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Introduction to accessing your VISA transactions for reconciliation June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to accessing your VISA transactions for reconciliation June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to accessing your VISA transactions for reconciliation June 2009

2 Click on Internet Explorer

3 Enter in Kwantlen’s Company Number 1334 Enter your Kwantlen computer login ID (If your login is less than 6 characters, add a v, vv or vvv so it equals 6 characters) The first time you log in, your password will be the last 6 digits of your Kwantlen Employee number. You will then be asked to change it.

4 Click on AD Cardholder

5 Click on AD Cardholder from the menu

6 Click on your name Select Review transactions

7 “Yes” = Tranasction has been updated “No” = No changes have been made To code/reconcile each transaction, click “Details”. This column identifies the date the expense was incurred. This is the amount of the invoice in its original currency. This is the amount of the invoice in Canadian dollars. This is the amount of the transaction after any splits have been made. This column identifies the vendor name. “M” = Memo - Original Transaction “S” = Split


9 If you want to split a transaction between two different account codes, cost centres, etc., enter the $ amount of the split and click “Create Split”. To go through the transactions you can use the “Previous” or “Next” buttons instead of going through the transaction menu. Once all the fields are entered click submit to complete the transaction. You will then be prompted twice. Click “OK” both times. Repeat these steps for each of the transactions. When all the coding all of the transactions is completed and want to return to the transaction menu, click “Cancel” or the Back function from your browser.



12 Select “Delete”

13 Return to Transaction screen and choose “Refresh” To view your statement click “Activity”

14 Copy of Statement

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