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Name Proseminar - Spring 2009 Date Catchy title (this title can be distinct from your research question and intrigue your audience; you can get punny!)

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Presentation on theme: "Name Proseminar - Spring 2009 Date Catchy title (this title can be distinct from your research question and intrigue your audience; you can get punny!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Proseminar - Spring 2009 Date Catchy title (this title can be distinct from your research question and intrigue your audience; you can get punny!)

2 Important Background this background may be describe a certain disease (epidemiological studies are nice here) this background might describe a certain molecular or cellular phenomenon that is not well understood the idea is to make sure that your audience understands what is known and what is unknown about your topic

3 Important Background (cont.) text can get boring so don’t forget to use visual aids (figures!) when appropriate and useful use figures whenever appropriate in this presentation

4 Major Question

5 Specific Aim 1 Explicitly state sub-question Describe experiment and assay. –Make sure you mention any important controls List potential outcomes End with how this will address your major question

6 Specific Aim 2 Explicitly state sub-question Describe experiment and assay. –Make sure you mention any important controls List potential outcomes End with how this will address your major question

7 Specific Aim 3 Explicitly state sub-question Describe experiment and assay. –Make sure you mention any important controls List potential outcomes End with how this will address your major question

8 Concluding Remarks Finish with a quick re-statement of your research questions and why it is relevant and important… Describe how your proposal will contribute to our current understanding of this topic or improve therapeutics

9 Odds and Ends remember to cite references in your slides you can change the layout, background and fonts for this presentation use animation wisely align text and figures within the slide –neat and organized slides are easier to digest introduce yourself end your presentation with “thanks for listening and I will be happy to take questions” –avoid ending with “that’s it”

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