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VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang SHENIE: Simulation of High Energy Neutrino Interacting with the Earth M.A. Huang a, Y.L. Hong b, C.H. Iong bc, G.L. Lin b (a)

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Presentation on theme: "VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang SHENIE: Simulation of High Energy Neutrino Interacting with the Earth M.A. Huang a, Y.L. Hong b, C.H. Iong bc, G.L. Lin b (a)"— Presentation transcript:

1 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang SHENIE: Simulation of High Energy Neutrino Interacting with the Earth M.A. Huang a, Y.L. Hong b, C.H. Iong bc, G.L. Lin b (a) General Education Center, National United University, 1, Lien-da, Kung-ching Li, Miao-Li, 36003, TAIWAN (b) Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University, 1001 Ta Hsueh Rd., Hsin-chu, 300, TAIWAN (c) Current Address: Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, 105, TAIWAN Presenter: M.A. Huang (,

2 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang What is SHENIE SHENIE means goddess in Mandarin!

3 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang UHE- fluxes  So many UHE- fluxes, how to detect them?  Traditional detector technology  NuTel & CRTNT  New techniques  Radio  Sound wave Need MC simulation for neutrino interacting with the Earth!

4 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Target: Mauna Loa, Hawaii Big Island, USA P. Yeh, et al., Modern Physics Lett. A.19, 1117-1124, (2004). Mauna Loa View from Hualalai See NuTel talk by Bob Y. Hsiung

5 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Target: Mt. Wheeler, Nevada, USA. (prototype in construction) Z. Cao, M.A. Huang, P. Sokolsky, Y. Hu, J. Phys. G, 31, 571-582, (2005) Highlight of the year 2005 by J PG See CRTNT talk by Zhen Cao

6 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Radio array in salt dome  Radio signal from EAS  Large Cherenkov angle!  Underground salt dome.  Higher density than water/ice  Good transparency to radio signal  Free of artificial noise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Depth (km) Halite (rock salt) L  ( 500 m w.e. Depth to >10km Diameter: 3-8 km V eff ~ 100-200 km 3 w.e. No known background >2  steradians possible Antenna array Figure comes from Peter Gorham, talk in SLAC SalSA workshop, 2005.

7 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Previous version of SHENIE  Monte-Carlo simulation for all processes except energy loss, which use deterministic method.  where decay length =  E.  Publications based on this version:  M.A. Huang, J.J. Tseng, and G.L. Lin (7/31- 8/7, 2003) Proc. of the 28th ICRC, Tsukuba, Japan, p.1427, (2003)  M.A. Huang, Proc. of the 21th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (ν-2004) at Paris, French, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 143, 546, (2005); astro-ph/0412642  P. Yeh, et al., Proc. of CosPA 2003, Modern Physics Lett. A.19, 1117-1124, (2004)  Z. Cao, M.A. Huang, P. Sokolsky, Y. Hu, J. Phys. G, 31, 571-582, (2005)

8 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Current SHENIE structure CC/NC leptons   hadrons e New event N Y Propagation thru. Earth Tauola Enter DSR EE e  h N Y Enter DSR Y shower E sh N Exit DSR Y N CC :     decay dE/dx E Direction, position EE

9 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Coordinate system  Global :  Isotropic distribution of  &   path length L and total depth  Local :  User supplied topological map Altitude (East, North)  X: geometric East  Y: geometric North  Z: Vertical (geodetic) outward     L RR L=2R  sin 

10 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Earth Model  Spherical Earth, R  = 6371.2 Km  Density/composition profile  Material around detector can be selected from 4 materials.

11 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang DSR  DSR: Detector Sensitive Region  For SalSA simulation: Sphere of 5 km radius, under 1km of rock.  For ES telescope: DSR set on top of Earth and local topological map must be supplied. Salt dome 1 km 5 km Std. rock

12 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang -N interaction  CC/NC total cross- section determine interaction probability.  W–resonance can be added by users  Non-Standard model cross-section can be implemented as external data file G.L. Lin, M.A. Huang, C.H. Iong, work in progress

13 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Materials  4 materials: std. rock, water (ice), salt, iron  Input particles:  e/ e,  / ,  /   Energy loss of  and  in 4 materials  Ionization (  ).  Pair Production, Photo- Nuclear, Bressmstrlung  Soft energy loss cut at 0.01 (can be changed)  Tau loss by ~ 0.16% at E > 2.5  10 17 eV.

14 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang  decay   decay simulated by  Randomly choose one event from a data bank of pre-simulated events current version  Link to TAUOLA in near future  TAUOLA simulation  Fully polarized  Tauola have 22 decay modes, while PDB have 37 modes  TAUOLA gives 4 momentum in CM of all decay particles  Define E’ cm = P ║ + M   Boost to lab by  = E  -lab / M   Secondary particle energy in lab frame E’ lab =  E’ cm

15 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Shower energy  If  decay inside Earth, E -lab is calculated and are re- propagated thru the rest of journey.  If  decay in atmosphere, shower energy E sh is sum over E lab of hadrons or electron / gamma.  The mean energy per particles is calculated by E sh /M, where M is number of secondary particles which generate shower. Esh-CM Mean energy ~ 0.5

16 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Consistence check  Use several methods to calculate tau flux passing through 100km of standard rock for two different source spectrum (AGN and GZK).  MC: Use SHENIE, this work M.A. Huang, et al., paper in preparation.  Semi-MC: MC in all processes except dE/dX M.A. Huang, Proc. of ν-2004 at Paris, Nucl. Phys. B, 143, 546, (2005)  Analytical calculation: Solve  and  transport eq. J.J. Tseng et al., Phys. Rev. D 68, 063003, (2003).  Source spectrum: AGN: A. Neronov, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 051101 (2002) GZK: R. Engel, D. Seckel and T. Stanev, Phys. Rev. D 64, 093010 (2001). Typical Earth skimming event,  =90.5 , cord length ~100 km.

17 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang AGN  fluxes  MC method produce results similar to analytical method.  Conditions used in MC:  10 5 GeV < E < 10 10 GeV  N =3  10 7  ~1.10  10 20 cm -2 s -1 sr -1  N  =2979 (at E > 10 5 GeV)  Mean conversion efficiency 9.93  10 -5  Total fluxes 2.7  10 -17 (cm 2 sr s) -1 ; Equivalent to 8.5 events/(km 2 sr yr)  Should multiply trigger efficiency and acceptance to get event rate. Both energy-dependent  energy peak at around 5~63 PeV, shower energy will peak around 10 PeV.

18 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang GZK  fluxes  For GZK neutrinos,  Slightly move to lower energy due to large energy loss.  MC simulation conditions:  10 5 GeV < E < 10 12 GeV  N =508294  ~1.52  10 22 cm -2 s -1 sr -1  N  =5969 (at E > 10 5 GeV)  Mean conversion efficiency 1.17  10 -2  Total fluxes 3.9  10 -19 (cm 2 sr s) -1 ; Equivalent to 0.12 events/(km 2 sr yr)  energy peak at around 0.04 PeV ~1.6 EeV, Shower energy will peak around 0.1 EeV.

19 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Underground salt dome detector  Strawman array: 12 x 12 strings, 12 nodes per string (8 shown), 225 m spacing.  Total volume (2.475km) 3 = 15.16 km 3 = 32.83 km 3 of w.e.  Figure and specification come from Peter Gorham, talk in SLAC SalSA workshop, Mar. 2005.

20 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Results -1  cos  vs. shower energy: all events

21 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang SalSA tau events  Showers come from several processes: decay, energy loss, CC and reverse CC.  For each event, the maximum energy of sub-showers were used to identify this event.

22 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang  FWHM of cos  distribution: -0.05 < cos  < 1, i.e. 0<  < 93   FWHM of Esh: 10 16.5 eV < E sh < 10 18 eV. (Eth=10 15 eV)

23 VHENTW, 4/25/206M.A. Huang Conclusion  SHENIE simulation code is “almost” finish!  Still need some cosmetic works on user friendly I/O. Especially, need to work on output to ntuple.  No manual or any documentation yet!  For Earth skimming events:  AGN tau flux ~ 8.5 events/(km 2 sr yr), need detector ~ 1 km 2 sr Shower spectrum peak around 10 16 eV.  GZK tau flux ~ 0.12 events/(km 2 sr yr), need detector ~ 100 km 2 sr Shower spectrum peak around 10 17 eV.  For underground detector such as SalSA:  Shower spectrum peak around 10 17 eV.  -0.1 < cos  <1.  In a radius of 5km salt dome, tau event rate could reach ~ 2.5 events/year Highly depend on detector simulation, which is highly simplified in this study.

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