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Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 1 Control System Overview October 12, 2006 Hamid Shoaee for the LCLS Controls Group Outline Goals & Commissioning Schedule Injector Control System Installation Responses to FAC Concerns Status update Summary
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 2 The focus in the past six months has been timely installation of the injector Controls Complete the design of critical systems and follow through with system production Accelerate procurement activities to ensure availability for installation Align cable plant design and procurement with the project-wide installation schedule Collaborate with the physicists to ensure the availability of required software tools for machine commissioning
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 3 LCLS Electron Commissioning Schedule July 24S20 ready for laser installation Aug 29Laser installation complete Dec 18Virtual cathode fully characterized (ready to install gun) Dec 19RF gun installation starts (10 days) + pre-beam checkout Dec 18-Jan 1Holidays Jan 2VVS’s switched on (RF power available) Jan 12First laser UV-light on cathode Jan 12-Feb 4Electron commissioning in GTL and gun-spectrometer only Jan 12-Feb 4RF processing L0a, L0b, Tcav (and gun: already processed) Feb 4Latest start for L1 and X-band processing (assumed 15 days) Feb 5Beam into L0a, L0b and down to SAB – L0a,b proc. complete Feb 20Beam into L1 linac (to TD11 dump) - L1, X-band proc. complete ~JuneTake beam down full linac (to BSY SL2 stopper) From P. Emma
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 4 LCLS Accelerator and Compressor Schematic SLAC linac tunnel research yard Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-1 L 9 m rf 25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf 41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf 0° BC1 L 6 m R 56 39 mm BC2 L 22 m R 56 25 mm DL2 L =275 m R 56 0 DL1 L 12 m R 56 0 undulator L =130 m 6 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.05 % 135 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.10 % 250 MeV z 0.19 mm 1.6 % 4.30 GeV z 0.022 mm 0.71 % 13.6 GeV z 0.022 mm 0.01 % Linac-X L =0.6 m rf = 21-1 b,c,d...existing linac L0-a,b rfgun 21-3b24-6d X 25-1a30-8c Commission in Jan. 2007 Commission in Jan. 2008 From P. Emma
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 5 Pre-Beam Checkouts Vault/Linac Checkouts Power on access: Check polarity of magnets Read-backs, Motion controller: Exercise motion-control YAG/OTR camera images: Use Alignment laser to define screen center Pre-Beam preparation Laser stabilization system Fiducializing of real cathode location w.r.t virtual cathode LLRF for Gun, L0a, L0b (Volt. feedback, Phase Lock) Start conditioning (Gun, L0a, L0b) if PPS ready Dark current measurement if FC1 ready Vacuum pumps and gauges reading available Feedback loops for gun temperature stabilization
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 6 Injector Control System Installation Plan Controls installation has taken place in several stages including: Design, procurement and installation of the cable plant including trays, long haul DC and I&C cables, terminations, etc. Phase 1 (Apr. ’06 thru Jun. ’06) Phase II (Aug. ’06 thru Dec. ’06) Procurement, preparation and installation of the electronics racks. Installation of electronics chassis, modules, and intra-rack wiring Installation of the Controls software on the production servers
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 7 Phase I Cable including Laser Room & LIT-01 Rack -Terminate Cables Phase II Cable Plant -Install Trays, Cable -Terminate BC1 Area
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 8 Phase II Installation Scope - Gun to TD11
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 9 Linac/ BC1 Housing Area
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 10 Phase I Cable/Tray was successfully completed
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 11 Cable Plant Phase II, Racks, Crates, etc. Phase II cable plant has been successfully designed and documented Davis-Bacon contract has been awarded. The procurement and installation is currently in progress All electronics racks have been received and installed in the field
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 12 PS Racks B024 Assembly Area
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 13 Vacuum Controls Racks in Sector 20 Most equipment has been installed in racks in Sector 20 All long haul cables installed and most connectors installed Remaining work: PLC programming and EPICS databases – in progress
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 14 PPS/LSS Rack Field Installation PPS/Laser Safety System (LSS) Field Installation (S20) LSS active for Laser room. PPS installation in process Certification December 18-24
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 15 Installation details will be presented in the breakout session With a few exceptions the procurement of control components has been completed While the majority of subsystems will be installed on time, a few will be just in time delivery, including BPMs and Toroids electronics. Systems are typically checked out on test stands, and field installation will be done by Davis-Bacon contractors.
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 16 MCC, Networks, Servers, & Workstations Production Systems Delivered Networks at S20 RF Hut & MCC: physical and wireless LCLSDMZ, LCLS private, wireless MCC infrastructure built: power & racks First group of LINUX RHEL4 Servers: 2 applications, 2 EPICS archiver Control Room Linux Workstation – 4 (24-inch) monitor & 2 monitor configurations Control Room Stations S20 Laser Room is actively in use to commission laser Main Control Center (MCC) Control Room space is allocated, installing 3 Workstations & laptop work areas MCC Foyer: space for SUNray & laptop work areas
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 18 Control Room Infrastructure Working on applications and migrating to production environments. Error Logs Artemis LCLS area exists Operations and Physics E-logs created Cyber Security Protection Program (CSPP) Update Completed – MCC enclave included LCLS accelerator controls AIP network upgrade at MCC for gigabit traffic to support digital control room
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 19 FAC Response 1 – MPS The controls group made the wise decision to extend the 1553 MPS system for the injector turn-on and will later continue development of the newer MPS system (which is needed to respond in 1 pulse rather than the 3 pulse response time of the 1553 MPS system). An update on MPS progress should be presented at the next FAC meeting. In addition to implementing the 1553 system, further work should be done on the new system. There will be a presentation on the MPS in the breakout session. Work has been done on the design of the linac MPS and a design review will be held in November
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 20 FAC Response 2 – BPM They still have a tight schedule. There has been progress since the last review, but no decision has been taken on which digitizer to use yet. This decision should be taken very soon. The schedule is still very tight. However we have selected a digitizer and the details will be presented at the breakout session
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 21 FAC Response 3 – Cost, Schedule, cable plant concerns Management has changed. [Hamid] has made some changes and does think they can support an on time injector commissioning with some temporary solutions. We agree with the latter statement and believe the schedule will be very tight. Particular attention is needed for the cables in the linac which must be installed in the coming shutdown. We support Hamid’s plan to rework the schedule and cost estimates. Linac Cable plant installation is proceeding well and will be completed during the shutdown. There has been a bottom up cost estimate of the control system
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 22 FAC Response 4 – Use of commercial solutions It seems like now there is less emphasis on using COTS solutions. Increase that emphasis please. For example the plan has been to use a commercial card for the timing system, but now they are thinking of getting rights to the design and modifying it to remove unused functionality and reduce cost. We highly doubt this would be worth the engineering effort. All timing system electronics have been procured from the manufacturer. There are no plans to produce them locally. With a few exceptions, most of the controls electronics consist of commercial boards: exceptions include BPM & Toroid AFE, LLRF.
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 23 FAC Response 5 – Embedded IOC Different groups may be using different embedded IOCs. See if they can be standardized. Don’t do this if it is so late in the development cycle that the change would be highly disruptive. A single embedded IOC board is being used on a number of systems including BPM, Toroid, BLM, LLRF
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 24 FAC Response 6 – Management Controls would benefit from a full time deputy and designated technical leads for each technical area. The latter would be people who spend 25% of their time on management and do technical work the rest of the time. The recently revised controls budget includes a deputy position which will be posted shortly.
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 25 Update April 2006 – October 2006 (1) Long Haul cable plant design is complete and reviewed. Installation is in progress. Magnet Controls & PS HW & SW Status Final Design Review conducted successfully 6 new racks Installed in Sector 20: Sep 24, 2006 EPICS Software Almost all functionality is implemented and tested SLC-aware magnet control and monitor - done provides interface between magnet devices and the legacy control system System Integration on Nov 10, 2006
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 26 Magnet Control Display
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 27 Update April 2006 – October 2006 Safety Systems PPS LCLS Injector PPS Reviews are Complete RSC ‘conditional approval’ obtained Hardware drawings, wiring diagrams are complete; installation in progress BCS Prevents radiation from ‘escaping’ the shielding enclosure Direct measurements of radiation or beam loss Protection of safety-critical collimators and stoppers Hardware is nearing readiness for installation Original ‘Mode-switching’ BCS proposal has been sidelined for now Propose an ‘Interim BCS’ where conservatively “All BCS faults shut- off all Guns.”
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 28 Update April 2006 – October 2006 Safety Systems Interim MPS Using existing linac infrastructure (1553 MPS) Adding new signals and devices Interim MPS will be used for gating beam Single Shot Mode Burst Mode MPS algorithm is responsible for both LCLS and CID beam Pockels cell and MPS mechanical shutter limit laser rate on cathode Hardware procurement is almost complete and installation will be completed in early December
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 29 The injector laser stabilization system includes two feedback loops The first loop includes two mirrors, each with two actuators and one camera. It stabilizes laser traveling through a 10-meter tube The second loop includes one mirror with two actuators and adjusts the laser position on the cathode. The IOC reads the image from camera, calculates the laser’s position error and applies a correction to the actuators. The loop operates @ 1 Hz, and the camera is synced to 120Hz. The prototype of the first loop has been tested for several months and works well. Injection Laser Control System
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 30 The first loop Actuator A1 Camera A Laser Actuator A2 Actuator B1 Actuator B2 Camera B Spiricon
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 31 Motion: Newport XPSC8 Motion Controller Pentium 4 PC based vxWorks powered Support up to eight motors Ethernet control interface Digital I/O and analog I/O built-in
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 32 Image Acquisition PULNiX TM-6710CL camera CCD:1/2” Shutter: Full Frame UV option:Yes Resolution:648x484 Progressive:Yes External Trigger:Yes Full scan:120Hz Analog Output:Yes Cameralink:Yes EDT PMC DV C-Link Cameralink compatible 32bit/66MHz PCI
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 33 Snapshot EDM screen of two cameras
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 34 OTR/YAG systems We have a total of 21 OTR/YAGs of which 14 are needed for commissioning The equipment consists of UniqVision UP900CL-12B camera EDT PMC Cameralink ® interface EDT RCX Cameralink ® /Fiber converter Profile Monitor Controller is built in SLAC to handle pneumatic, filter, lens and bulbs Acromag Digital I/O module IP445/440 are used in IOC to interface with Profile Monitor Controller.
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 35 Toroid/Faraday Cup We have a total 14 Toroids and 2 Faraday cups of which 6 Toroids and 2 Faraday cups are needed for commissioning Beam Charge Monitor Chassis is built in SLAC to handle signal conditioning, integration and MPS interface. Acromag IP330 ADC is used in IOC to interface with Beam Charge Monitor Chassis. Since the existing EPICS driver did not match our requirement, a brand new driver developed. 4-Channel fast ADC is built at SLAC to image dark current for FC01, FCG1 and IM01, IM02(optional).
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 36 Bunch Length Monitor There are 2 Bunch Length Monitors needed for commissioning BL11, BL12 The amplifier is built in SLAC to handle signal conditioning. 4-Channel fast ADC is built in SLAC to read the signal. A Solenoid Controller is built in SLAC to handle filters and pneumatic actuators. Acromag Digital I/O module IP445/440 are used in IOC to interface with Solenoid Controller.
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 37 Wire Scanner Detector Locations 7 Wire Scanners for Injection Commissioning Hardware Assembled, Tested (without beam), Calibrated, and currently being installed Software is 80% complete Require further testing of PMTs and Ion Chambers for acquisition of Wire data
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 38 Injection Wire Scanners after Assembly
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 39 Wire Scanner Operator Displays Scanner Control Options
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 40 LLRF Distribution Schedule Racks to be installed in RF Hut – next week RF Cables (On-site) to be pulled – mid October RF Chassis – 50% complete 10 more chassis required for turn on, to be installed by December Remainder by March 2007 Testing of RF distribution system - December Phase measurements of cables / looped Ready for turn-on – Mid December
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 41 LLRF Distribution Scope of Work – Injector Turn-on Sector 20 RF distribution system Phase and Amplitude Controllers (PACs) – 5 units Phase and Amplitude Detectors (PAD) – 2 units Phased Locked Oscillator – Use SPPS unit for Turn On LO Generator – Complete - 50% tested – looks good so far Multiplier – 476MHz to 2856MHz – Complete 75% Tested 4 distribution chassis – Complete 102MHz, 2056MHz, 2830.5MHz Laser Phase Measurement – in Design, diagnostic, not required for turn on – Laser group wants it next week. Distribution Amplifiers – 10W, 2850MHz due Oct 25, 102MHz Amp being built LLRF Control and Monitor System 1 kW Solid State S-Band Amplifiers – 5 units – Design Complete, In Fab PAD – 12 units – 6 required for turn on PAC – 6 units Bunch Length Monitor Interface – awaiting Specs Beam Phase Cavity Will use single channel of PAD Chassis Pill box cavity with 2 probes and 4 tuners – 2805MHz 3 units Complete
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 42 High Level Applications Through interactions with LCLS physicists we have tried to identify the required software for injector commissioning Prio rity Injector Devices to be Scanned by Correlation Plots 1 Magnet settings (BDES) XCOR, YCOR, SOLN, QUAD, BEND, BTRM, LGPS 1 RF phase settings (PDES?) for gun, L0a, L0b, L1, Lx, and TCAV0 1 RF amplitude settings (VDES?) for gun, L0a, L0b, L1, Lx, and TCAV0 1 Drive-laser x, y pointing on cathode (or feedback set-point)? 2BC1 chicane-mover setting 2BC1 collimator (CE11) jaw settings
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 43 High Level Applications Required high level applications software Correlation Plots Buffered Acquisition Orbit Applications Multiknob Image Management Emittance, Slice Emittance, Beta Matching Energy Spread and Slice Energy Spread Bunch Length Measurement On-line model Configuration management
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 44 Many application are available from the legacy control system
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 45 Applications provided by the SCP A large suite of applications are available from the SLC control program including correlations plot, orbit control, modeling, etc. The SLC-aware IOC provides beam synchronous data to Buffered Acquisition and Correlation Plots from a number of sources including BPM, BLEN, PMT, LLRF, Faraday Cups, Toroids, some Laser devices
Applications provided in MATLAB Image Management Bunch Length Measurement Emittance and Energy Application
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 47 Next Six Months Linac MPS design Cable plant PS procurement Linac BPM XES LUSI
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 48 Breakout Session 4 – CONTROLS Location – Redwood C, Bldg 48 11:30am Controls Organization Overview H. Shoaee 12:00pm Injector/Linac Controls Installation R. Fuller 12:30 Lunch (FAC members only) 1:30pm High-Level Applications & FeedbackD. Fairley 2:00pm Timing Systems Update P. Krejcik 2:30pm PLC-based PPSM. Saleski 3:00pm BPM Update S. Smith 3:30pm Break 4:00pm Machine Protection System S. Norum
Hamid Shoaee LCLS Facility Advisory Committee October 2006 49 Conclusions Great progress has been made in the past six months towards readiness for injector installation While the majority of Controls subsystems will be installed on time, a few will be just in time delivery An ETC exercise has identified and fixed a number shortcomings in the baseline budget The collaboration with other departments at SLAC has proven very productive While commissioning the injector, we need to be aware of the installation schedule for the rest of the machine including the experimental areas Through collaboration with the physics group are ensuring the availability of required applications software for injector commissioning.
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