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Coin Collection From Tetrarchy to the End of the Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Coin Collection From Tetrarchy to the End of the Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coin Collection From Tetrarchy to the End of the Empire

2 Antoninus Pius: Temple Divus Augustus (138-161).

3 Diocletian: AE Antonianus Concordia Militum

4 Diocletian Concordia Militum Diocletian accepting victory from Zeus “CONCORDIA MILITVM” = military concord Victory

5 Maxentius: Roma in temple. AD 308-310.

6 Helena: Securitas Reipublicae. VF “[H]e [Constantine] had honored her [Helena] so fully with imperial dignities, that in every province, and in the very ranks of the soldiery, she was spoken of under the titles of Augusta and empress, and her likeness was impressed on golden coins.” Eusebius of Caesarea, Vita Constantini III. 47; trans. E. C. Richardson, NPNF i. 532.

7 Constantius Chlorus: Genio Populi Romani

8 Constantine: Soli Invicto Comiti

9 Constantine: Roma & She-wolf & Chi-Rho

10 Constantine Veiled. Hand of God reaching down to Constantine.

11 Fausta: Nursing Constantine II & Constantius

12 Crispus: Globe on altar. AD 321.

13 Constantius II: Centenionalis Hoc signo victor eris

14 Constantius II: Fel Temp Reparation & Chi-Rho

15 Constantius II: Soldier spearing fallen horseman.

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