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Mastering NT Greek 17. Contract Verbs By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic
2-1-2 Noun Forms 2 1 2 2 1 2 lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era< lo<goj grafh< i[ero<n lo<gou grafh?j i[erou? lo<g& graf^? i[er&? lo<gon grafh<n i[ero<n lo<goi grafai< i[era< lo<gwn grafw?n i[erw?n lo<goij grafai?j i[eroi?j lo<gouj grafa<j i[era<
3 rd Declension Chantables xari<j o@noma, pi<stij xari<j o@noma, pi<stij xa<rij o@noma pi<stij xa<rij o@noma pi<stij xa<ritoj o]no<matoj pi<stewj xa<ritoj o]no<matoj pi<stewj xa<riti o]no<mati pi<stei xa<riti o]no<mati pi<stei xa<rita o@noma pi<stin xa<rita o@noma pi<stin xa<ritej o]no<mata pi<steij xa<ritej o]no<mata pi<steij xari<twn o]noma<twn pi<stewn xari<twn o]noma<twn pi<stewn xa<risi(n) o]no<masi(n) pi<stesi(n) xa<risi(n) o]no<masi(n) pi<stesi(n) xa<ritaj o]no<mata pi<steij xa<ritaj o]no<mata pi<steij
Present Active Indicative Verbs lu<w lu<omen lu<eij lu<ete lu<ei lu<ousi(n) lu<w lu<omen lu<eij lu<ete lu<ei lu<ousi(n)
Present Middle/Passive Indicative lu<omai, -o<meqa, -^, -esqe, -etai, -ontai lu<omai, -o<meqa, -^, -esqe, -etai, -ontai
Shape of the Future in Greek lu<sw lu<somen I will loose We will loose lu<seij lu<sete You will loose You all will loose lu<sei lu<sousi(n) He/she/it will loose They will loose lu<sw lu<somen I will loose We will loose lu<seij lu<sete You will loose You all will loose lu<sei lu<sousi(n) He/she/it will loose They will loose
Future Middle Paradigm lu<somai --omeqa --^ --esqe --etai --ontai lu<somai --omeqa --^ --esqe --etai --ontai
Imperfect Active Paradigm of lu<w Singular Plural Singular Plural e@luon e]lu<omen I was loosing We were loosing e@luej e]lu<ete You were loosing You all were loosing e@lue(n) e@luon He/she/it was loosing They were loosing e@luon e]lu<omen I was loosing We were loosing e@luej e]lu<ete You were loosing You all were loosing e@lue(n) e@luon He/she/it was loosing They were loosing Learn : e@luon : n, s, e, men, te, n Learn : e@luon : n, s, e, men, te, n
Imperfect Middle/Passive of lu<w Singular Plural Singular Plural e]luo<mhn e]luo<meqa I was being loosed We were being loosed e]lu<ou e]lu<esqe You were being loosed You all were being loosed e]lu<eto e]lu<onto He/she/it was being They were being loosed loosed e]luo<mhn e]luo<meqa I was being loosed We were being loosed e]lu<ou e]lu<esqe You were being loosed You all were being loosed e]lu<eto e]lu<onto He/she/it was being They were being loosed loosed Learn : e]luo<mhn : mhn, ou, to, meqa, esqe, onto Learn : e]luo<mhn : mhn, ou, to, meqa, esqe, onto
Second Aorist Active Paradigm Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 e@labon e]la<bomen I took we took 2 e@labej e]la<bete You took You took 3 e@labe(n) e@labon S/he/it took They took 1 e@labon e]la<bomen I took we took 2 e@labej e]la<bete You took You took 3 e@labe(n) e@labon S/he/it took They took Learn: e@labon n, s, e, men, te, n Learn: e@labon n, s, e, men, te, n
Second Aorist Middle Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 e]geno<mhn e]geno<meqa I became We became 2 e]ge<nou e]ge<nesqe You became You became 3 e]ge<neto e]ge<nonto He/she/it became They became 1 e]geno<mhn e]geno<meqa I became We became 2 e]ge<nou e]ge<nesqe You became You became 3 e]ge<neto e]ge<nonto He/she/it became They became Note this, as most "middles" are deponent Note this, as most "middles" are deponent Endings: e]geno<mhn, ou, eto, meqa, esqe, onto Endings: e]geno<mhn, ou, eto, meqa, esqe, onto
Aorist Stem Changes -- 9 to know o[ra<w == ei#don (I saw) – ble<pw o[ra<w == ei#don (I saw) – ble<pw le<gw == ei#pon (I said) le<gw == ei#pon (I said) e@rxomai == h#lqon (I came, went) e@rxomai == h#lqon (I came, went) gi<nomai == e]geno<mhn (I became) gi<nomai == e]geno<mhn (I became) ginw<skw == e@gnwn (I knew) ginw<skw == e@gnwn (I knew) eu[ri<skw == eu$ron (I found) eu[ri<skw == eu$ron (I found) e@xw == e@sxon ( I had) e@xw == e@sxon ( I had) lamba<nw == e@labon (I took) lamba<nw == e@labon (I took)
The "is" verb PAI -- ei]mi< ei]mi< I am e]sme<n We are ei# You are e]ste< You are e]sti<(n) He/she/it is ei]si<(n) They are ei]mi< I am e]sme<n We are ei# You are e]ste< You are e]sti<(n) He/she/it is ei]si<(n) They are
The "was" verb IAI -- ei]mi< h@mhn I was h#men We were h#j You were h#te You were h#n He/she/it was h#san They were h@mhn I was h#men We were h#j You were h#te You were h#n He/she/it was h#san They were
1st Aorist Active Paradigm Singular Plural Singular Plural e@lusa e]lu<samen I loosed we loosed e@lusaj e]lu<sate you loosed you all loosed e@luse(n) e@lusan He/she/it loosed they loosed e@lusa e]lu<samen I loosed we loosed e@lusaj e]lu<sate you loosed you all loosed e@luse(n) e@lusan He/she/it loosed they loosed Learn: e@lusa : --, s, e, men, te, n Learn: e@lusa : --, s, e, men, te, n
1st Aorist Middle Paradigm Singular Plural Singular Plural e]lusa<mhn e]lusa<meqa I loosed for myself We loosed for ourselves e@lusw e]lu<sasqe You loosed for yourself You all loosed for yourselves e@lusato e@lusanto He/she/it loosed for himself They loosed for themselves e]lusa<mhn e]lusa<meqa I loosed for myself We loosed for ourselves e@lusw e]lu<sasqe You loosed for yourself You all loosed for yourselves e@lusato e@lusanto He/she/it loosed for himself They loosed for themselves Learn: e]lusa<mhn : w, ato, ameqa, asqe, anto Learn: e]lusa<mhn : w, ato, ameqa, asqe, anto
First Aorist Passives Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 e]lu<qhn e]lu<qhmen I was loosed we were loosed 2 e]lu<qhj e]lu<qhte you were loosed you all were loosed 3 e]lu<qh e]lu<qhsan He/she/it was loosed they were loosed 1 e]lu<qhn e]lu<qhmen I was loosed we were loosed 2 e]lu<qhj e]lu<qhte you were loosed you all were loosed 3 e]lu<qh e]lu<qhsan He/she/it was loosed they were loosed Chant: e]lu<qhn Chant: e]lu<qhn n, s, --, men, te, san n, s, --, men, te, san
Future Passive Indicatives Singular Plural Singular Plural 1 luqh<somai luqhso<meqa I will be loosed we will be loosed 2 luqh<s^ luqh<sesqe You will be loosed you all will be loosed 3 luqh<setai luqh<sontai He/she/it will be loosed they will be loosed 1 luqh<somai luqhso<meqa I will be loosed we will be loosed 2 luqh<s^ luqh<sesqe You will be loosed you all will be loosed 3 luqh<setai luqh<sontai He/she/it will be loosed they will be loosed Chant: luqh<somai ^, etai, omeqa, esqe, ontai Chant: luqh<somai ^, etai, omeqa, esqe, ontai
Second Aorist Passive Stems lamba<nw e]lh<mfqhn lamba<nw e]lh<mfqhn le<gw e]rre<qhn le<gw e]rre<qhn o[ra<w w@fqhn o]fqh<somai o[ra<w w@fqhn o]fqh<somai ba<llw e]blh<qhn blhqh<somai ba<llw e]blh<qhn blhqh<somai
Person Personal Pronoun Chant Person Personal Pronoun Chant Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. e]gw< su < h[mei?j Nom. e]gw< su < h[mei?j Gen. mou sou h[mw?n Dat. moi soi h[mi?n Acc. me se h[ma<j Gen. mou sou h[mw?n Dat. moi soi h[mi?n Acc. me se h[ma<j au]to<j, au]th, au]to< (he, she, it) au]to<j, au]th, au]to< (he, she, it)
Rapping the Lord’s Prayer Pa o@noma qe o@noma qe<lhma< sou, let be will your
Rapping the Lord’s Prayer w[j e]n ou]ran&? kai> e]pi> gh?j: as in heaven also on earth to>n a@rton h[mw?n to>n the bread our e]piou j h[mi?n sh e]pi> gh?j: as in heaven also on earth to>n a@rton h[mw?n to>n the bread our e]piou j h[mi?n sh<meron: daily give us today
Rapping the Lord’s Prayer kai> a@fej h[mi?n ta> o]feilh h[mei?j a]fh a@fej h[mi?n ta> o]feilh h[mei?j a]fh<kamen as also we have forgiven toi?j o]feile<taij h[mw?n the ones trespassing us
Introduction to Contract Verbs What is a contract verb? What is a contract verb? Verb stems ending in: a, e, o Verb stems ending in: a, e, o An example is: a]gapa<w An example is: a]gapa<w
2 Scenarios: The big picture Present and Imperfect: Present and Imperfect: –Vowel of the stem ending and connecting vowel contract –a]gap + a< + o + men = a]gapw?men Aorist and Future (the suffix s) Aorist and Future (the suffix s) – The stem vowel lengthens –a]gap + a< + s + omen = a]gaph<somen
Contraction Rules (FOLDS) 1) First dissimilar overcomes. a, e, or h which ever one comes first its long vowel is used 1) First dissimilar overcomes. a, e, or h which ever one comes first its long vowel is used –a + e = a + h = long a –e + h = h –a]gapa? + ete = a]gapa?te 2) O overcomes. 2) O overcomes. –o + a = w; e + w = w –a]gapa< + w = a]gapw? –Except: e + o = ou; o + e = ou
Contraction Rules (FOLDS) 3) Likes go long. 3) Likes go long. –a + a = a; e + h = h; o + w = w –Except: e + e = ei; (poie + ete = poiei?te) – o + o = ou; 4). Dissimilar diphthong contracts. 4). Dissimilar diphthong contracts. –o + ei = oi; e + oi = oi; o + ^ = oi
Contraction Rules (FOLDS) 5) Same vowel diphthong drops. 5) Same vowel diphthong drops. –o + ou = ou; e + ei = ei; –poie + eij = poiei?j
5 Contraction Rules: FOLDS 1) F irst dissimilar overcomes. goes long a, e, h 1) F irst dissimilar overcomes. goes long a, e, h –e + h = h 2) O overcomes. o + e e + o = ou 2) O overcomes. o + e e + o = ou 3) L ikes go long. e + e = ei; o + o = ou 3) L ikes go long. e + e = ei; o + o = ou 4) D issimilar diphthong contracts o + ei = oi 4) D issimilar diphthong contracts o + ei = oi 5) S ame vowel diphthong drops 5) S ame vowel diphthong drops –o + ou = ou
Paradigms for a, e, and o types a type = a]gapa<w (I love) a type = a]gapa<w (I love) Present Active Indicative a]gapa<w 1 a]gapw? (aw) a]gapw?men (aomen) 2 a]gap%?j (aeij) a]gapa?te (aete) 3 a]gap%? (aei) a]gapw?si (aousi) Present Active Indicative a]gapa<w 1 a]gapw? (aw) a]gapw?men (aomen) 2 a]gap%?j (aeij) a]gapa?te (aete) 3 a]gap%? (aei) a]gapw?si (aousi)
Paradigms for a, e, and o types e type = poie<w (I do/make) e type = poie<w (I do/make) Present Active Indicative poie<w Present Active Indicative poie<w 1 poiw? (ew) poiou?men (eomen) 2 poiei?j (eeij) poiei?te (eete) 3 poiei? (eei) poiou?si (eousi) 1 poiw? (ew) poiou?men (eomen) 2 poiei?j (eeij) poiei?te (eete) 3 poiei? (eei) poiou?si (eousi)
Paradigms for a, e, and o types o type = plhro<w (I fill) o type = plhro<w (I fill) Present Active Indicative plhro<w Present Active Indicative plhro<w 1 plhrw?? (ow) plhrou?men (oomen) 2 plhroi?j (oeij) plhrou?te (oete) 3 plhroi? (oei) plhrou?si (oousi) 1 plhrw?? (ow) plhrou?men (oomen) 2 plhroi?j (oeij) plhrou?te (oete) 3 plhroi? (oei) plhrou?si (oousi)
Lemoners revisited krinw in the future krinw in the future Actually it goes like this: Actually it goes like this: –krinw + s ( replaced by e and then contracted) –krinw + e +w/eij/ei krinw?
Principle Parts a]gapa<w, a]gaph<sw, h]ga<phsa, h]ga<phka, h]ga<phmai, h]gaph<qhn a]gapa<w, a]gaph<sw, h]ga<phsa, h]ga<phka, h]ga<phmai, h]gaph<qhn poie<w, poih<sw, e]poi<hsa, pepoi<hka, pepoi<hmai, ___ poie<w, poih<sw, e]poi<hsa, pepoi<hka, pepoi<hmai, ___ plhro<w, plhrw<sw, e]plh<rwsa, peplh<rwka, peplh<rwmai, e]plhrw<qhn plhro<w, plhrw<sw, e]plh<rwsa, peplh<rwka, peplh<rwmai, e]plhrw<qhn
Chapter 17 Vocabulary ei] ei] if, that if, that
Chapter 17 Vocabulary e]sqi<w e]sqi<w I eat I eat
Chapter 17 Vocabulary za<w za<w I live I live
Chapter 17 Vocabulary zhte<w zhte<w I seek I seek
Chapter 17 Vocabulary h@ h@ or, either or, either
Chapter 17 Vocabulary kale<w kale<w I call I call
Chapter 17 Vocabulary lale<w lale<w I speak, say I speak, say
Chapter 17 Vocabulary parakale<w parakale<w I urge, exhort I urge, exhort
Chapter 17 Vocabulary plhro<w plhro<w I fill, complete I fill, complete
Chapter 17 Vocabulary poie<w poie<w I do, make I do, make
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