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Report from the Field September 16, 2006 Friday was very wet, so we were hoping we would be able to work. For the most part we could.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from the Field September 16, 2006 Friday was very wet, so we were hoping we would be able to work. For the most part we could."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from the Field September 16, 2006 Friday was very wet, so we were hoping we would be able to work. For the most part we could.

2 However, 3N5E was quite soggy, so we closed it for the day after about an hour of work.

3 Shane takes final notes from 3N5E before moving to 3N2E

4 From 3N2E this pipe bowl was recovered, the only piece of interest from this pit

5 The most interesting artifacts continued to come out of 6N1E, including historic artifacts from the hermit who lived in the shelter in the 1970s, and very interesting prehistoric remains.

6 Including this point, of which Stephen is justifiably proud!

7 Fox Creek Stemmed Point from 6N1E Middle Woodland Period, ca. 200-1000 years ago

8 Lunch was enjoyed on the Veranda above the Shelter

9 The rain filled the small stream in front of the site so that Johanna could wash interesting artifacts.

10 Including a decorated body sherd and a rim sherd from late in the prehistoric period, plus many plain sherds, also from 6N1E

11 1N6E continued to be artifact poor. We thought we found a feature,

12 But it turned out to be the top of another layer, which does, however look interesting...more next week...

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