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Education in Pakistan Dr. Fida Mohammad; GIKI, Topi ►21 st century and globalization : Explosions: 1.Expectations 2. Knowledge ►The 2nd explosion contains.

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Presentation on theme: "Education in Pakistan Dr. Fida Mohammad; GIKI, Topi ►21 st century and globalization : Explosions: 1.Expectations 2. Knowledge ►The 2nd explosion contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education in Pakistan Dr. Fida Mohammad; GIKI, Topi ►21 st century and globalization : Explosions: 1.Expectations 2. Knowledge ►The 2nd explosion contains the 1 st one

2 Do I need to tell you that: ►Education, Until Macaulay, meant imparting divine knowledge, Persian, Arabic by USTAD in the mosque ►Education, according to Macaulay was for Govt’s job ►Education, today, is for getting richer Students and parents run after high grades ►People have no confidence in education: People elect members with fake degrees ►Key positions in Education are filled without regard for merit ►Education has become business for all practical purposes driven by commercial, not intellectual pursuits ►Examination has become a joke. Performance of graduates do not match the credentials they have ►Scores are going up while standards are falling down ►Mediocrity not excellence is demanded & valued

3 ► Views, Opinion, Inclination, Likes-dislikes, Bias, Prejudice, Values, Faith, Belief, customs, History, politics, culture ( our Weltanschauung ) which work as perceptual filter detaching us from the global community Hence Designing, Teaching, Assessing curriculum is taken to be battle for ideologies : Indoctrination design curricula we do not realize that : Our minds are closed due to our unique ►Unity, Faith, Discipline ►Roti, Kapra, Makan ►Pakistan Ka Matlab Kiya When we frame Education Policies or

4 Rightsizing curriculum DO WE KNOW ABOUT CURRICULUM 1.Redundant Materials 2.Repetitions 3.Breadth Vs Depth 4.Curriculum designed, taught, assessed 5.Functional form of English 6.General form of all subjects ( disregarding specialization )

5 Teaching Good Requires of us: Reflecting on and inquiring into students’ learning 1. Core & supportive subjects, communication skills 2. Educational technology 3. Learning on job as doctors and lawyers do. Raising second kid is different from the first one 4. Practicing recall & retrieval of information 5. Learning about Learning theories or models 6. Be able to analyze students’ Prior Knowledge

6 7. Avoiding being authoritarian, prescriptive, vindictive 8. Sequencing information: logical Vs psychological order 9. Home-spun Vs calibrated techniques of teaching 10.Thoughtfully reflective in actions and on actions 11. Resource utilization and generation 12. Are you emotionally charged for teaching

7 Influence of prior knowledge on learning: A Model for the Learning Process: New Instructions Working Memory Long Term Memory Prior Knowledge We are sense makers For storage

8 For the global village education means: Abiliities such as: ►Do you have professional skills and ethics ►Can you generate knowledge and exploit the K-mountain ►Can you network with people in the global village ►Are you rational enough to justify your actions ►Do you have pro-science and pro-business attitude ►Are you trying hard enough to weld together your imagination and experience ►Are you aware that technology alone cannot solve our problems; changes in the way we think helps quite a bit

9 Thank you Unprepared students from schools and colleges entering universities and unskilled teachers hired for working at the universites are responsible for lack of quality in EDUCATION




13 The world around us is changing ►Man has knowledge mountain available to him for solving his problems using science and technology ►Grip of clergy, family, society on individuals is loosening: old values evaporating, new ones not in place yet ►Globalization has an enormous impact on our lives ►A culture of affluence is emerging ►Where permanent jobs are vanishing ( learn-unlearn-relearn) ►Where man has failed to find alternative to capitalism ►Expectation explosion with consumption on the rise with Consequences such as resource depletion, Environment

14 Teacher as Scholar ( Action Research ) Not just telling or drilling information into learners’ mind or teaching as taught but thoughtfully involved in engineering interaction in the class room (Engineering)

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