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Agenda D-VAR DVC (Dynamic VAR Compensator)
SuperVAR (Synchronous Condenser)
D-VAR What are D-VAR Devices?
Dynamic VARs… Fully integrated modular STATCOM with proprietary 3X overload Instantaneously injects precise amounts of reactive power into a network Can be seamlessly integrated with static shunt devices as part of a larger solution D-VAR mitigates wide variety of voltage and power quality related transmission problems
Application of D-VAR Transmission Problems That D-VAR Can Solve:
Voltage Stability / Voltage Collapse - Uncontrolled rapid decline in system voltage Steady State Voltage Regulation - Wind farms, radial lines, etc... Import/ Transfer Capability Restrictions - Limited ability to reliably import, export, or transfer power Mitigate voltage flicker/ power quality - Wind farms, industrial facilities The first three issues are potentially related: One of the potential answers for improving Transfer Restrictions is to add static capacitance to the system thus allowing the transfer of power to increase closer to the thermal limits of the system When static capacitance is added in large chunks, it potentially will move a customer further to the right on the nose curve, thus bringing them potentially closer to a collapse situation if a contingency event were to occur. This is due to the fact that if the voltage were to begin to decline, the static VAR support would decline also at a rate that is the square of the voltage, thus causing transfer to be effected and creating a very quick cascading collapse Steady State Low System Voltage enhances a collapse situation as you are not only further out on the nose curve, but you also limiting the effects of your static VARs as again, their effectiveness is a function of the square of the voltage GE / AMSC performs full system analysis jointly with the customer to determine the least cost, best available solution
Just the FACTS… DVAR § High power, air cooled, inverters (STATCOM) §
No environmental permits required Lowest cost Quickest installation Easily located in distribution substations No need for operator control 24 X 7 remote monitoring by AMSC
DVAR Basics…. Each D-VAR system has continuous reactive power… with temporary overload capability up to 3 times its continuous rating. Each phase is individually controlled. Proprietary Power Electronics Technology
Typical Inverter Module
Stacked Inverter Array
Proprietary fault-tolerant array design provides additional reliability
D-VAR Injection Capability
Reactive Power 3.0 p.u. 1.0 p.u. Rated MVA Current Overload reactive current Continuous reactive current 1.0 2.0 8 Proprietary technology provides combination of continuous dynamic VARs with additional overload boost
American Superconductor field experience: 34 Statcoms leads the industry.
Field Operating Experience Summary
Key Facts: Over 530,000 Operating Hours ~ > 60 years Over 6200 stability/voltage sag responses recorded Number of inverters modules in the field: 840 as of 1 Feb ‘05 Six dedicated voltage regulating D-VARs averaging 249 active regulating hours per month Proven high availability Last 36 months entire fleet: 99.4% Last 12 months entire fleet: 99.7% American Superconductor D-VAR Systems have unmatched experience and field performance
D-VAR Annual Preventive Maintenance
Output Breaker Cabinet: Annual connections check/torque Overall General Condition Check: Annual - Lights, exterior condition, air intake & exhaust passages, exhaust fans, fire extinguishers MIU: Annual General condition check, UPS Battery check/test/replace, Inverters: Seasonal filter clean/replace, general condition check, Winterize louvers, fans, check heater operations. Easy to maintain… 24 X 7 performance monitoring by AMSC
DVAR Application Examples
Keyspan/LIPA: Avoiding Voltage Collapse NE Utilities: Increased Transfer Capability Caprock wind: Wind Farm LVRT & Regulation
East End of Long Island Areas of Voltage Collapse Concerns
Southold Orient Point Generating Peconic Areas of Voltage Collapse Concerns Mattituck Tuthill Riverhead Bridgehampton Amagansett Hero East Hampton Southampton Buell Tiana Double Circuit 69kV fault Installation Site
Example of Study Area Voltage Collapse
Buell 69kV Bus Voltage Bridgehampton 69kV Bus Voltage Hero 23kV Bus Voltage Reclosing Attempt “East of Southamption” Fault and Clearing Event with Reclosing Attempt 1.00 p.u. 0.90 p.u. 0.80 p.u. 0.70 p.u. 0.60 p.u. Example of Study Area Voltage Collapse CASE DISCRIPTION Load = LI(2500MW) – EE(133MW) – SF(92MW) No East End Generation
To East Hampton Diesels
Proposed Solution for the East End Voltage Issues 8 MVA D-VAR Installed at Bridgehampton Easthampton 69 kV To Bridgehampton To Buell 13.8 kV Load Load To East Hampton Diesels 13.8 kV VT 8 MVA D-VAR Inputs to DVAR for Voltage Control V Padmount Transformers VT
Voltage Response with D-VAR Installed
Bus Voltages: Bridgehampton Buell Hero 0.90 p.u. Voltage 2.0 Seconds After Fault. Voltage Response Meets Recovery Criteria. D-VAR Output “East of Southamption” Fault and Clearing Event with Reclosing Attempt CASE DISCRIPTION Load = LI(2500MW) – EE(133MW) – SF(92MW) No East End Generation 1.00 p.u. 0.90 p.u. 0.80 p.u. 0.70 p.u. 0.60 p.u. 23.4 MVAR
Northeast Utilities D-VAR Based Transmission Solution for Transfer Capability Improvement
Southwest Connecticut
Northeast Utilities – Power Transfer Increase Southwest Connecticut's Danbury Area Southwest Connecticut 345 kV and 115 kV transmission system 13.8 kV distribution system Highly compensated with capacitors 235 MW Danbury Area 3600 MW SW Connecticut Critical Outage
Northeast Utilities Danbury Area
Loadflow Problem Results Danbury Area 115 kV Substation Voltages For outage of the Long Mountain-Plumtree 345 kV line, imports into the area are almost 2,300 MW before area voltages collapse. Transfers into the area are curtailed when predicted contingency transmission voltages fall below 95%. Per Unit Voltages SW Connecticut Imports
Northeast Utilities Danbury Area
D-VAR Systems Solution Install three D-VAR systems (rated at 8 MVAR each) at two existing distribution substations and D-VAR system controlled capacitor banks one 8 MVAR distribution two 37.8 MVAR transmission banks Reasons for purchase: low profile, no substation site expansion was necessary low cost flexibility / relocatable installation time (<6 months) summer ‘03 payback due to increased import capability DVAR Dynamic Range = -55 to +130 MVAR
SW Connecticut Imports
Northeast Utilities Danbury Area Comparison of Loadflow Results Solution Per Unit Voltages Problem SW Connecticut Imports
Caprock Wind Farm D-VAR Based Transmission Solution for steady-state voltage regulation and transient voltage support
Area One-Line Diagram Utility Substations Transmission Lines Utility
Wind Farm Site Utility Substations Transmission Lines Utility Interconnection Point 60 Miles Xcel Transmission New Mexico
Dynamic Capacitor Banks
D-VAR™ Solution’s Dynamic Voltage Support Provides a total of -48 MVAR/+84 MVAR T1 60/90 MVA with LTC 34.5 kV 115 kV Utility Interconnection Point 600V 26 MW 9 X 3.6 MVAR VTs 97% Lagging PF 26 units The dynamic MVARs are sized to prevent the wind farm from tripping off-line for the faults that the utility specified. 34.5 kV UDG collector system 600V 28 MW Joslyn VBM Switch 97% Lagging PF 8/24 MVAR D-VAR 28 units 4x2500 KVA V padmount transformers D-VARs Dynamic 2 x 8 x 3 = 48 MVAR 8/24 MVAR D-VAR 600V 1200 Amp Breaker 26 MW Joslyn VBU Switch Dynamic Capacitor Banks 2 x 18 MVAR = 36 MVAR 97% Lagging PF 26 units
Summary of large DVAR Applications
DVAR system output range Rayburn Coop -36 to +86 MVAR NE Utilities to +130 MVAR Caprock wind farm -48 to +84 MVAR NW Semiconductor -168 to +168 MVAR
American Superconductor Dynamic Var Compensator DVCTM
AMSC’s large single site solution is called a Dynamic VAR Compensator or DVCTM.
DVCTM Solution Advantages
Hybrid Statcom / SVC Exceeds performance of conventional SVC technology Builds off of widely successful D-VARTM statcom platform and proven compenents Modular components - easily expandable % less cost than equivalent SVC solutions
SVC basic building blocks
TCR Harmonic Filter Caps 5th & 7th harmonics Always “on” 10-30 MVAR each TSC SVC Transformer Sized for max VAR output Can have overload rating as well Specialty unit due to high V secondary HV MV (12-20 kV) Optional MSCs TCR - Thyristor Controlled Reactor Provides infinite control of reactor VARs from 0-100% “On” all the time but VAR output changing per system needs Sized to provide max lagging VARs (Reactor-filter caps = max) TSC - Thyristor Switched Capacitors “On“ only as needed to provide leading VARs Fast switching in 1-2 cycles with Thyristor switch MVAR -same or different sizes to allow smaller VAR steps
Example DVC Solution Full interrupting capacity breaker Joslyn VBU switch (1.5-2 cycle T&C) Shunt reactor 20 MVAR D-VAR 8MVA 34.5 kV 4x2000 KVA 1200 A breaker 25 MVAR 2000 A Inrush Suppression Reactors 67.5/112.5 MVA HV-34.5 kV Transformer High Voltage 55 MVAR Each Statcom D-VAR modules with 3X overload rating -35 to +210 MVAR of dynamic reactive compensation!
DVC Operation 1) STATCOM responds to any voltage deviation outside preset levels (use overload ratings as needed) 2) Primary Capacitors quickly switch in response to large voltage deviations 3) Secondary Capacitors switch to bring STACOM output within continuous rated output (below overload levels) as needed.
Capacitor and reactor switching using Joslyn VBU modified to include AMSC control board
Close Timing From solenoid energization to contact touch: ms max. Trip Timing From solenoid energization to contact part: 17 ms max. From contact part to full open: 7 ms max. Low Maintenance 10,000 operation between inspections Proven Performance Over 500 three phase units installed during past 40 years
SaskPower DVC solution provides steady-state voltage regulation and transient voltage stability support
Saskatchewan Power’s Rush Lake Wind Farm One-Line Diagram
Critical Outage Critical Bus for Post Fault Voltage Requirement Point of Common Coupling 230 kV Transmission Bus Substation Transformer 100 MVA Base, 10% Z 10% LTC 34.5kV Main Collection Bus Rush Lake Solution Requirements: Regulate voltage at 230 kV transmission bus PCC Install sufficient reactive capability to meet 95% lagging to 90% leading PF at PCC Prevent tripping of wind farm turbines for worst fault Prevent 138 kV bus from dropping below 0.70 pu voltage for worst fault (MAPP Criteria) Collection Feeders To 150 MW of Wind turbines
Saskatchewan Power’s Rush Lake Wind Farm
DVCTM Dynamic Reactive Compensation Solution Critical Outage Critical Bus for Post Fault Voltage Requirement Point of Common Coupling 230 kV Transmission Bus Substation Transformer 100 MVA Base, 10% Z 10% LTC 34.5kV Main Collection Bus D-VAR Collection Feeders To 150 MW of Wind turbines D-VAR 2X25 MVAR Cap Bank (Transient Use Only) 8 X 13.2 MVAR Cap Banks (Steady State Regulation) 16/48 MVAR DVAR Statcom DVC System Total Short-term Dynamic VAR Capability = -48 to +98 MVAR
Critical Transmission
Bus Voltage With Solution Cap #1 Out Cap #2 Out Cap #2 In Cap #1 In 0.70 p.u. Minimum Voltage Target Critical Transmission Bus Voltage Without Solution With DVC solution, critical transmission voltage remains above target
DVC Solution Advantages
Hybrid STATCOM / SVC Exceeds performance of conventional SVC technology Builds off of widely successful D-VAR STATCOM platform Modular components - easily expandable % less cost than equivalent SVC solutions
STATCOM Vs SVC Performance At Reduced Voltages
STATCOM is a Current Controlling Device Q = I*V Reactive Power is linearly dependent on Voltage SVC is a Impedance Controlling Device Q = V2/X Reactive Power is dependent on the square of the Voltage
80/200 MVAR STATCOM Capacitive Output Vs
80/200 MVAR STATCOM Capacitive Output Vs. Bus Voltage As Compared to 200 MVAR SVC p.u. 1.00 p.u. D-VAR Peak Output Capability SVC Peak Output Capability .80 p.u. p.u. p.u. .60 p.u. p.u. p.u. 69kV Bus Voltage .40 p.u. p.u. p.u. .20 p.u. p.u. 8 .20 p.u. 50 MVAR 100 MVAR 150 MVAR 200 MVAR D-VAR Capacitive Output
Performance Comparison DVC vs. SVC
Alternate DVC Solution SVC Solution DVC outperforms conventional SVC technology!!
SuperVARTM Dynamic Synchronous Condenser
SuperVarTM SuperVAR – rotating machines platform
World’s first commercial product based on HTS technology TVA launch customer – ordered first five production units Successfully tested on the Ohio power grid Delivered advanced prototype to TVA in August 2004 for final grid testing Supplements D-VAR Solutions Cooler module Support structure EM shield / Vacuum shell Brushless exciter Torque tube Shaft Compressors Conduction cooling tube Field coils Stator coils Back iron Vacuum chamber
8 MVAR SuperVARTM Condenser Cut Away
Refrigeration Systems Auxiliary Drive Motor 480V Service Exciter Stator and HTS Rotor 25 feet
SuperVARTM Condenser Performance Features
Fast reacting dynamic voltage and stability support (leading and lagging VARs) at a multiple of the machine rating +/-12 MVAR Continuous Up to 2x continuous rating for 2 minutes Fast exciter Increases local fault power by 80 MVA due to low sub-synchronous reactance Very low maintenance and operating costs Connects direct to MV bus at kV Simplified installation using compact container
Existing Utility and Customer System
Power Quality Problems - Motor Starting Existing Utility and Customer System Customer Substation kV Substation 4160V 1200 HP Dredge Motor 12.5 kV M Vista 1000 HP Booster #1 Motor 4.5 MVA N.O. M Other customer loads Riley 600 HP Backwash Motor 4160V M 12.5 kV 69 kV 1000 HP Booster#2 Motor M
Voltage Sags on 12.47 kV Bus due to Motor Starting on Existing System
Dredge Booster#1 Backwash Booster#2 13% Motor starting is causing very noticeable and objectionable voltage sags
Add SuperVARTM Solution
Power Quality Problems - Motor Starting Add SuperVARTM Solution Customer Substation kV Substation 4160V 1200 HP Dredge Motor 12.5 kV M Vista 1000 HP Booster #1 Motor 4.5 MVA N.O. M Other customer loads Riley 600 HP Backwash Motor 4160V M 12.5 kV 69 kV S 1000 HP Booster#2 Motor M 12 MVA SuperVAR Device SuperVARTM Condenser solution is even better without a kV transformer
SuperVARTM Condenser Applied to Motor Starting Problem
Bus Voltage in kV Bus Voltage Without SuperVARTM Condenser Time (Seconds) Bus Voltage With SuperVARTM Condenser Bus Voltage in kV Time (Seconds) SuperVARTM MVAR Output Output in MVAR Time (Seconds)
Summary of benefits of SuperVARTM Solutions
Eliminates voltage sags from large motor starting events Increases local fault MVA and adds inertia to system Mitigates transient voltage problems including voltage flicker Solves steady state voltage regulation problems
Proper Load Modeling for Voltage Studies
Detailed Load Modeling Proper Load Modeling for Voltage Studies 56
Typical Loadflow Base Case
Sub C Sub B Load represented on the transmission bus, typically as constant MVA. 138 kV Sub A 22
Necessary Detail That Need to be Added to the Loadflow Base Case
Sub C Detailed Loadflow Sub B Sub-Transmission System 13 kV Small and Large Motors Discharge Lighting XFMR Exciting I Constant Power Remaining Sub 1 Distribution Capacitor Banks 138 kV Sub B Sub A 115 kV 46 kV Sub 2 The transmission flows and voltages between the loadflows should not change. Sub 3 Dist. Transformer and Dist. Line Z 23
Why go through all of this work to model the load?
Detailed Load Modeling Why go through all of this work to model the load? 56
You Can’t Determine Your Risk Without It!
These are voltage responses using ZIP load models, for 138 kV and 12 kV buses after a fault. Voltage In Per Unit Time In Seconds 57
Compare ZIP Models and Detailed Models!
Compare the results using detailed load models with those for ZIP loads models. Comparison of ZIP loads Voltage In Per Unit Time In Seconds 58
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