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Transportation Planning CE 573 Lecture 5. Topics Data collection Statistics review Project discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Planning CE 573 Lecture 5. Topics Data collection Statistics review Project discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Planning CE 573 Lecture 5

2 Topics Data collection Statistics review Project discussion

3 Measurement Locations/Times Cordon Screen line Isolated point Peak Off-peak Days of week Days of year


5 Sample Size Mean Standard deviation Sample size Confidence level Population size

6 Sample Method Simple random Stratified random

7 Instrument Survey questions Recording media/device

8 Personnel Work shifts Individual capabilities Communications

9 Discussion of project Task1: Goals Healthy and equitable Cost efficient Efficient land usage

10 Discussion of project Task 2: Define indicators –Healthy and equitable Health and fitness  survey data (1) Transport diversity  traffic data(2) Mode split  survey data (3) Mobility for non-drivers  survey data (1) –Cost efficient Consumer transport costs  survey data (2) Market principles  U of I facilities admin (3) Facility costs  U of I facilities admin (1) Commute speed  survey data (2) –Efficient land usage Land use impacts  Aerial photos (3) Land use mix  Moscow land use zoning map (1) Land use accessibility  Moscow land use zoning map (2) Commute speed  survey data (3)

11 Discussion of project Task 3: Describe data for indicators Group 1Group 2Group 3 Health and fitnessTransport diversityMode split Mobility for non-driversConsumer transport costsMarket principles Facility costsCommute speedLand use impacts Land use mixLand use accessibilityCommute speed

12 Discussion of project Task 4: Design the data collection plan

13 Assignments Review statistics notes posted on class web page Homework 3

14 Assignments Review statistics notes posted on class web page Homework 3 Due 9/5

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