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ICT619 Intelligent Systems Unit Coordinator: Shamim Khan Room 2.065 ECL Building (North Wing) Phone: 9360 2801

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1 ICT619 Intelligent Systems Unit Coordinator: Shamim Khan Room 2.065 ECL Building (North Wing) Phone: 9360 2801 Email:

2 ICT619 S2-052 Unit aims  to be aware of the rational behind the artificial intelligence and soft computing paradigms with their advantages over traditional computing  to gain an understanding of the theoretical foundations of various types of intelligent systems technologies to a level adequate for achieving objectives as stated below  to develop the ability to evaluate intelligent systems, and in particular, their suitability for specific applications  to be able to manage the application of various tools available for developing intelligent systems

3 ICT619 S2-053 Unit delivery and learning structure  3 hours of lecture/workshop per week.  Lecture/WS time will be spent discussing the relevant topic after an introduction by the lecturer.  Topic lecture notes will be available early in the week  Students will be expected to have made use of the topic reading material in advance for the topic to be covered.  Bringing up issues and questions for discussion are strongly encouraged to create an interactive learning environment.

4 ICT619 S2-054 Resources and Textbooks  Main text:  Seven methods for transforming corporate data into business intelligence V Dhar & R Stein Prentice Hall 1997  The main text to be supplemented by chapters/articles from other books/journals/magazines as well as notes provided by the unit coordinator.  A list of recommended readings and other resources will be provided for each topic.  Unit website: will enable access to unit reading materials and links to other resources.

5 ICT619 S2-055 Assessment ACTIVITYDUEWEIGHT Workshop participation Continuous10% Project Week 13 35% Closed-book Exam End of teaching period 55%

6 ICT619 S2-056 Topic schedule  Topic 1:Introduction to Intelligent Systems: Tools, Techniques and Applications  Topic 2:Rule-Based Expert Systems  Topic 3:Fuzzy Systems  Topic 4:Neural Computing  Topic 5:Genetic Algorithms  Topic 6:Case-based Reasoning  Topic 7:Data Mining  Topic 8:Intelligent Software Agents  Topic 9:Language Technology

7 ICT619 S2-057 Topic 1: Introduction to Intelligent Systems  What is an intelligent system?  Significance of intelligent systems in business  Characteristics of intelligent systems  The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  The Soft Computing paradigm  An Overview of Intelligent System Methodologies  Expert Systems  Fuzzy Systems  Artificial Neural Networks  Genetic Algorithms (GA)  Case-based reasoning (CBR)  Data Mining  Intelligent Software Agents  Language Technology

8 ICT619 S2-058 What is an intelligent system?  What is intelligence?  Easier to define using characteristics, eg,  Reasoning  Learning  Adaptivity  A truly intelligent system adapts itself to deal with changes in problems (automatic learning)  Machine intelligence follows problem solving processes similar to humans  Intelligent systems display machine intelligence, not necessarily self-adapting

9 ICT619 S2-059 Intelligent systems in business  Intelligent systems in business utilise one or more intelligence tools to aid decision making  Provides business intelligence to  Increase productivity  Gain competitive advantage  Examples of business intelligence – information on  Customer behaviour patterns  Market trend  Efficiency bottlenecks  Examples of successful intelligent systems applications in business:  Customer service  Scheduling  data mining  Financial market prediction  Quality control

10 ICT619 S2-0510 Intelligent systems in business – some examples  HNC software’s credit card fraud detector – 30-70% improvement (ANN)  MetLife insurance uses automated extraction of information from applications (language technology)  Personalized, Internet-based TV listings (intelligent agent)  Hyundai’s development apartment construction plans (CBR)  US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA uses "expert advisors" to help identify fire and other safety hazards at work sites (expert system). Source:

11 ICT619 S2-0511 Characteristics of intelligent systems  Possess one or more of these:  Capability to extract and store knowledge  Human like reasoning process  Learning from experience (or training)  Dealing with imprecise expressions of facts  Finding solutions through processes similar to natural evolution  Recent trend  Interaction with user through  natural language understanding  speech recognition and synthesis  image analysis.  Most current intelligent systems based on  rule based expert systems  one or more of the methodologies belonging to soft computing

12 ICT619 S2-0512 The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Primary goal:  Development of software aimed at enabling machines to solve problems through human-like reasoning  Attempts to build systems based on a model of knowledge representation and processing in the human mind  Encompasses study of the brain to understand its structure and functions  In existence as a discipline since the 1960s  Failed to live up to initial expectations due to  inadequate understanding of brain function  complexity of problems to be solved  Expert systems – an AI success story

13 ICT619 S2-0513 The Soft Computing (SC) paradigm  Also known as Computational Intelligence  Unlike conventional computing, SC techniques 1.can be tolerant of imprecise, incomplete or corrupt input data 2.solve problems without explicit solution steps 3.learn the solution through repeated observation and adaptation 4.can handle information expressed in vague linguistic terms 5.arrive at an acceptable solution through evolution

14 ICT619 S2-0514 The Soft Computing (SC) paradigm (cont’d)  The first four characteristics are common in problem solving by humans  The fifth characteristic (evolution) is common in nature  The predominant SC methodologies found in current intelligent systems are:  Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)  Fuzzy Systems  Genetic Algorithms (GA)

15 ICT619 S2-0515 Overview of Intelligent System Methodologies - Expert Systems (ES)  Designed to solve problems in a specific domain,  eg, an ES to assist foreign currency traders  Built by  interrogating domain experts  storing acquired knowledge in a form suitable for problem solving problems using reasoning  Used by  Querying user for problem specific information  Using the information to draw inferences from the knowledge base

16 ICT619 S2-0516 Overview of Expert Systems (cont’d)  Usual form of the expert system knowledge base is a collection of IF … THEN … rules  Some areas of ES application:  banking and finance  manufacturing  retail  personnel management  emergency services  law

17 ICT619 S2-0517 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)  Human brain consists of billions of highly interconnected simple processing elements known as neurons  ANNs are based on a simplified model of the neurons and their operation  ANNs usually learn from experience – repeated presentation of example problems with corresponding solutions  The learning phase may or may not involve human intervention  The problem solving strategy developed remains implicit and unknown to the user  Particularly suitable for problems not prone to algorithmic solutions, eg, pattern recognition, decision support

18 ICT619 S2-0518 Artificial Neural Networks (cont’d)  Different models of ANNs depending on  Architecture  learning method  other operational characteristics  Good at pattern recognition and classification problems  Major strength - ability to handle previously unseen, incomplete or corrupted data  Some application examples: - explosive detection at airports - character and signature recognition - financial risk assessment - optimisation and scheduling.

19 ICT619 S2-0519 Genetic Algorithms (GA)  Belongs to a broader field known as evolutionary computation  Solution obtained by evolving solutions through a process consisting of  survival of the fittest  crossbreeding, and  mutation  A population of candidate solutions initialised (the chromosomes)  New generation of solutions produced from the current population using specific genetic operations

20 ICT619 S2-0520 Genetic Algorithms (cont’d)  New generation of solutions produced from the current population using  crossover (splicing and joining two chromosomes) and  bit mutation  Fitness of newly evolved solution evaluated using a fitness function  The steps of solution generation and evaluation continue until an acceptable solution is found  GAs have been used in  portfolio optimisation  bankruptcy prediction  financial forecasting  fraud detection  scheduling

21 ICT619 S2-0521 Fuzzy Systems  Traditional logic is two-valued – any proposition is either true or false  Problem solving in real-life must deal with partially true or partially false propositions  Imposing precision may be difficult and lead to less than optimal solutions  Fuzzy systems handle imprecise information by assigning degrees of truth

22 ICT619 S2-0522 Fuzzy Systems (cont’d)  FS allow us to express knowledge in vague linguistic terms  Flexibility and power of fuzzy systems now well recognised  Some applications of fuzzy systems:  Control of manufacturing processes  appliances such as air conditioners and video cameras  In combination with other intelligent system methodologies to develop hybrid fuzzy-expert, neuro-fuzzy, or fuzzy-GA systems

23 ICT619 S2-0523 Case-based reasoning (CBR)  CBR systems solve problems by making use of knowledge about similar problems encountered in the past  The knowledge used in the past is built up as a case-base  CBR systems search case base for cases with attributes similar to given problem  Solution created by synthesizing similar cases, and adjusting to cater for differences between given problem and similar cases

24 ICT619 S2-0524 Case-based reasoning (cont’d)  CBR systems can improve over time by learning from mistakes made with past problems  Application examples:  Utilisation of shop floor expertise in aircraft repairsLegal reasoning  Dispute mediation  Data mining  Fault diagnosis  Scheduling

25 ICT619 S2-0525 Data mining  The process of exploring and analysing data for discovering new and useful information  Huge volumes of mostly point-of-sale (POS) data are generated or captured electronically every day, eg,  data generated by bar code scanners  customer call detail databases  web log files in e-commerce etc.  Organizations are ending up with huge amounts of mostly day-to-day transaction data

26 ICT619 S2-0526 Data mining (cont’d)  It is possible to extract useful information on market and customer behaviour by “mine”-ing the data  Such information may  indicate important underlying trends and associations in market behaviour, and  help gain competitive advantage by improving marketing effectiveness  Techniques such as artificial neural networks and decision trees have made it possible to perform data mining involving large volumes of data.  Growing interest in applying data mining in areas such direct target marketing campaigns, fraud detection, and development of models to aid in financial predictions

27 ICT619 S2-0527 Intelligent software agents (ISA)  ISAs are computer programs that provide active assistance to information system users  Help users cope with information overload  Act in many ways like a personal assistant to the user by attempting to adapt to the specific needs of the user  Capable of learning from the user as well as other intelligent software agents  Application examples:  Data Collection and Filtering  Pattern Recognition  Event Notification  Data Presentation  Planning and Optimization  Rapid Response Implementation

28 ICT619 S2-0528 Language Technology (LT)  “Application of knowledge about human language in computer-based solutions” (Dale 2004)  Communication between people and computers is an important aspect of any intelligent information system  Applications of LT:  Natural Language Processing (NLP)  Speech recognition  Optical character recognition (OCR)  Handwriting recognition  Machine translation  Text summarisation  Speech synthesis  A LT-based system can be the front-end of information systems themselves based on other intelligence tools

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