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T-test in Statistica. Open file adstudy.sta Review the varables Open t-test for independent samples by variables. Try if M#01 and M#02 do differ. Test.

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Presentation on theme: "T-test in Statistica. Open file adstudy.sta Review the varables Open t-test for independent samples by variables. Try if M#01 and M#02 do differ. Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 t-test in Statistica

2 Open file adstudy.sta Review the varables Open t-test for independent samples by variables. Try if M#01 and M#02 do differ. Test the difference between M#01 and ALL the other M# varaibles Open t-test for independent samples by groups. Try if M#01 and M#02 do differ. Test the difference between M#01 and ALL the other M# variables. How many significant differences do you observe? What can it mean given the multiple comparisons? Re-arrrange M#01 in such a way that it would fit the “by variable” analysis by GENDER. Find out about the GENDER differences in M#01. Plot box&whisker plot of group means. Interpret the intervals. Note that the dataset is NOT about independent samples: each line belongs to an individual. We thus performed the operations as an abstract example. Perform the analysis for “dependent samples”: M#01 vs the rest of variables.


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