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Learning Bit by Bit Hidden Markov Models. Weighted FSA weather The is outside

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Bit by Bit Hidden Markov Models. Weighted FSA weather The is outside"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Bit by Bit Hidden Markov Models

2 Weighted FSA weather The is outside

3 Markov Chain Computing probability of an observed sequence of events

4 Markov Chain weather The is outside.7.3 Observation = “The weather outside” wind.5.1.9

5 Parts of Speech Grammatical constructs like noun, verb

6 POS examples Nnounchair, bandwidth, pacing Vverbstudy, debate, munch ADJadjectivepurple, tall, ridiculous ADVadverbunfortunately, slowly Pprepositionof, by, to PROpronounI, me, mine DETdeterminerthe, a, that, those

7 Parts of Speech-uses Speech recognition Speech synthesis Data mining Translation

8 POS Tagging Words often have more than one POS: back – The back door = JJ – On my back = NN – Win the voters back = RB – Promised to back the bill = VB The POS tagging problem is to determine the POS tag for a particular instance of a word.

9 POS Tagging Sentence = sequence of observations Ie. “Secretariat is expected to race tomorrow”

10 Disambiguating “race”

11 Hidden Markov Model Observed Hidden

12 Hidden Markov Model 2 kinds of probabilities: – Tag transitions – Word likelihoods

13 Hidden Markov Model Tag transition prob = P( tag | previous tag) – ie. P(VB | TO)

14 Hidden Markov Model Word likelihood probability = P(word | tag) – ie. P(“race” | VB)

15 Actual probabilities: – P (NN | TO) =.00047 – P (VB | TO) =.83

16 Actual probabilities: – P (NR| VB) =.0027 – P (NR| NN) =.0012

17 Actual probabilities: – P (race | NN) =.00057 – P (race | VB) =.00012


19 Hidden Markov Model Probability “to race tomorrow” =“TO VB NR” P(VB|TO) * P(NR|VB) * P(race|VB).83 *.0027 *.00012 = 0.00000026892

20 Hidden Markov Model Probability “to race tomorrow” =“TO NN NR” P(NN|TO) * P(NR|NN) * P(race|NN).00047*.0012*.00057 = 0.00000000032148

21 Hidden Markov Model Probability “to race tomorrow” =“TO NN NR” = 0.00000000032148 Probability “to race tomorrow” =“TO VB NR” = 0.00000026892

22 Bayesian Inference Correct answer = max (P (hypothesis | observed))

23 Bayesian Inference Prior probability = likelihood of the hypothesis

24 Bayesian Inference Likelihood = probability that the evidence matches the hypothesis

25 Bayesian Inference Bayesian vs. Frequentists Subjectivity

26 Examples

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