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Another Astro- News X-Ray Source SCO X-1 as a TNO Occultation Survey Target Pingshien 051201.

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Presentation on theme: "Another Astro- News X-Ray Source SCO X-1 as a TNO Occultation Survey Target Pingshien 051201."— Presentation transcript:

1 Another Astro- News X-Ray Source SCO X-1 as a TNO Occultation Survey Target Pingshien 051201

2 Outline Occultation RXTE and SCO X-1 Analyze Results Problem Future work

3 Occultation

4 RXTE Source Total(cts/ s) <3.25keV<4.25keV<5.75keV<8.75keV <12.25ke V Sco X-110983025850472807624096630106030 Crab165703300597091801280014780 Cyg X-1838012902450399059307120 A062014364080550112190132060141280143090 The instrumental properties of the PCA : Energy range : 2-60KeV Energy resolution : < 18% at 6 KeV Time resolution : 1 microsec Spatial resolution : collimator with 1 degree FWHM Collecting area : 7000 square cm

5 SCO X-1 Sco X-1, the first cosmic X-ray source (other than the Sun) ever detected, was discovered on June 18, 1962. RA,DEC : 16 19 55.07, -15 38 24.8 (J2000) Distance: 2.8+-0.3kpc Orbital period: 18.9 hr Inclination angle: 40 o +- 6 o Luminosity: 2.3 X 10 38 ergs s -1 Mass: 1.4M and 0.42M

6 PrNb Date_Star t Date_endTime(s)Use-PCA-ModeFind Event 1005 6 1996/05/2 5 1996/05/2 8 63826B_125US_1M_0_87_H8 1006 1 1996/05/2 4 1996/05/2 5 5254B_125US_1M_0_87_H3 1997/03/1 5 9604B_125US_1M_0_87_H4 1998/01/0 2 9362B_125US_1M_0_87_H 2005 3 1997/04/1 8 1997/04/2 4 68067B_250US_2A_0_49_H10 1998/01/0 3 1998/01/0 8 38932B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 2042 6 1997/08/0 3 1997/08/0 4 6782B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 1997/08/2 2 4549B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 3003 5 1998/05/3 0 1998/06/0 2 28143B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 1999/01/0 6 638B_250US_2A_0_49_H 3003 6 1999/01/0 6 1999/01/0 8 6424B_250US_2A_0_49_H2 4002 0 1999/01/0 8 1999/01/0 9 23726B_125US_1M_0_87_H2 4070 6 1999/06/1 0 1999/06/1 3 42078B_250US_2A_0_49_H 7001 4 2002/03/1 5 4592 B_250US_1M_0_249_ H 1 2002/05/1 5 2002/05/1 6 9200 B_250US_1M_0_249_ H 1 7001 5 2002/05/1 9 1376B_250US_2A_8_39_H RXTE Data I use


8 Analyze

9 Observation Analyse and Simulation

10 47 Found Event

11 EventIDTimeSignificanceEventIDTimeSignificance 175589744.73-8.125104521116-7.6 275596185.48-7.926113274139.9-7.9 375607387.36-8.227114841117-7.9 475636518.11-7.928126486108.3-7.7 575681893.99-10.429126486868.8-7.2 675768925.2-9.130126493468.2-8 775769118.85-731126493743.8-7.3 875784790.22-7.332126758318.5-10 975865556.47-7.133126826278.3-8.8 1075866531.47-7.934126833983.4-7.7 1175870296.15-7.535126844376.5-7.2 12101069532.7-8.236126914899.4-7.4 13101079168.6-8.137139123117.8-7.1 14101080221.6-7.238139123549.3-7.2 15101081410.9-10.739139300106.2-8.9 16104191887.2-7.740139306642.9-7.1 17104273028.9-7.641139374320-7.5 18104340676.8-8.442139377035.8-7.4 19104349094.7-7.443139382789.1-7.1 20104353322.2-7.244158424953.3-7.1 21104354428.1-7.845158465382.4-7.5 22104423594.5-8.246258776105-7.5 23104423759.9-7.347264201682.6-7 24104516097.1-8 1ms-event : 10 2ms-event : 36 5ms-event : 1

12 Event with Time

13 PrNb Date_Star t Date_endTime(s)Use-PCA-ModeFind Event 1005 6 1996/05/2 5 1996/05/2 8 63826B_125US_1M_0_87_H8 1006 1 1996/05/2 4 1996/05/2 5 5254B_125US_1M_0_87_H3 1997/03/1 5 9604B_125US_1M_0_87_H4 1998/01/0 2 9362B_125US_1M_0_87_H 2005 3 1997/04/1 8 1997/04/2 4 68067B_250US_2A_0_49_H10 1998/01/0 3 1998/01/0 8 38932B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 2042 6 1997/08/0 3 1997/08/0 4 6782B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 1997/08/2 2 4549B_250US_2A_0_49_H1 3003 5 1998/05/3 0 1998/06/0 2 28143B_250US_2A_0_49_H7 1999/01/0 6 638B_250US_2A_0_49_H 3003 6 1999/01/0 6 1999/01/0 8 6424B_250US_2A_0_49_H2 4002 0 1999/01/0 8 1999/01/0 9 23726B_125US_1M_0_87_H2 4070 6 1999/06/1 0 1999/06/1 3 42078B_250US_2A_0_49_H 7001 4 2002/03/1 5 4592 B_250US_1M_0_249_ H 1 2002/05/1 5 2002/05/1 6 9200 B_250US_1M_0_249_ H 1 7001 5 2002/05/1 9 1376B_250US_2A_8_39_H

14 event510056-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-10ms-2.lc75681893.98-6.4 10056-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-2.lc75681893.99-7 10056-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-2.lc75681893.99-9.9 10056-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-2ms-2.lc75681893.99-7 10056-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-5ms-2.lc75681893.99-10.4

15 event610056-01-03-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-2.lc75768925.2-7.6 10056-01-03-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-2ms-2.lc75768925.2-9.1

16 1210061-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-1.lc101069532.7-9.2 10061-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-1.lc101069532.7-7.4 10061-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-2ms-1.lc101069532.7-8.2

17 event1510061-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-1ms-3.lc101081410.9-9.1 10061-01-02-00-B_125us_1M_0_87_H-2ms-3.lc101081410.9-10.7

18 event2420053-01-01-06-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-1ms-3.lc104516097.1-9 20053-01-01-06-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-2ms-3.lc104516097.1-8

19 event3220053-01-02-03-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-1ms-3.lc126758318.5-7.5 20053-01-02-03-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-2ms-3.lc126758318.5-10

20 event3930035-01-03-00-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-1ms-6.lc139300106.2-8 30035-01-03-00-B_250us_2A_0_49_H-2ms-6.lc139300106.2-8.9

21 24 13 10

22 Problem? What makes the lightcurves drop? Instrument Problem? KBO? OR Other? If the events are ture occultation, the objects maybe the any objects between Earth and SCO X-1, can we understand them? Do the shapes of lightcurve drops have any relation?

23 Future Work ? Work Hard ! Thanks….. ……….. be continued

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