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Helping Your Children Become Happy and Successful Adults— Starting Now, No Matter How Young! Pamela Luft, Ph.D. Kent State University ASDC Conference July.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Your Children Become Happy and Successful Adults— Starting Now, No Matter How Young! Pamela Luft, Ph.D. Kent State University ASDC Conference July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Your Children Become Happy and Successful Adults— Starting Now, No Matter How Young! Pamela Luft, Ph.D. Kent State University ASDC Conference July 11, 2005 Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf

2 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD What Is Transition? Pennsylvania Transition Plan Categories –Postsecondary Education and Training –Employment –Independent Living Ohio Transition Plan Categories –Employment and Postsecondary –Postschool/Adult Living –Community Participation

3 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD What Should Transition Include? Issues and concerns regarding potential barriers to adult success –Student dreams and goals –Family-Specific Goals –School and Community Goals Transition should be inclusive and creative!

4 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Life Centered Career Education Competencies (Brolin, 1997) Domain 1: Daily Living Skills 1.Managing personal finances 2.Selecting and managing a household 3.Caring for personal needs 4.Raising children and meeting marriage responsibilities 5.Buying, preparing, and consuming food 6.Exhibiting responsible citizenship 7.Utilizing recreational facilities and engaging in leisure 8.Getting around the community

5 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Life Centered Career Education Competencies (Brolin, 1997) Domain 2: Personal-Social Skills 10. Achieving self-awareness 11. Acquiring self-confidence 12. Achieving socially responsible behavior 13. Maintaining good interpersonal skills 14. Achieving independence 15. Making adequate decisions 16. Communicating with others

6 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Life Centered Career Education Competencies (Brolin, 1997) Domain 3: Occupational Guidance and Preparation 17. Knowing and exploring occupational possibilities 18. Selecting and planning occupational choices 19. Exhibiting appropriate work habits and behaviors 20. Seeking, securing, and maintaining employment 21. Exhibiting sufficient physical-manual skills 22. Obtaining specific occupational skills

7 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD When Should Transition Start?—NOW!! Preschool –Beginning self-care and clean-up “helpers” –Friendships and family life activities Primary Grades –Basic self-care and clean-up –Beginning food preparation –Guided decision making, choice making, and problem solving

8 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Starting Transition NOW!! Upper Elementary –Independent self-care (hygiene & clothing) and clean-up (personal and shared areas) –Basic food preparation –Supported-decision making, choice making, and problem solving Identified areas for independent choices –Independent responsibilities Homework and school assignments Regular chores and family errands

9 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Starting Transition NOW!! Middle- and High-School –Independent self-care, cooking, and cleaning –Increasing responsibility for independent decision making, choice making, and problem solving –Increasingly self-monitored responsibilities Homework and school assignments Regular chores and family errands

10 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD How Can Parents and Family Members Help? School Roles –For planning and monitoring The majority of deaf educators are not well trained in transition services Schools are increasingly focusing on academic skills Family Roles –To utilize family living to build foundational skills for adult success

11 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Using Family Living for Transition Skill Building Family Fun and Hobbies –Balancing responsibilities with fun Making decisions and choices Problem solving Conflict resolution –Learning skills and preferences Self-awareness and acceptance of weaknesses Self-confidence –Socialization and relationship skills –Community awareness –Transportation skills and options

12 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Using Family Living for Transition Skill Building Family Chores –Home maintenance and repair –Sharing roles and responsibilities –Skills and preferences –Family, marriage, and child care responsibilities

13 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Family-Friendly Ways to Build Transition Skills LCCE Domains –Daily Living SkillsDaily Living Skills –Personal-Social Skills –Occupational Guidance and PreparationOccupational Guidance and Preparation

14 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Problem Solving or Decision/Choice Making Problem Solving Model (or conflict resolution/choice making) One basic process can be used in several ways 1. Identify the problem, decision, or choice. 2. Consider all possible solutions, options, or choices. 3. Identify the pros and cons of each solution or option. 4. Develop a plan of action for the top solution or option. 5. Put the plan into effect. 6. Evaluate the success of the plan. 7. Modify the plan as needed and begin again at step #5. (Luft, 2005)

15 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Critical Transition Skills Self-knowledge, self- confidence, and self- determination –Knowledge of interests, strengths, needs and preferences across: Work, daily living, community participation, socialization, and recreation Problem solving and decision making –Across all areas of living and working Self-esteem –Contributing to society and family

16 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD Transition Project at Kent State University -Focused on teachers and teacher-training -Family-based LCCE activities to support transition skill building Please send input and feedback to: 330-672-0593 (v/tty)

17 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD How Can the Grant Help You? Website Information –Transition teaching units (already posted) –LCCE transition information (posted soon) –Other? Technical Assistance –University student assistance –Other?

18 July 11, 2005Pamela Luft, PhD References Brolin, D. E. (1997). Life centered career education: A competency-based approach. Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children. Luft, P. (2005). Instructional strategies and transition settings. In R. W. Flexer, T. J. Simmons, P. Luft, & R. M. Baer (Eds.), Transition planning for secondary students with disabilities (2 nd ed., pp. 178-210), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Ohio Department of Education IEP Planning Guide. Available online at: exceptional_children-children_with_disabilities-Word- forms-final_revisions.doc.url exceptional_children-children_with_disabilities-Word- forms-final_revisions.doc.url Pennsylvania Department of Education IEP Planning Guide. Available online at: files/Forms/English/IEP_070105.pdf files/Forms/English/IEP_070105.pdf

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