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Content-based Instruction Richard Boyum US Embassy Bangkok Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Content-based Instruction Richard Boyum US Embassy Bangkok Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content-based Instruction Richard Boyum US Embassy Bangkok Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

2 Topics, Session 07 Announcements Overview Activity 1: Graphic Organizers Definition, Rationale, Examples Activity 2: Resources More Examples Conclusion, Q & A

3 Announcements Videoconference #8 is July 29 (instead of July 22). Opening remarks today from University of Oregon President Dave Frohnmayer Hanoi is joining us today as well.

4 Overview, CBI… Started with language immersion education in Canada in 1965. Uses the target language as the vehicle through which subject matter content is learned. Combines specific content with language teaching goals.

5 Activity #1 Graphic Organizers Compare and Contrast See: Videoconference #7 links to the Everything ESL web site, “Graphic Organizers for Content Instruction”

6 What is Content? Academic or subjects across the curriculum. Personal interests. News, current events. Local activities. Intersect with projects. Text or multi-media.

7 Rationale Context-dependent and more “natural” or “authentic” in nature. Language is linked with meaning. Works well with critical thinking and cooperative (group) learning. Works well with large classes and integrated skills.

8 Examples Surveys and interviews. Songs and video. TPR Storytelling. Student research projects. Creative projects (school newspaper, posters, bulletin boards, stories, poems.)

9 Korat: Surathampitak School



12 Chaiyaphum: Satrichaiyaphum



15 Nongsaengthawinraj School



18 Mahachanachaiwithayakhom



21 Activity #2 Rank Order Resources  Print material (e.g. magazines)  Audio, video (e.g. stories, music) Images (e.g. photos, drawings)  Internet (web sites) Textbooks  Realia (e.g. food, toys)

22 Low and Hi-Tech Examples Newspapers and news web sites. Image, audio, and video. Drama, songs, treasure hunts, realia, web quests. Penpals, keypals, voicepals, exchange projects (iEARN).

23 Conclusions  Fits well with other approaches and strategies.  Can be implemented alongside existing curriculum.  Need not be expensive or time-consuming.  Supports real-life learning.

24 Content-based Instruction Richard Boyum US Embassy Bangkok Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

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