codes n Introduction to the Theory of Error- Correcting Codes, Pless (1989)

38 Your Mileage May Vary “We note that numerous improvements have been proposed to the basic RAID schemes described here. As a result, sometimes there is confusion about the exact definitions of the different RAID levels.”

39 RAID Usage n 1, 3, and 5 outperform others n RAID-1 - fastest, no storage cost, but not fault tolerant n RAID-3 - single-user only n RAID-5 - higher speed than single disk, fault tolerant, multi-user, but some storage cost and slower write times

40 Design Tuning n Transactions n Physical Database

41 Transaction Tuning The DBMS optimizes so why worry? n An optimized poorly written transaction can always be outperformed by a well- written nonoptimized one. n EXPLAIN (DB2) n What did the optimizer come up with?

42 Transaction Tuning n Distributed Databases n Client-Server n Network performance becomes an additional concern

43 Transaction Tuning n DBA participation in program reviews and walkthroughs n Continuous Monitoring

44 Transaction Tuning Heuristics n Single query instead of multiple queries n “multiple” includes sub-queries n Avoid long-running transactions n Avoid large quantities of updates n Locking and logging n Reduce number of tables joined

45 Transaction Tuning Heuristics n Reduce sorting n Return less data rather than more n Don’t shift logic from query to program n Optimizer is likely to be faster n Less data is returned

46 Transaction Tuning Example Get the names of all managers whose offices have property listed in Pgh. SELECT * FROM Property as P, Office as O, Manager as M, Employee as E WHERE P.OfficeNbr = O.OfficeNbr AND O.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr AND M.EmpID = E.EmpID AND PropertyID IN (SELECT PropertyID FROM Property as P2 WHERE P2.City = ‘Pgh’ AND P2.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr)

47 Transaction Tuning Example SELECT * FROM Property as P, Office as O, Manager as M, Employee as E WHERE P.OfficeNbr = O.OfficeNbr AND O.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr AND M.EmpID = E.EmpID AND PropertyID IN (SELECT PropertyID FROM Property as P2 WHERE P2.City = ‘Pgh’ AND P2.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr) More is selected than is needed.

48 Transaction Tuning Example SELECT * FROM Property as P, Office as O, Manager as M, Employee as E WHERE P.OfficeNbr = O.OfficeNbr AND O.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr AND M.EmpID = E.EmpID AND PropertyID IN (SELECT PropertyID FROM Property as P2 WHERE P2.City = ‘Pgh’ AND P2.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr) Some joined tables can be eliminated.

49 Transaction Tuning Example SELECT * FROM Property as P, Office as O, Manager as M, Employee as E WHERE P.OfficeNbr = O.OfficeNbr AND O.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr AND M.EmpID = E.EmpID AND PropertyID IN (SELECT PropertyID FROM Property as P2 WHERE P2.City = ‘Pgh’ AND P2.OfficeNbr = M.OfficeNbr) Subquery is executed once per office.

50 Transaction Tuning Example SELECT E.Name FROM Employee as E WHERE E.MgrFlag = 1 AND OfficeNbr IN (SELECT OfficeNbr FROM Property as P WHERE P.City = ‘Pgh’) Version without any joins - 2 single table queries only.

51 Transaction Tuning Example SELECT DISTINCT E.Name FROM Property as P, Employee as E WHERE P.OfficeNbr = E.OfficeNbr AND E.MgrFlag = 1 AND P.City = ‘Pgh’ Single query with join.

52 Transaction Tuning n Explain (or similar tool) can help to identify how each transaction will access the data and what temporary tables will have to be created to execute the query n With multiple options, test them n Order of conditions in WHERE can affect the optimization and performance n I.E., put MgrFlag = 1 first

53 Physical Database Tuning n Indices n Schema Tuning n Retaining Normalization n Denormalization

54 Indices n Unique n Nonunique n Single Attribute n Multiple Attributes (concatenated or composite key) n Primary Key n Secondary Index

55 Additional Indices n Index decreases read time but increases update time n Based on queries - even single query n (EXPLAIN) n Indices need reorganization n Inserts, Updates, Deletes n Specify freespace n Reduce frequency of reorganizations

56 Schema Tuning - Staying Normal n Split Tables - Vertical Partitioning n Highly used vs. infrequently used columns n Don’t partition if result will be more joins n Keys are duplicated

57 Schema Tuning - Staying Normal n Variable length fields (VARCHAR, others) n Indeterminant record lengths n Row locations vary n Vertically partition row into two tables, one with fixed and one with variable columns

58 Schema Tuning - Leaving Normal n Normalization n Eliminates duplication n Reduces anomalies n Does not result in efficiency n Denormalize for performance

59 Denormalization Warnings n Increases chance of errors or inconsistencies n May result in reprogramming if business rules change n Optimizes based on current transaction mix n Increases duplication and space required n Increases programming complexity n Always normalize first then denormalize

60 Denormalization n Partition Rows n Combine Tables n Combine and Partition n Replicate Data

61 Combining Opportunities n One-to-one (optional) n allow nulls n Many-to-many (assoc. entity) n 2 tables instead of 3 n Reference data (one-to-many) n “one” not use elsewhere n few of “many”

62 Combining Examples n Employee-Spouse (name and SSN only) n Owner-PctOwned - Property n few owners with multiple properties n Property-Type (description) n one type per property

63 Partitioning n Horizontal n By row type n Separate processing by type n Supertype/subtype decision n Vertical (already seen) n Both

64 Replication n Intentionally repeating data n Example: Owner-PctOwned-Property n Owner includes PctOwned & PropertyID n Property includes majority OwnerSSN and PctOwned

65 Performance Tuning n Not a one-time event n Monitoring probably more important n Things change n applications, database (table) sizes, data characteristics n hardware, operating system, DBMS

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