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Tutorial on Distributed High Performance Computing 14:30 – 19:00 (2:30 pm – 7:00 pm) Wednesday November 17, 2010 Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2010 INFONOR-CHILE 2010 November 15th - 19th, 2010 Antofagasta, Chile Dr. Barry Wilkinson University of North Carolina Charlotte Nov 3, 2010 © Barry Wilkinson
Part 2a Job schedulers, grid-enabling applications, higher-level interfaces
Job Schedulers Assigns work (jobs) to compute resources to meet specified job requirements within constraints of available resources and their characteristics An optimization problem. Objective usually to maximum throughput of jobs.
Scheduler with automatic data placement components (Input/output staging) Fig 3.4 e.g. Stork
Advance reservation Term used for requesting actions at times in future In this context, requesting a job to start at some time in the future. Both computing resources and network resources are involved Network connection usually being the Internet is not reserved. Found in recent schedulers
Some reasons one might want advance reservation in Grid computing Reserved time chosen to reduce network or resource contention. Resources not physically available except at certain times. Jobs require access to a collection of resources simultaneously, e.g. data generated by experimental equipment. A deadline for results of work Parallel programming jobs in which jobs must communicate between themselves during execution. Workflow tasks in which jobs must communicate between themselves during execution. Without advance reservation, schedulers will schedule jobs from a queue with no guarantee when they actually would be scheduled to run.
Scheduler Examples Sun Grid Engine Condor/Condor-G
Grid Engine job submission GUI interface 3-1.8 Fig. 3.8
Submitting a job through GRAM and through an SGE scheduler 3-1.9 Fig. 3.10
Running Globus job with SGE scheduler using globusrun-ws command Scheduler selected by name using -Ff option (i.e. factory type). Name for Sun Grid Engine (obviously) is SGE. Hence: globusrun-ws –submit -Ft SGE -f prog1.xml submits job described in job description file called prog1.xml.
Output Delegating user credentials...Done. Submitting job...Done. Job ID: uuid:d23a7be0-f87c-11d9-a53b-0011115aae1f Termination time: 07/20/2008 17:44 GMT Current job state: Active Current job state: CleanUp Current job state: Done Destroying job...Done. Cleaning up any delegated credentials...Done. Note: the user credentials have to be delegated
Actual machine running job Scheduler will choose machine that job is run on, which can vary for each job. Hence globusrun-ws –submit –s -Ft SGE –c /bin/hostname submits executable hostname to SGE scheduler in streaming mode redirecting output to console, with usual Globus output. Output: Hostname displayed as output will be that of machine running job and may vary.
Specifying Submit Host Submit host and location for factory service can be specified by using -F option, e.g.: globusrun-ws –submit –s -F -Ft SGE –c /bin/hostname
Condor Developed at University of Wisconsin-Madison in mid 1980’s to convert collection of distributed workstations and clusters into a high-throughput computing facility. Key concept - using wasted computer power of idle workstations. Hugely successful. Many institutions now operate Condor clusters.
Condor Essentially a job scheduler jobs scheduled in background on distributed computers, but without user needing an account on individual computers. Users compile their programs for computers Condor is going to use, and include Condor libraries, which apart from other things handles input and captures output. Job described in a job description file. Condor then ships job off to appropriate computers.
Example job submission # This is a comment condor submit file for prog1 job Universe = vanilla Executable = prog1 Output = prog1.out Error = prog1.error Log = prog1.log Queue Condor has its own job description language to describe job in a “submit description file” Not in XML as predates XML Simple Submit Description File Example One of 9 environments – vanilla only requires executable. Checkpointing and remote system calls not allowed.)
Submitting job condor_submit command condor_submit prog1.sdl where prog1.sdl is submit description file. Without any other specification, Condor will attempt to find suitable executable machine from all available. Condor works with and without a shared file system. Most local clusters set up with shared file system and Condor will not need to explicitly transfer files.
Submitting Multiple Jobs Done by adding number after Queue command, i.e.: Submit Description File Example # condor submit file for program prog1 Universe = vanilla Executable = prog1 Queue 500 will submit 500 identical prog1 jobs at once. Can use multiple Queue commands with Arguments for each instance.
Grid universe Condor can be used as the environment for Grid computing: Stand-alone without Grid middleware such as Globus or alternatively Integrated with the Globus toolkit.
Condor’s matchmaking mechanism To chooses best computer to run the job Condor ClassAd Based upon notion that jobs and resources advertise themselves in “classified advertisements”, which include their characteristics and requirements. Job ClassAd matched against resource ClassAd.
Condor’s ClassAd Matchmaking Mechanism Fig 3.14
Machine ClassAdd Set up during system configuration. Some attributes provided by Condor but their values can be dynamic and alter during system operation. Machine attributes can describe such things as: Machine name Architecture Operating system Main memory available for job Disk memory available for job Processor performance Current load, etc
Job ClassAdd Job is typically characterized by its resource requirements and preferences. May include: What job requires What job desires What job prefers, and What job will accept using Boolean expressions. These details put in submit description file.
Matchmaking commands Requirements and Rank Available for both job ClassAd and machine ClassAd: Requirements -- specify machine requirements. Rank -- used to differentiate between multiple machines that can satisfy requirements and can identify a preference based upon a user criteria. Rank = Computes to a floating point number. Resource with highest rank chosen.
Allows one to specify dependencies between Condor Jobs. Example “Do not run Job B until Job A completed successfully” Especially important to jobs working together (as in Grid computing). Condor’s Directed Acyclic Graph Manager (DAGMan) Meta-scheduler
Example # diamond.dag Job A a.sub Job B b.sub Job C c.sub Job D d.sub Parent A Child B C Parent B C Child D Job A Job CJob B Job D Condor’s Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) File
Running DAG c ondor_submit_dag Start a DAG with dag file diamond.dag. condor_submit_dag diamond.dag Submits a Scheduler Universe Job with DAGMan as executable.
Meta-schedulers Schedule jobs across distributed sites Highly desirable in a Grid computing environment. For a Globus installation, interfaces to local Globus GRAM installation, which in turn interfaces with local job scheduler Uses whatever local scheduler present at each site
Meta-scheduler interfacing to Globus GRAM
Condor-G A version of Condor that interfaces to Globus environment. Jobs submitted to Condor through Grid universe and directed to Globus job manager (GRAM) Fig 3-18
Communication between user, myProxy server, and Condor-G for long-running jobs Fig 3.19
Gridway A meta-scheduler designed specifically for a Grid computing environment Interfaces to Globus components. Project began in 2002. Now open source. Became part of Globus distribution from version 4.0.5 onwards (June 2007).
Globus components used with Gridway Fig 3-20
Distributed Resource Management Application (DRMAA) (pronounced “drama”) Standard set of API’s for submission and control of jobs to DRM’s Bindings in C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, and Ruby for a range of DSMs including (Sun) Grid Engine, Condor, PBS/Torque, LSF and Gridway
Scheduler with DRMAA interface Fig 3.21
Example of the use of DRMAA Fig 3.22
Grid-enabling an application A poorly defined and understood term. It does NOT mean simply executing a job of a Grid platform! Almost all computer batch programs can be shipped to a remote Grid site and executed with little more than with a remote ssh connection. This is a model we have had since computers were first connected (via telnet). Grid-enabling should include utilizing the unique distributed nature of the Grid platform.
Grid-enabling an application With that in mind, a simple definition is: Being able to execute an application on a Grid platform, using the distributed resources available on that platform. However, even that simple definition is not agreed upon by everyone!
A broad definition that matches our view of Grid enabling applications is: “Grid Enabling refers to the adaptation or development of a program to provide the capability of interfacing with a grid middleware in order to schedule and utilize resources from a dynamic and distributed pool of “grid resources” in a manner that effectively meets the program’s needs” 2 2 Nolan, K., “Approaching the Challenge of Grid-Enabling Applications.,” Open Source Grid & Cluster Conf., Oakland, CA, 2008.
How does one do “Grid-enabling”? Still an open question and in the research domain without a standard approach. Here we will describe various approaches.
We can divide the use of the computing resources in a Grid into two types: Using multiple computers separately to solve multiple problems Using multiple computers collectively to solve a single problem
Using Multiple Computers Separately Parameter Sweep Applications In some domains areas, scientists need to run the same program many times but with different input data. “Sweep” across parameter space with different values of input parameter values in search of a solution. Many cases, not easy to compute answer and human intervention is required for to search or design space
Implementing Parameter Sweep Can be simply achieved by submitting multiple job description files, one for each set of parameters but that is not very efficient. Parameter sweep applications are so important that research projects devoted to making them efficient on a Grid. Parameter sweeps appears explicitly in job description languages.(More details in UNC-C course notes)
Exposing an Application as a Service “Wrap” application code to produce a Web service “Wrapping” means application not accessed directly but through service interface Grid computing has embraced Web service technology so natural to consider its use for accessing applications.
Web service invoking a program If Web service written in Java, service could issue a command in a separate process using exec method of current Runtime object with the construction: Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process process = runtime.exec(“ ” ) where is command to issue, capturing output with OutputStream stdout = process.getOutputStream();...
Portlet acting as a front-end to a wrapped application Fig 9.6
Application with physically distributed components Fig 9.7
Using Grid Middleware API’s Could use Grid middleware APIs in application code for operations such as: File input/output Starting and monitoring jobs Monitoring and discovery of Grid resources.
Using Globus API’s Globus provides suite of services that have APIs (C and Java interfaces) that could be called from the application. Extremely steep learning curve!! Literals hundreds, if not thousands, of C and Java routines listed at the Globus site. No tutorial help and sample usage.
Code using Globus APIs to copy a file (C++) Directly from (van Nieuwpoort) Also in (Kaiser 2004) (Kaiser 2005). 9-1.50
Using CoG kit API’s Using CoG kit API’s is at slightly higher level. Not too difficult but still requires setting up the Globus context.
CoG Kit program to transfer files 9-1.52
Higher Level Middleware- Independent APIs Higher level of abstraction than Globus middleware API’s desirable because: Complexity of Globus routines Grid middleware changes very often Globus not only Grid middleware
Grid Application Toolkit (GAT) APIs for developing portable Grid applications independent of underlying Grid infrastructure and services. Developed in 2003-2005 time frame. Copy a file in GAT/C++ ( Kaiser, H. 2005)
SAGA (Simple API for Grid Applications) Subsequent effort by Grid community to standardize higher level API’s SAGA Reading a file (C++) (Kielmann 2006)
GUI workflow editor For constructing workflows of jobs or web services Our own workflow editor – GridNexus (see workshop for more details
57 High level Grid programming interfaces UNC-Charlotte “Seeds” Framework Program by implementing defined patterns (through Java interfaces), see workshop for more details
1-1.58 Questions
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