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Can Computers Evolve? A Plug For Next Week’s Guest Speaker, Professor Art Farley There is a theory of human evolution: Genetics. General notion is that.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Computers Evolve? A Plug For Next Week’s Guest Speaker, Professor Art Farley There is a theory of human evolution: Genetics. General notion is that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Computers Evolve? A Plug For Next Week’s Guest Speaker, Professor Art Farley There is a theory of human evolution: Genetics. General notion is that small changes occur in DNA that are passed to offspring. These can be viewed as random. ID would view them as purposeful. Some offspring benefit from a change and are given an advantage in current environment.

2 Question: Can We Simulate Genetics? Can a Computer Model Genetics?  Yes, now routine to use computer models.  Helps us understand human evolution.  Leads to DNA engineering to produce variants.

3 Does This Get Us Closer to Computer Evolution?  Well, first would have to have the “DNA” of a computer.  Then would have to have a means to change it.  Then would have to have a means of determining if that change was beneficial.

4 Professor Farley Will Discuss Topic Just one final note:  It took millions of years to evolve into our current form.  With all this speed that Kurzweil talks about, could a computer evolve faster if it was in control of the whole thing? Like, way faster?

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